Qualifications Framework level

EQF level

European Qualifications Framework (EQF) has 8 levels (1 – the lowest, 8 – the highest).

Levels reflect the complexity level of acquired knowledge, skills and competences (learning outcomes).

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LQF level

Latvian Qualifications Framework (LQF) has 8 levels (1 – the lowest, 8 – the highest).

Levels reflect the complexity level of acquired knowledge, skills and competences (learning outcomes).

LQF covers stages of education starting from the basic education (level 1 – special basic education) to the highest education (level 8 – doctoral studies).

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Level of professional qualification
Till 1 august 2022 in Latvia had a system of five professional qualifications levels (PQL, 1 – the lowest, 5 – the highest).

PQL system covers only professional qualifications (basic education, secondary and higher education stages).

PQL reflects readiness of a person to perform work of certain stage of complexity and responsibility.


Learning outcomes

Learning outcomes are knowledge, skills and competences acquired during a certain period of learning.

In Latvia, learning outcomes are stipulated by state education standards and occupational standards (for the professional qualifications).

Learning outcomes of higher education are defined by higher education institutions.

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  • Knowledge

    PROFESSIONAL knowledge:
    At the concept level:
    1. Strapping works.
    2. Load carrying capacity of building structures.
    3. Concrete grades and brands.
    4. Resistance of reinforcement materials.
    5. Types of foundations of buildings.
    At the comprehension level:
    1. Planning of working, transport, and warehouse areas.
    2. Designations of construction drawings.
    3. Types of mechanical hoists and their use.
    4. Environmental protection requirements for construction works.
    5. Basic requirements for sorting waste.
    6. Types of mould materials.
    7. Designations of construction drawings.
    8. Types of flues.
    9. Flue construction process.
    10. Types of waterproofing and thermal insulation materials.
    11. Types of damages to masonry structures and their causes.
    12. Types of masonry damages and their causes.
    13. Types of construction chemistry and technologies for their use.
    14. Types of materials of masonry walls.
    15. Types of construction chemistry and technologies for their use.
    16. Types of materials of natural stone masonry walls.
    17. Types of construction chemistry and technologies for their use.
    18. Types of concrete structures.
    At the application level:
    1. Technologies for masonry works.
    2. Types and application of instruments and auxiliary equipment.
    3. Requirements for the storage of construction materials.
    4. Types of measuring instruments and their application.
    5. Labour protection requirements at workplaces.
    6. Ergonomic work practices.
    7. Structural elements of buildings (load-bearing, non-load-bearing, connecting).
    8. Structural types of buildings (frameless, frame-supported, monolithic, partial frame-supported, etc.).
    9. Masonry wall elements.
    10. Types of measuring instruments and their application.
    11. Basics of technical drawing.
    12. Labour protection requirements for work with manual and electrical instruments and mechanisms.
    13. Electrical safety requirements for work with electrical instruments.
    14. Basics of calibration of measuring devices.
    15. Types of masonry materials.
    16. Technologies for masonry works.
    17. Types of masonry binders (masonry mortars, adhesives, etc.).
    18. Technologies for preparing masonry materials and binders.
    19. Types of scaffolds and falsework and their assembly/ disassembly technologies.
    20. Labour protection requirements for work at high altitude.
    21. Clean-up work technologies.
    22. Types of brick dressings (one-row, multiple-row, Gothic, etc.).
    23. Types of masonry (load-bearing, partition walls, self-supporting, etc.).
    24. Technologies for masonry of brick walls of different types of dressings, quality control.
    25. Types and application of personal protective equipment.
    26. Types of binders and technologies for their use.
    27. Types and technologies of reinforcement.
    28. Types of artificial stone products.
    29. Technologies for masonry of artificial stone walls, quality control.
    30. Labour protection requirements for moving heavy loads.
    31. Types of materials for building facades and decorative masonry.
    32. Types of brick dressings (one-row, three-row, five-row, multiple-row, Gothic, etc.).
    33. Decorative masonry and building facade masonry technologies.
    34. Ways of grouting decorative masonry and grouting technologies.
    35. Types of binders and technologies for their use.
    36. Types of reinforcements and reinforcement technologies.
    37. Types of natural stone materials.
    38. Technologies for masonry of natural stone walls.
    39. Ways and technologies of grouting natural stone masonry.
    40. Types of binders and technologies for their use.
    41. Types and technologies of reinforcement. Types and application of personal protective equipment.
    42. Labour protection requirements for moving heavy loads.
    43. Types of arches, vaults, lintels, and decorative masonry elements (cornices, eaves, crossbars, capitals, etc.) and masonry technologies.
    44. Ways and technologies of grouting.
    45. Types of binders and technologies for their use.
    46. Shaping technologies.
    47. Types of masonry.
    48. Types of materials for masonry joints.
    49. Technologies for restoring and care of masonry surfaces and joints.
    50. Types of cleaning equipment and instruments and technologies for their use.
    51. Types of construction chemistry and technologies for their use.
    52. Labour protection requirements for work with construction chemistry.
    53. Types of measuring instruments and their use.
    54. Designations of construction drawings.
    55. Determination of attachment (geodetic) points.
    56. Technologies for construction of moulds.
    57. Ways to secure moulds.
    58. Labour protection requirements for earthwork.
    59. Types of mould systems.
    60. Technologies for the assembly and securing of mould systems, quality control.
    61. Labour protection requirements for earthwork.
    62. Quality control of the technology for concreting works.
    63. Types of construction chemistry for concreting and technologies for its use.
    64. Concrete compaction technologies.
    65. Types and assembly technologies of concrete products or structures.
    66. Types and assembly technologies of construction elements, quality control.
    67. Labour protection requirements for assembly works in construction.
    68. Concrete hardening process.
    69. Sequence of disassembling moulds.
    70. Labour protection requirements for disassembling moulds.
    71. Quality control of the technology for reinforcement of masonry and lintels of a building.
    72. Labour protection requirements for reinforcement works.
    73. Technologies for reinforcement of industrial and masonry flues.
    74. Quality control of the technology for creating waterproofing and thermal insulation.
    75. Labour protection requirements for fire-hazardous works.
    76. Techniques and technologies for repairing damages to masonry structures.
    77. Performing of calculations.
    78. Basics of cost estimation.
    79. Techniques for effective and positive interaction and cooperation.
    80. Business communication process.
    81. Damages to the foundations of a building and their causes.
    82. Techniques and technologies for repairing damages to the foundations of a building.
    83. Techniques and technologies for repairing damages to masonry structures.
    84. Technologies for prosthetics of masonry elements.
    85. Technologies for prosthetics of natural stone masonry elements.
    86. Types of defects of concrete structures.
    87. Technologies for the repair of concrete structures.
    88. Strengthening of the reinforcements.
    GENERAL knowledge:
    At the concept level:
    1. Legal provisions stipulated in the Constitution of the Republic of Latvia in the context of law-governed and civil society.
    2. Laws and regulations regarding information technologies.
    3. Preconditions for effective communication.
    4. Planning of professional development.
    At the comprehension level:
    1. Principles of ergonomics.
    2. Vocabulary.
    3. Grammar and language functions.
    4. Types of verbal interaction. Language styles and characteristics of intonation.
    5. Diversity of language and communication in different contexts.
    6. Diversity of language and communication in different contexts.
    7. Operating principles of computer and office equipment.
    8. Information systems security.
    9. Principles of promoting cooperation.
    10. Creation of a team.
    11. Professional career development and its importance.
    12. Learning strategies.
    13. Essence, significance, and norms of labour rights.
    14. Unifying values of society.
    15. Social and political structure of society.
    At the application level:
    1. Rights and obligations of the employee.
    2. Electrical safety requirements for construction works.
    3. Fire safety requirements for construction works.
    4. Environmental protection requirements for construction works.
    5. Environmental protection requirements for work with construction chemistry.
    6. Environmental protection requirements for use and storage of motor-operated instruments.
    7. Types and use of personal and collective protective equipment.
    8. Visual control of the technical condition of safety devices.
    9. Action in an emergency (electrical injury, fire, etc.).
    10. ABC of first aid.
    11. Principles of professional interaction.
    12. Labour protection requirements for work at high altitude.
    13. Types and use of climbing inventory.
    14. Official language.
    15. Foreign language(s).
    16. Intercultural interaction.
    17. Calculation.
    18. Units of measurement and shapes.
    19. Mathematical terminology.
    20. Application software in preparation of documents.
    21. Work with office equipment.
    22. Computer security programmes.
    23. Positive interaction techniques.
    24. Time planning techniques.
    25. Basics of self-assessment.

  • Skills

    PROFESSIONAL skills:
    1. To set up working, transport, and material storage areas.
    2. To choose appropriate instruments.
    3. To arrange the construction materials and instruments within the relevant area.
    4. To ensure appropriate storage of construction materials.
    5. To have thorough knowledge of the designations of construction drawings.
    6. To determine the attachment points necessary to complete the work task.
    7. To verify the compliance of the foundation with the project (axes and height marks, etc.).
    8. To transfer the dimensions, determined in the construction drawing, onto the site.
    9. To visually assess the technical condition of work instruments, auxiliary equipment, and mechanisms.
    10. To visually assess the technical condition of electrical instruments.
    11. To inspect the measuring devices to be used for work.
    12. To have thorough knowledge of the selection of masonry materials and binders.
    13. To select masonry materials and binders suitable for the work task.
    14. To get acquainted with manufacturer’s instructions for use of the chosen masonry materials and binders.
    15. To determine the most appropriate structure and/or mechanism for work at high altitude.
    16. To choose scaffolds and falsework in accordance with the load carrying capacity.
    17. To install scaffolds and falsework.
    18. To disassemble scaffolds and falsework.
    19. To maintain the workplace clean and tidy during the work process.
    20. To clean up the workplace daily and after finishing the object.
    21. To sort debris.
    22. To choose the type of brick dressings in accordance with the construction plan or work task.
    23. To build in accordance with the chosen type of dressing and masonry.
    24. To grout brick masonry of different types of dressings.
    25. To saw or cut artificial stone.
    26. To build artificial stone wall, using appropriate reinforcement materials.
    27. To grout artificial stone wall.
    28. To develop the draft of the dressings of encasing materials.
    29. To choose the pattern of masonry material in accordance with the construction plan or draft design.
    30. To build facades of buildings and decorative masonry, using anchoring.
    31. To grout decorative masonry.
    32. To build natural stone walls, choosing construction materials in accordance with the construction plan or draft design.
    33. To anchor natural stone masonry with the wall.
    34. To reinforce natural stone masonry.
    35. To grout natural stone masonry walls.
    36. To develop drafts of arches, vaults, and decorative masonry elements.
    37. To develop stencils and moulds of arches, vaults, and decorative masonry elements.
    38. To build arches, vaults, lintels, and decorative masonry elements.
    39. To reinforce arches, vaults, lintels, and decorative masonry elements.
    40. To grout arches, vaults, lintels, and decorative masonry elements.
    41. To visually determine the quality condition of the masonry surface.
    42. To clean the surfaces and joints of masonry walls.
    43. To deepen masonry joints.
    44. To grout masonry walls.
    45. To use construction chemistry for the pre-treatment and after-treatment of a masonry surface.
    46. To outline the main axes and internal and external lines of the construction object on the site.
    47. To determine height marks, using measuring instruments.
    48. To assess loads on the surface of the mould.
    49. To choose appropriate mould material and its thickness.
    50. To construct moulds.
    51. To secure moulds.
    52. To choose appropriate mould systems.
    53. To assemble mould systems in accordance with the instructions of the manufacturer.
    54. To choose the concrete grade in accordance with the construction plan and work task.
    55. To verify the compliance of the reinforcement with the construction plan.
    56. To perform concrete laying/ filling works.
    57. To follow the concrete hardening process in accordance with the technology.
    58. To assemble building foundation blocks.
    59. To assemble lintels of openings and covering slabs.
    60. To assemble construction elements.
    61. To determine the stage of the concrete hardening process.
    62. To disassemble moulds.
    63. To create spatial reinforcement mesh for lintels.
    64. To reinforce walls and partition walls.
    65. To get acquainted with the flue assembly instruction.
    66. To choose the appropriate rebar cross-section size.
    67. To reinforce masonry and industrially manufactured flues.
    68. To create the external securing frame of the chimney.
    69. To create a structure for the maintenance of the chimney (steps and ladder).
    70. To choose appropriate waterproofing and thermal insulation materials.
    71. To create waterproofing for vertical surfaces.
    72. To apply waterproofing materials on horizontal surfaces.
    73. To perform heat insulation of the foundations of the building.
    74. To visually assess the damages to masonry structures.
    75. To calculate the extent of damages.
    76. To choose techniques and technologies for repairing damages.
    77. To prepare the cost estimate of repair works.
    78. To get approval of the customer for the performance of works.
    79. To visually assess the damages to the foundations of the building and their causes.
    80. To calculate the extent of damages to the foundations of the building.
    81. To repair the damages to the foundations of the building.
    82. To visually assess the damages to masonry walls.
    83. To calculate the extent of damages to masonry walls.
    84. To choose techniques and technologies for repairing damages to masonry walls.
    85. To secure the structures adjacent to the masonry wall.
    86. To expose the damaged parts of the masonry wall.
    87. To perform chemical cleaning of the masonry wall.
    88. To prime the surface of the masonry wall.
    89. To evaluate the materials applied for the masonry wall.
    90. To calculate the extent of damages to walls.
    91. To calculate the amount of materials for repair works.
    92. To perform the prosthetics of the damaged masonry elements with authentic materials.
    93. To evaluate the materials applied for the natural stone masonry wall.
    94. To determine the extent of damages to walls. To calculate the amount of materials for repair works.
    95. To perform the prosthetics of the damaged natural stone masonry elements with authentic materials.
    96. To visually assess the defects of concrete structures.
    97. To determine the extent and type of damages to concrete structures.
    98. To calculate the amount of materials for repair works.
    99. To restore the damaged parts of concrete structures.
    GENERAL skills:
    1. To perform the obligations of the employee specified in the employment contract and other legislation.
    2. To execute the rights of the employee specified in the employment contract and other legislation.
    3. To perform works in compliance with electrical safety requirements.
    4. To perform works in compliance with fire safety requirements.
    5. To act in compliance with environmental protection requirements while performing construction works.
    6. To comply with environmental protection requirements for work with construction chemistry.
    7. To comply with environmental protection requirements for use and storage of motor-operated instruments.
    8. To choose personal protection equipment appropriate for the work task.
    9. To use personal protective work equipment and safety devices.
    10. To keep track of the technical condition of the protective equipment and safety devices.
    11. To select own appropriate work instruments.
    12. To control work practices.
    13. To evaluate the emergency.
    14. To act in an emergency (electrical injury, fire, etc.).
    15. To provide first aid.
    16. To choose inventory for work at high altitude.
    17. To use inventory and hoist for work at high altitude.
    18. To visually control the technical condition of the inventory for work at high altitude.
    19. To communicate in the official language.
    20. To communicate in one foreign language both orally and in writing.
    21. To substantiate the solution to a task mathematically.
    22. To apply the basic mathematical principles and techniques.
    23. To use computer and office equipment.
    24. To prepare documents in compliance with a sample by using application software.
    25. To find specific information in internet resources and data carriers.
    26. To communicate by using information technologies.
    27. To use safety programmes.
    28. To cooperate in a team.
    29. To be aware of own responsibility while completing a joint task.
    30. To plan the time rationally.
    31. To evaluate own abilities.
    32. To comprehend learning needs for career development.
    33. To evaluate new information critically.
    34. To gain new experience according to labour market needs.

  • Competences/ autonomy

    PROFESSIONAL competences:
    1. Ability to accurately determine the contours of the designed structures on the site.
    2. Ability to prepare a safe workplace.
    3. Ability to inspect work instruments, auxiliary equipment, and mechanisms.
    4. Ability to responsibly and rationally choose masonry materials and binders in accordance with the work task and construction plan.
    5. Ability to choose the most appropriate structure and/or mechanism for work at high altitude and perform its assembly.
    6. Ability to clean up the workplace, using appropriate clean-up technologies and complying with environmental protection requirements.
    7. Ability to build brick masonry of different types of dressings, using the appropriate masonry technologies.
    8. Ability to build an artificial stone wall in accordance with the construction plan, work task, and the instructions of the manufacturer of the construction materials.
    9. Ability to encase building facades in accordance with the construction plan or draft design.
    10. Ability to build natural stone walls in compliance with labour protection requirements for moving heavy loads.
    11. Ability to create arches, vaults, lintels, and decorative masonry elements, using shaping technologies.
    12. Ability to perform masonry surface treatment, restoration of joints, and care.
    13. Ability to outline the contours of the foundation on the site in accordance with the construction plan.
    14. Ability to perform shaping works in accordance with the construction plan.
    15. Ability to create reusable mould structures (mould systems) in accordance with the construction plan.
    16. Ability to perform concreting works in accordance with the technological requirements.
    17. Ability to perform the works for the assembly of concrete products or structures in accordance with the appropriate technologies.
    18. Ability to safely and accurately disassemble moulds in accordance with the disassembling sequence.
    19. Ability to secure masonry and lintels of the building in accordance with the construction plan and reinforcement technologies.
    20. Ability to secure flues in accordance with the technology for the construction of the flue.
    21. Ability to create insulation for different structures of the building.
    22. Ability to determine the extent of the damages to masonry structures and their cause, and choose techniques and technologies for repairing damages.
    23. Ability to repair the foundations of the building in accordance with the material and structure.
    24. Ability to prepare the masonry wall for repair works.
    25. Ability to repair brick and artificial stone masonry.
    26. Ability to repair and remedy defects of natural stone masonry.
    27. Ability to repair different types of concrete structures, using the appropriate technologies.
    GENERAL competences:
    1. Ability to comply with the requirements of the legislation regarding labour rights.
    2. Ability to comply with electrical and fire safety requirements at the workplace.
    3. Ability to comply with environmental protection requirements at the workplace.
    4. Ability to use personal and collective protective work equipment and safety devices.
    5. Ability to use ergonomic work practices and instruments.
    6. Ability to act in the event of an accident according to the situation and provide first aid.
    7. Ability to comply with labour protection requirements for work at high altitude.
    8. Ability to communicate in the official language both orally and in writing.
    9. Ability to communicate in one foreign language.
    10. Ability to apply mathematical thinking to complete a work task.
    11. Ability to use information and communication technologies to complete a work task.
    12. Ability to engage in teamwork effectively.
    13. Ability to plan own time while completing a task individually or in a team.
    14. Ability to evaluate own personal skills, identify own education development needs, and plan personal professional development.

Qualification acquisition requirements

Previous education
From the age of 15, the transcript of records for partially acquired general basic education OR Certificate of general basic education
Ways to acquire 
Qualifications can be acquired in the framework of education programs or in the evaluation and recognition of non-formal knowledge, skills and competences acquired (in vocational education LKI Levels 2-4).
Formal (through education programmes) or
Formal (through non-formal education acquired competence recognition process, completing the qualifications professional examination)
ECTS credit points 
Snice 11.10.2022 60 credit points correspond to the study results acquired in full-time studies in one academic year in accordance with the European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS).Since 11.10.2022

Till 11.10.2022 1 Latvian credit point corresponds to 1,5 ECTS credit point.
Duration of study 
Duration of qualification in full-time studies
not less than 480 or not less than 640 hours.

Qualification document

Awarding body

Vocational further education and development institution:

- Learning Centre of Latgale, Ltd

- Vocational, Continuing Education and Examination Centre, Ltd

- Learning Centre "BUTS"

Liquidated/Reorganised/Changed title and\or type:

- Learning Centre "Latvia Independent Inspection", Ltd


Qualifications Framework level

EQF level

European Qualifications Framework (EQF) has 8 levels (1 – the lowest, 8 – the highest).

Levels reflect the complexity level of acquired knowledge, skills and competences (learning outcomes).

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LQF level

Latvian Qualifications Framework (LQF) has 8 levels (1 – the lowest, 8 – the highest).

Levels reflect the complexity level of acquired knowledge, skills and competences (learning outcomes).

LQF covers stages of education starting from the basic education (level 1 – special basic education) to the highest education (level 8 – doctoral studies).

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Level of professional qualification

Till 1 august 2022 in Latvia had a system of five professional qualifications levels (PQL, 1 – the lowest, 5 – the highest).

PQL system covers only professional qualifications (basic education, secondary and higher education stages).

PQL reflects readiness of a person to perform work of certain stage of complexity and responsibility.

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Qualification field, stage and type

Thematic field (ISCED 2013)
International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED) developed by UNESCO.

Architecture and construction (073)

Detailed field: (ISCED 2013)

Building and civil engineering (0732)

Stages of Latvian education system included in the LQF:
- basic education
- secondary education
- higher education

Basic education

Qualification type
ITypes of Latvian education:
-General education
-Professional education
-Academic education

Vocational (continuing education)

Full or partial

Full qualification

Other information

National Education Information System

National Database of Education Opportunities

Historical qualification

Last changes: 19.06.2024

Posted: 07.05.2016