European Qualifications Framework (EQF) has 8 levels (1 – the lowest, 8 – the highest).
Levels reflect the complexity level of acquired knowledge, skills and competences (learning outcomes).
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Information about the Latvian qualifications referenced to Latvian qualifications framework (LQF)
At the concept level:
1. Differences of national characteristics;
2. Requirements for safe and harmless food handling;
3. Basic principles of healthy nutrition;
4. Basics of anatomy and physiology;
5. The condition and illnesses of skin;
6. Basics of accounting;
7. Copyright law.
At the comprehension level:
1. Types (forms) and characteristics of bath-houses;
2. Effects of bath-house procedures on the physical and emotional condition of a person;
3. Principles of the development of bath-house procedure programme for different target audiences;
4. Basic principles of the creation of a client card;
5. Types of natural products;
6. Product nutritional value;
7. Allergens and food intolerance;
8. National dishes of different countries;
9. Types and operating principles of bath-house heating and ventilation;
10. Techniques for setting up an ergonomic workplace;
11. Psychology of communication;
12. Bath-house traditions of different countries;
13. Latest bath-house trends;
14. Laws and regulations regarding the business activity;
15. Requirements in the field of hygiene and epidemiology in public places;
16. Causes, sources, ways of transmission, and specific features of infectious diseases;
17. Types of indications and contra-indications of bath-house procedures;
18. Effects of heat and humidity mode on the physiological condition of a person;
19. Basic principles of successful team formation;
20. Basic principles of landscaping;
21. Requirements for the utilisation of outworn auxiliary materials;
22. Quality assessment criteria for materials;
23. Nutrition studies;
24. Basic principles of hospitality;
25. Types of informative events;
26. Basic principles of idea generation;
At the application level:
1. Sequence and interaction of bath-house procedures;
2. Principles of phytotherapy and aromatherapy procedures implemented in a bath-house;
3. Types of bath-house procedures;
4. History and culture of traditional Latvian bath-house;
5. Data systematisation methods;
6. Risk factors attributable to seasonality and techniques for their elimination;
7. Risk assessment techniques;
8. Principles for the development of individual bath-house visiting programme;
9. Types of identification of the wishes of a client;
10. Document management;
11. Principles for the development of internal procedure regulations, code of ethics, and internal control procedures;
12. Methods of internal control of business operation;
13. Types and content of hygiene and disinfection products, and methods of their use;
14. Methods of planning and coordinating bath-house procedures;
15. Collective management methodology;
16. Basics of entrepreneurship;
17. Principles of drawing up of a list of plants, fruits of nature, and natural materials safe for use;
18. Effects of plants, fruits of nature, and natural materials on the physical and emotional condition of a person;
19. Distribution of plants, fruits of nature, and natural materials;
20. Methods of collecting of plants, fruits of nature, and natural materials;
21. Methods of the storage of plants, fruits of nature, and natural materials;
22. Principles of the use of plants, fruits of nature, and natural materials in bath-house procedures;
23. Interaction of plants, fruits of nature, and natural materials;
24. Indications and contra-indications for the collection and use of plants, fruits of nature, and natural materials;
25. Types of setting up the environment;
26. Requirements and restrictions for setting-up the environment;
27. Basic principles of drawing up a plan for setting up the environment;
28. Requirements of the code of ethics of a bath-house;
29. Requirements for personal hygiene;
30. Principles of ensuring a thematic external image;
31. Types of bath-house procedures;
32. Techniques for asking questions and keeping conversations;
33. Principles of the maintenance of healthy lifestyle;
34. Methods of evaluating the physical and emotional condition of a client;
35. Requirements for the internal procedure, safety, and ethics to be complied with in a bath-house;
36. Principles of the selection of bath-house procedures according to the data contained in the client card;
37. Argumentation techniques;
38. Principles of the conclusion of transactions;
39. Types of payment and their solutions;
40. Basic principles of the layout of bath-house premises;
41. Effects of the microclimate on the physical and emotional condition of a person;
42. Occupational safety requirements and regulations;
43. Principles for the collaboration in a team;
44. Methods of identifying the skills necessary to implement bath-house procedures;
45. Risk factors of the environment surrounding a bath-house;
46. Effects of the environment surrounding a bath-house on the physical and emotional condition of a person;
47. Techniques for the application of materials used during the procedures;
48. Material accounting and stock planning principles;
49. Requirements for the cleaning and disinfection of laundry and auxiliary equipment;
50. Basic principles of setting up a resting area;
51. Importance of resting and refreshments during bath-house procedures;
52. Team collaboration principles to be followed during the implementation of bath-house procedures;
53. Techniques for the planning of rational use of bath-house premises;
54. Principles for the coordination of the work of bath-house masters;
55. Distribution of work tasks in a team;
56. Team motivation techniques;
57. Resting modes and types, and their effects on the physical and emotional condition of a person;
58. Types of active and passive resting;
59. Types and operating principles of public information channels;
60. Methods of planning of informative seminars;
61. Types of public speaking;
62. Types and techniques of direct and indirect information;
63. Methods of identifying the target audience;
64. Principles of the definition of the aims and expected outcomes of seminars;
65. Methods of visual processing of information;
66. Basic principles of the selection and structuring of information;
67. Processing of images by means of graphic computer programmes;
68. Preparation of documents;
69. Structure and plan of a presentation and principles of its elaboration;
70. Principles of the layout of premises according to the aim of the activity;
71. Techniques of the selection and structuring of information;
72. Psychology of communication;
73. Principles of the use of office equipment to be followed when creating a presentation;
74. Methods of creating a positive micro-climate in a group;
75. Methods of presenting information;
76. Methods of analysing information;
77. Conversation/discussion management;
78. Basics of ergonomics;
79. Principles of aesthetic and thematic layout of the premises of a bath-house;
80. Techniques for the maintenance of the premises, auxiliary rooms, and equipment of a bath-house;
81. Methodology for the elaboration of instructions;
82. Disinfection, deratisation, and disinsection types, products, and methods.
GENERAL knowledge
At the concept level:
1. Laws and regulations regarding labour protection, electrical and fire safety, and nature and environmental protection;
2. Nature of sustainable development;
3. Laws and regulations regarding communication technologies;
4. Categories activities polluting environment;
5. Laws and regulations regarding environmental protection;
6. Statutory provisions stipulated in the Constitution of the Republic of Latvia in the context of society subject to the rule of law and civil society;
7. Preconditions for efficient communication;
8. Diversity of social relations;
9. Social and political structure of society;
10. Planning of professional development;
11. Planning and decision-making principles;
12. Laws and regulations governing business activity.
At the comprehension level:
1. Protective measures in reducing the effects on health caused by ambient temperature, noise, vibration, and dust;
2. Electrical and fire safety;
3. Principles of ergonomics;
4. Sources of environmental pollution;
5. Rights, obligations, and liability of an individual;
6. Key issues of labour law;
7. Resource planning techniques;
8. Structure of an organisation;
9. Psychology of communication;
10. Principles for promoting cooperation;
11. Team formation;
12. Professional career development and its importance;
13. Role of employee motivation and talent management in work quality enhancement.
14. Grammar and language function;
15. Types of verbal and non-verbal interaction;
16. Diversity of language and communication in different contexts;
17. Language styles and specific features of intonation;
18. Economic resources and underlying economic issues;
19. Types of commercial activities;
20. Nature of business management;
21. Information systems security;
22. Operating principles of computer and office equipment;
23. Computer security software.
At the application level:
1. Work environment risk factors and their assessment methods;
2. Occupational safety and labour protection requirements to be complied with in a bath-house;
3. Requirements for the use of personal and collective protective work equipment;
4. Devices susceptible to explosion and instructions for their operation;
5. Safety signs and signals;
6. Working conditions and human health as a precondition for life quality;
7. Basics of electrical safety;
8. Provision of first aid;
9. Assessment of environmental hazard risks;
10. Safe use of chemical products;
11. Sorting and collection of waste;
12. Legal relationship;
13. Techniques for the planning of work organisation;
14. Idea generation techniques;
15. Importance of confidentiality;
16. Personal data protection principles;
17. Planning of the work sequence;
18. Positive interaction techniques;
19. Time planning techniques
20. Learning strategies;
21. Self-assessment principles.
22. Vocabulary in the official language and foreign language (or languages);
23. Intercultural interaction;
24. Elaboration of a business plan;
25. Business work organisation;
26. Basics of marketing;
27. Brand management;
28. Basics of accounting;
29. Mathematical calculations;
30. Units of measurement;
31. Mathematical terminology;
32. Methods and aids for mathematical calculation;
33. Application software for drawing up documents;
34. Creation and distribution of online inquiries, and processing of their outcome.
1. To define the purpose of bath-house procedures;
2. To plan the sequence of bath-house procedures;
3. To plan bath-house procedures depending on the seasonality and topicalities;
4. To develop the sequence of bath-house procedures;
5. To plan activities within and outside the bath-house, and their sequence;
6. To develop bath-house procedures depending on the purpose of the visit and the relevant theme;
7. To develop a client card to obtain information about the health condition of the client;
8. To select the most appropriate food products for the purpose of the bath-house procedure;
9. To evaluate the content and origin of the selected products;
10. To include in the refreshment menu products that correspond to the season and contribute to healthy nutrition;
11. To assess the potential risk factors within the bath-house and its surroundings by mitigating their effects;
12. To adapt the workplace so as to ensure ergonomic work performance;
13. To adjust the developed programme of bath-house procedures;
14. To assess the potential risks and hazards to the health and safety of a client;
15. To identify the purpose of the visit of a client or group;
16. To select the most appropriate activities to fulfil the purpose and correct them, if necessary;
17. To get client’s approval for the programme of bath-house procedures by explaining the procedure to client;
18. To find a solution in non-standard situations;
19. To analyse the procedure experience of customers based on inquiries, references, and observations;
20. To develop internal procedure regulations of the bath-house;
21. To develop a code of ethics for a bath-house attendant and client;
22. To develop internal control procedure;
23. To develop a plan for ensuring hygiene and disinfection of premises;
24. To establish positive collaboration with the representatives of the profession and society;
25. To plan own work and the work of the colleagues to ensure high-quality performance of procedures;
26. To manage the staff of a bath-house by applying motivating methods;
27. To collect the descriptions of currently most used plants, fruits of nature, and natural resources in the region;
28. To systematise plants, fruits of nature, and natural resources by the type of their application and use;
29. To ensure the development of regulations (guidelines) for the recognition and collection of plants, fruits of nature, and natural resources;
30. To develop guidelines for the storage of the collected plants, fruits of nature, and natural resources;
31. To develop guidelines for the preparation of the collected plants, fruits of nature, and natural resources;
32. To develop guidelines for the use of the collected plants, fruits of nature, and natural resources;
33. To develop instructions for the preparation of the steam room prior to the procedure and cleaning up after the procedure;
34. To develop instructions for the preparation of the auxiliary rooms of the bath-house prior to the procedure and cleaning up after the procedure;
35. To develop a plan for the disinfection, deratisation, and disinsection of the bath-house and its auxiliary rooms;
36. To evaluate the options for setting up the ambient according to the theme of the bath-house procedure;
37. To develop a layout for the set-up of the ambient according to the bath-house procedure;
38. To ensure own appearance and the appearance of the team in conformity with ethical requirements of profession;
39. To create own external image and the external image of the team according to the theme of the bath-house procedure;
40. To undertake personal hygiene measures;
41. To ensure own physical and emotional readiness for the performance of bath-house procedures and that of own team;
42. To identify the purpose of the bath-house visit;
43. To clarify the overall health condition and individual needs of a client;
44. To offer the most appropriate bath-house procedure;
45. To agree upon the conditions for visiting and time of the bath-house;
46. To consult a client on filling in the client card and the bath-house procedures;
47. To evaluate the overall physical and emotional condition of a client;
48. To define the indications and contra-indications for selected bath-house procedure based on the filled in client card;
49. To inform the client of the regulations on internal work procedure, safety, and ethics;
50. To inform the client of the course of bath-house procedures, the physiological processes, and emotional feelings;
51. To select the bath-house procedure based on the data contained in the client card and the needs of the client;
52. To agree with the client upon the selected bath-house procedure;
53. To explain the payment conditions to the client;
54. To offer the most convenient types of payment to the client;
55. To agree upon the type and procedure of payment for a service
56. To plan the performance of bath-house procedures according to the options offered by the premises;
57. To ensure individually adapted micro-climate to the client;
58. To ensure safe movement and stay within the premises;
59. To determine the number of specialists necessary to implement the planned bath-house procedure;
60. To ensure appropriate appointment of specialists for the planned bath-house procedure;
61. To evaluate the individual skills of a specialist;
62. To organise the setting-up of the surroundings of the bath-house according to the planned bath-house procedure;
63. To organise safe stay and movement of the clients and colleagues within the surroundings of the bath-house;
64. To assess the effects of the surroundings of the bath-house on the physical and emotional condition of a person;
65. To ensure the number, amount, and type of the materials necessary for the bath-house procedure to fulfil the intended purpose of the visit of the bath-house;
66. To control quality of the materials selected for the planned bath-house procedure;
67. To control whether the materials are used rationally during the bath-house procedures;
68. To ensure the maintenance and storage of the reusable materials;
69. To organise the utilisation of the used materials;
70. To ensure the preparation of appropriate resting area;
71. To ensure the products necessary for the preparation of refreshments;
72. To ensure the preparation of refreshments according to the purpose of the bath-house procedure;
73. To organise the serving of refreshments by applying the principles of hospitality;
74. To evaluate the fitness of the physical and emotional condition of bath-house masters for performing bath-house procedures;
75. To divide work tasks according to specialist skills and rational use of premises and resources;
76. To coordinate the work of the team according to the bath-house procedures and the number of clients and specialists;
77. To ensure the performance of bath-house procedures and the clarification as to their effects to the client;
78. To motivate the team to carry out joint work;
79. To evaluate the type and duration of resting by ensuring their individual adaption to the client;
80. To substantiate the importance of the resting mode in fulfilling the purposes of the procedures;
81. To do exploratory research of the options the information and communication technologies offer to inform the public;
82. To select the most appropriate type of information;
83. To analyse the advantages and disadvantages of the direct and indirect information of society;
84. To define the target audiences for the information of society;
85. To organise informative seminars on current topics for different target audiences;
86. To define the planned results for the information of society;
87. To develop visual and textual material for the information of society by means of information and communication technologies;
88. To collaborate with the relevant specialists and guest lecturers;
89. To ensure premises and materials to deal with the relevant themes;
90. To structure the theoretical information by substantiating it with practical examples;
91. To select appropriate methods, techniques, means, and resources to outline the content of the topic;
92. To ensure active engagement of the participants in the informative events;
93. To analyse the inquiries filled in by the participants of events;
94. To summarise the recommendations of the participants of events;
95. To develop new topics for informative events by taking into account the recommendations of the participants.
GENERAL skills
1. To use personal and collective protective work equipment;
2. To organise the workplace in compliance with labour protection, electrical and fire safety, and environmental protection requirements and taking into account the effects on health;
3. To use safe and ergonomic work practices when carrying out the professional work tasks;
4. To ensure the displaying of safety signs and signals within the bath-house and in its surroundings;
5. To assess the effects of occupational risk factors on health;
6. To comply with fire and electrical safety regulations when performing the work duties;
7. To provide first aid;
8. To act in an emergency situation;
9. To ensure the compliance with environmental protection requirements during the work process;
10. To select environmentally friendly technologies during the work process;
11. To organise the waste utilisation in compliance with the occupational and environmental safety requirements;
12. To comply with the requirements specified in the labour law;
13. To ensure the compliance with the internal working procedure regulations of the company;
14. To be aware of own responsibility in the context of civil society;
15. To carry out work responsibly, as specified in the job description;
16. To comply with the instructions and terms specified by a specialist;
17. To listen to the opinion of other specialists;
18. To define priorities rationally when planning own professional activity;
19. To personally participate in the generation of new ideas by taking initiative;
20. To be aware of own responsibility while completing a joint task;
21. To preserve confidentiality;
22. To analyse own actions and work outcomes;
23. To collaborate efficiently in different environments and teams;
24. To think critically and creatively;
25. To identify and remedy the causes of stress;
26. To resolve conflict situations;
27. To plan own work time and the sequence of the performance of tasks rationally;
28. To work individually;
29. To follow the principles of general and professional ethics;
30. To generate interest and confidence in a client regarding the importance of collaboration for the achievement of goals;
31. To evaluate own professional experience and use the positive work experience of the colleagues;
32. To have thorough knowledge of information sources regarding the occurrences in the field;
33. To assess own competence and options for the development of own professional activity;
34. To critically evaluate new information;
35. To gain new experience according to labour market needs;
36. To take part in upskilling activities;
37. To follow the topicalities in the relevant field;
38. To communicate in foreign language (or languages) both orally and in writing within the scope of own competence;
39. To use the professional terminology in at least one foreign language;
40. To create own business model and business plan;
41. To plan the financial flow;
42. To create the corporate image depending on the type of the bath-house;
43. To perform economic risk assessment;
44. To apply the basic accounting principles in the course of entrepreneurship;
45. To apply mathematical skills when calculating the amount of materials necessary to implement bath-house procedures;
46. To model the procedure regarding the solution of the planned work;
47. To make correlations when completing professional work tasks;
48. To communicate by means of communication technologies;
49. To independently find the necessary information in the internet resources and data carriers;
50. To prepare invoices and send them to clients in conformity with accounting requirements by using application software;
51. To comply with the requirements for the security of information technologies and personal data protection.
PROFESSIONAL competences
1. Ability to develop the plan of bath-house procedures by planning activities depending on the seasonal topicalities;
2. Ability to develop a programme of bath-house procedures;
3. Ability to develop menu of refreshments served in the bath-house in accordance with the principles of healthy nutrition and seasonality;
4. Ability to evaluate the bath-house and its surroundings by identifying the potential risks for safe performance of bath-house procedures;
5. Ability to offer an individual programme of bath-house procedures to the client;
6. Ability to develop internal procedure regulations, code of ethics, and internal control procedures;
7. Ability to ensure the work of the team by means of management, coordination, and motivation;
8. Ability to develop guidelines for the recognition and collection of plants, fruits of nature, and natural materials;
9. Ability to develop guidelines for the storage and use of plants, fruits of nature, and natural materials;
10. Ability to develop instructions on the preparation of the steam room and auxiliary rooms of the bath-house in conformity with the requirements in the field of hygiene and epidemiology;
11. Ability to develop a plan for the layout of the surroundings that corresponds to the relevant bath-house procedure;
12. Ability to ensure individual and/or collective preparation for the performance of bath-house procedures;
13. Ability to identify the purpose of the visit of the bath house, and the wishes, and needs of the client, and agree upon the conditions and time of the visit;
14. Ability to fill in and analyse the client card;
15. Ability to inform the client of requirements to be complied with prior to the procedures and the regulations on internal procedure, safety, and ethics;
16. Ability to ensure a bath-house procedure according to the wishes of the client and the data contained in the client card;
17. Ability to agree with the client upon payment conditions;
18. Ability to organise the preparation of premises for bath-house procedures;
19. Ability to put together a team of specialists for the performance of bath-house procedures;
20. Ability to ensure the setting-up of the surroundings of the bath-house thus improving the physical and emotional condition of the client;
21. Ability to ensure the availability of the materials necessary for the bath-house procedure and control of their appropriate application;
22. Ability to organise the preparation of a resting area and refreshments for the client;
23. Ability to organise the work of the team of specialists during the procedures by applying the principles of rational use of resources;
24. Ability to ensure resting mode for the client by substantiating its in fulfilling the purposes of the bath-house procedures;
25. Ability to do exploratory research of the optimum ways, on which society shall be informed, and select them;
26. Ability to inform the public of the effects of bath-house procedures on the physical and emotional health of a person;
27. Ability to ensure the necessary resources for the organisation of an informative event;
28. Ability to organise informative events on the preservation of cultural heritage of a bath-house and its integration in the contemporary context;
29. Ability to obtain references from the participants and develop new topics for informative events.
GENERAL competences
1. Ability to perform work tasks in compliance with labour protection, and electrical and fire safety requirements;
2. Ability to act in an emergency situation and provide first aid;
3. Ability to comply with environmental protection requirements when carrying out own professional activities by using environmentally friendly methods;
4. Ability to establish and comply with employment legal relationship while being aware of own responsibility in the context of civil society;
5. Ability to carry out the professional tasks in accordance with the principles of business work organisation;
6. Ability to work individually and collaborate in a team while applying the techniques of positive interaction;
7. Ability to plan and take rational decisions on career planning in the chosen professional area;
8. Ability to communicate in the official language and one foreign language by using the professional terminology;
9. Ability to carry out business activities by planning the financial flow and performing economic risk assessment;
10. Ability to apply the basic principles of mathematics when carrying out own professional activities;
11. Ability to use information technologies for the preparation of documents.
Personal services (101)
Detailed field: (ISCED 2013)Hair and beauty (1012)
EducationSecondary education
Qualification typeVocational (continuing education)
Full or partialFull qualification
Link to the descriptions of the Sector Qualifications Structure levels
Other information
Active qualification
Last changes: 25.10.2024
Posted: 07.05.2016