European Qualifications Framework (EQF) has 8 levels (1 – the lowest, 8 – the highest).
Levels reflect the complexity level of acquired knowledge, skills and competences (learning outcomes).
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Information about the Latvian qualifications referenced to Latvian qualifications framework (LQF)
At the concept level:
1. Load carrying capacity of building structures;
At the comprehension level:
1. Planning of the areas intended for work, transport, and placement of materials;
2. Environmental protection requirements to be complied with during the construction works;
3. Types of combustible substances;
4. Heat engineering calculation for a heating device depending on the heat endurance and location of the structures separating interior spaces within the building;
5. Resistance of materials (bending, tension, compression, etc.);
6. Heat engineering calculation depending on the requirements of the customer and the use of the furnace;
7. Resistance of materials (bending, tension, compression, etc.);
8. Interior design styles.
At the application level:
1. Requirements for labour protection at workplaces;
2. Requirements for labour protection when working at high altitudes;
3. Ergonomic work practices;
4. Technologies for the masonry works of furnaces, fireplaces, and other heating devices;
5. Types and application of tools;
6. Requirements for the storage of materials;
7. Types of scaffolds, gantries, and ladder, and assembly technologies;
8. Designations used in construction drawings;
9. Designing of heating devices;
10. Types, structure, and construction technologies of heating devices;
11. Business communication;
12. Requirements of fire safety of heating devices construction;
13. Cost estimation of the works regarding the construction of heating devices;
14. Requirements for labour safety during the work with hand tools, electrical tools, and mechanisms;
15. Requirements for electrical safety during the work with electrical tools;
16. Basics of the calibration of measuring devices;
17. Types of construction materials of heating devices;
18. Technologies of construction works of heating devices;
19. Types of auxiliary construction materials of heating devices (bricks, tiles, etc.);
20. Types of construction binders and fillers of heating devices;
21. Types of finishing materials of heating devices (plastering, plates, colours, etc.);
22. Types of heat accumulation and insulation materials;
23. Types of auxiliary construction materials of heating devices;
24. Construction chemistry used for the construction of heating devices;
25. Technologies for the preparation of the auxiliary construction materials of heating devices (bricks, tiles, etc.);
26. Technologies for the preparation of construction binders and fillers of heating devices;
27. Technologies for the preparation of finishing materials of heating devices (plastering, plates, colours, etc.)
28. Technologies for the preparation of heat accumulation and insulation materials;
29. Technologies for the preparation of auxiliary technologies;
30. Technologies for the preparation of construction chemistry;
31. Technologies for the performance of cleaning works;
32. Basic requirements for the sorting of waste;
33. Compliance of the cross-section of the chimney duct with the hearth of the heating device;
34. Types of heating devices;
35. Types of chimneys;
36. Construction materials of chimneys and their mass;
37. Location and height of chimneys depending on the type of roof and the adjacent objects;
38. Construction materials and technologies of chimney base;
39. Types and assembling technologies of walls, mezzanine flows, and roof mounts;
40. Types and construction technologies of modular and brick chimneys;
41. Technologies for the waterproofing works of modular and brick chimneys;
42. Technologies for the masonry and reinforcement of modular and brick chimneys;
43. Technology for the installation of control hatches;
44. Technologies for the heat insulation of modular and brick chimneys;
45. Requirements for labour protection when working at high altitudes;
46. Technology for the construction of sloped brick ducts;
47. Types of metal insulated chimneys and their assembling technologies according to the requirements of the designer or manufacturer;
48. Types of securing of chimneys and their assembling technologies;
49. LVS EN standards applicable to the assembly of chimneys;
50. Requirements for labour protection when working at high altitudes;
51. Construction work technologies of chimney mezzanine floors and wall separating structures;
52. Construction of concrete belts for chimneys;
53. LVS EN standards and instructions for the construction of chimneys provided by manufacturers;
54. Types of lining materials of the chimney duct and their installation technologies;
55. Forms of lining of the chimney duct;
56. Requirements for labour protection when working at high altitudes;
57. Types of chimney defects and their elimination;
58. Types and application of the repair materials of chimneys;
59. Types and application of construction chemistry;
60. Position of stationary heating devices in a room;
61. Forms of stationary heating devices;
62. Methods of checking the draught of the chimney;
63. Basics of technical drawing;
64. Basics of sketching;
65. Designations used in construction drawings;
66. Types and use of measuring instruments;
67. Marking-out of a heating device in a room;
68. Structure and heat engineering calculation of a brick furnace;
69. Types and application of construction materials, thermo-materials, binders, and fittings;
70. Heat engineering parameters of masonry materials of brick furnaces (expansion coefficient, accumulation capacity, thermal conductance, etc.);
71. Technologies for the masonry of brick furnaces;
72. Basic operating and servicing principles of a brick furnace;
73. Structure and heat engineering calculation of a tile furnace;
74. Types and application of furnace tiles, construction materials, thermo-materials, binders, and fittings;
75. Heat engineering parameters of the construction materials of tile furnaces (expansion coefficient, accumulation capacity, thermal conductance, etc.);
76. Tile furnace masonry technologies (principles of tile dressing, etc.);
77. Basic operational and servicing principles of a tile furnace;
78. Structure and heat engineering calculation of a modular furnace made of natural and artificial stone;
79. Types and application the materials, binders, and fittings of a modular furnace made of natural and artificial stone;
80. Heat engineering parameters of the construction materials of a modular furnace made of natural and artificial stone (expansion coefficient, accumulation capacity, thermal conductance, etc.);
81. Technologies for the assembling of modular furnace made of natural and artificial stone;
82. Resistance of materials (bending, tension, compression, etc.);
83. Structure and heat engineering calculation of a frame furnace;
84. Types and application of construction materials, binders, and fittings;
85. Heat engineering parameters of the construction materials of a frame furnace (expansion coefficient, accumulation capacity, thermal conductance, etc.);
86. Types and technologies for the construction of frame furnaces;
87. Basic operational and servicing principles of a frame furnace;
88. Basic operational and servicing principles of different types of furnaces;
89. Basic principles of drying of different types of furnaces;
90. Structure of different types of stationary furnaces;
91. Efficient and positive interaction and collaboration techniques;
92. Business communication process;
93. Types of furnace-specific defects and their elimination;
94. Types and application of the repair materials of furnaces;
95. Types and application of construction chemistry;
96. Structure of different types of stationary heating devices;
97. Distribution of special and manufactured heating devices in a room;
98. Calculation of air supply and exhaust of special and manufactured heating devices in a room;
99. Methods of checking the draught of the chimney;
100. Basics of technical drawing;
101. Basics of sketching;
102. Building standards applicable to the relevant field;
103. Efficient and positive interaction and collaboration techniques;
104. Business communication process;
105. Structure of bread and pizza ovens according to the food preparation technologies;
106. Fire safety regulations and operating requirements for the placement of bread and pizza ovens;
107. Construction materials and technologies of bread and pizza ovens;
108. Structure of grilling, smoking, and drying ovens according to the food preparation technologies;
109. Fire safety regulations and operating requirements for the placement of grilling, smoking, and drying ovens;
110. Construction materials and technologies of grilling, smoking, and drying ovens;
111. Structure of bath-house stoves according to the requirements of the customer;
112. Fire safety regulations and operating requirements for the placement of bath-house stoves;
113. Construction materials and technologies of bath-house stoves;
114. Structures and textures of bath-house stones;
115. Structure of masonry kitchen stoves and masonry heaters according to the type of combustible substances and the requirements of the customer;
116. Fire safety regulations and operating requirements for the placement of masonry kitchen stoves and masonry heaters;
117. Construction materials and technologies of masonry kitchen stoves and masonry heaters;
118. Types of stove fittings;
119. Basic principles of the construction of masonry kitchen stoves and masonry heaters;
120. Construction of bread and pizza ovens;
121. Types of specialised industrial furnaces and their structure according to the type of combustible substances and the requirements of the customer;
122. Fire safety regulations and operating requirements for the placement of specialised industrial furnaces;
123. Construction materials and technologies of specialised industrial furnaces;
124. Types of fittings of specialised industrial furnaces;
125. Types of manufactured movable heating devices (convection, radiation, combined, and heat accumulation heating devices);
126. Structure of manufactured movable heating devices according to the type of combustible substances and the requirements of the customer;
127. Fire safety regulations and operating requirements for the placement of manufactured movable heating devices;
128. Construction materials and technologies of manufactured movable heating devices;
129. Types of accessories of manufactured movable heating devices;
130. Structure of special and manufactured furnaces;
131. Types of defects characteristic to special and manufactured furnaces and their elimination;
132. Types and application of the repair materials of special and manufactured furnaces;
133. Types and application of construction chemistry;
134. Types of the materials of chimney mezzanine floors and wall separating structures;
135. Placement of the fireplace in a room;
136. Calculation of the fireplace air supply for the room and hearth;
137. Methods of checking the draught of the chimney;
138. Basics of technical drawing;
139. Efficient and positive interaction and collaboration techniques;
140. Business communication process;
141. Operating principles of an open-type fireplace;
142. Structure of an open-type fireplace (hearth, smoke shelf, smoke chamber), and the compliance of the hearth and chimney;
143. Calculation of the air supply for the room;
144. Types and application of construction materials, thermo-materials, binders, and accessories;
145. Heat engineering parameters of the construction materials of fireplaces (expansion coefficient, accumulation capacity, thermal conductance, etc.);
146. Construction technologies of open-type fireplaces;
147. Resistance of materials (bending, tension, compression, etc.);
148. Structural principles of an closed furnace-fireplace and the compliance of the hearth and chimney;
149. Calculation of the air supply for the furnace-fireplace and the room;
150. Types and application of construction materials, thermo-materials, binders, and accessories;
151. Heat engineering parameters of the construction materials of furnace-fireplaces (expansion coefficient, accumulation capacity, thermal conductance, etc.);
152. Construction technologies of closed furnace-fireplaces;
153. Operating principles of closed furnace-fireplaces;
154. Structural principles of closed furnace-fireplaces and the compliance of the hearth and chimney;
155. Calculation of the air supply for the hearth and the room;
156. Types and application of construction materials, thermo-materials, binders, and accessories;
157. Types of fireplace finishing (with and without heat accumulation);
158. Heat engineering parameters of the construction materials of fireplaces (expansion coefficient, thermal conductance, etc.);
159. Construction technologies of closed fireplaces (convection, radiation, combined);
160. Types and technologies for the assembling of warn air heating systems;
161. Parameters of warn air heating systems and their calculation;
162. Basic structural principles of ventilation systems;
163. Types of defects characteristic to fireplaces and their elimination;
164. Types and application of the repair materials of fireplaces;
165. Types and application of construction chemistry;
166. Structure of different types of fireplaces;
167. Structure of a warm air heating system;
168. Fire safety distances from the heating devices to the adjacent combustible structure of the building;
169. Thermal conductivity of materials;
170. Fire safety distances from the chimneys to the adjacent combustible structure of the building.
GENERAL knowledge
At the concept level:
1. Legal relationship;
2. Legal provisions specified in the Constitution of the Republic of Latvia in the context of society subject to the rule of law and civil society;
3. Organisation of the labour protection system;
4. Laws and regulations regarding information technologies;
5. Diversity of social relations;
6. Social and political structure of society;
7. Planning and decision-making principles;
8. Laws and regulations governing business activity.
At the comprehension level:
1. Nature, role, and legal provisions of labour law;
2. Rights, obligations, and liability of an individual;
3. Values that unify society;
4. Social and political structure of society;
5. Principles of ergonomics;
6. Vocabulary, grammar, and language functions of the official language and foreign language, and types of verbal interaction;
7. Styles, characteristics of intonation, and the diversity of communication of the official language and foreign language in different contexts;
8. Operating principles of computer and office equipment;
9. Information systems security;
10. Collaboration fostering principles;
11. Conflict prevention;
12. Team formation;
13. Role of employee motivation and talent management in work quality enhancement;
14. Economic resources and topical economic issues;
15. Types of commercial activity;
16. Role of the business plan in entrepreneurship.
At the application level:
1. Rights and obligations of the employee;
2. Contents of the employment contract;
3. Labour protection requirements at the workplace;
4. Types and application of personal and collective protective equipment;
5. Control of the technical condition of work protection equipment and safety devices;
6. Ergonomic work practices and equipment;
7. Groups of risk factors affecting health, their effects, and preventive measures for their remedy or mitigation;
8. Requirements for electrical safety during the construction works;
9. Requirements of fire safety of construction works;
10. Requirements for environmental safety during the construction works
11. Environmental protection measures and means of their implementation;
12. Requirements for environmental safety when working with construction chemistry;
13. Action in the event of different hazards and emergency situation (electrical injury, fire, etc.);
14. The ABC of first aid and its use;
15. Methods and means for the provision of first aid;
16. Principles of professional interaction;
17. Requirements for labour protection when working at high altitudes;
18. Types and use of climbing equipment;
19. Official language;
20. Foreign language (or languages);
21. Intercultural interaction;
22. Calculation;
23. Mathematical calculations and work with tables;
24. Units of measurement and shapes;
25. Mathematical terminology;
26. Mathematical methods and tools;
27. Application software for drawing up documents;
28. Work with office equipment;
29. Computer security software;
30. Preconditions for efficient communication;
31. Positive interaction techniques;
32. Business communication process;
33. Time planning techniques;
34. Learning strategies;
35. Self-assessment principles;
36. Business work organisation;
37. Planning of the work sequence;
38. Basics of marketing.
1. To coordinate the areas intended for work, transport, and materials;
2. To select appropriate tools;
3. To place the construction materials and tools within the appropriate area;
4. To ensure appropriate storage of construction materials and tools;
5. To select scaffolds, gantries, and ladder according to the specificity of work;
6. To assemble scaffolds, gantries, and ladder at the site;
7. To design heating devices (sketch, draw, visualise);
8. To read construction drawings;
9. To get approval from the customer contracting the works regarding the structure of a heating device;
10. To draw up a cost estimate for the construction of a heating device;
11. To perform visual assessment of the technical condition of work tools and mechanisms;
12. To perform visual assessment of the technical condition of electrical instruments;
13. To inspect the measuring devices to be used for work;
14. To have thorough knowledge of the range of construction materials of heating devices;
15. To verify certificates and declarations of compliance of the construction materials of heating devices;
16. To select the basic construction material of heating devices (bricks, tiles, etc.);
17. To select the construction binders and fillers of heating devices;
18. To select the finishing materials of heating devices (plastering, plates, colours, etc.);
19. To select heat accumulation and insulation materials;
20. To select the appropriate auxiliary materials;
21. To select the appropriate construction chemistry;
22. To prepare the basic construction material of heating devices (bricks, tiles, etc.);
23. To prepare the construction binders and fillers of heating devices;
24. To prepare the finishing materials of heating devices (plastering, plates, colours, etc.)
25. To prepare heat accumulation and insulation materials;
26. To prepare the appropriate auxiliary materials;
27. To prepare the appropriate construction chemistry;
28. To maintain the workplace clean and in order during the work process;
29. To clean up the workplace on a daily basis and after finishing the object;
30. To sort construction waste;
31. Determine the cross-section of chimney duct according to the planned heating device;
32. Determine the number and height of chimney ducts;
33. To determine the number and cross-section of chimney ventilation ducts;
34. To calculate the height of a chimney;
35. To calculate the mass of a chimney;
36. To build foundations of modulated and masonry chimneys;
37. To secure insulated metal chimneys;
38. To install wall, mezzanine floor, and roof mounts (depositions);
39. To create waterproofing;
40. To lay out the chimney base contour;
41. To build modular and brick chimneys;
42. To install control hatches;
43. To install mezzanine floor and roof mounts;
44. To construct chimney heads (caps);
45. To build sloped brick ducts;
46. To select the most appropriate type of securing a chimney;
47. To select the most appropriate position for securing the chimney;
48. To assemble an insulated metal chimney;
49. To provide distance between the chimney and adjacent structures of the building;
50. To provide insulation for the adjacent structures of the building (insulation of the duct, mezzanine floors, etc.);
51. To build structures that separate chimney mezzanine floors and walls;
52. To perform concrete works regarding the structures that separate chimney mezzanine floors and walls;
53. To insulate the structures that separate chimney mezzanine floors, walls, and roof;
54. To determine the necessity for the chimney duct lining;
55. To determine the cross-section and shape of the chimney duct lining;
56. To select the material of the chimney duct lining depending on the type of combustible substances;
57. To install a lining of the chimney duct;
58. To inspect chimneys;
59. To identify the defects of chimneys;
60. To repair the defects of chimneys;
61. To calculate the cubic capacity of a room;
62. To evaluate the thermal conductivity of the structures that separate rooms;
63. To calculate the area of the heating surface of a furnace depending on the cubic capacity of the room and the thermal conductivity of the separating constructions;
64. To determine the shape and position of the furnace in a room rationally;
65. To check the draught of a chimney;
66. To check the air supply for the room;
67. To read technical drawings;
68. To transfer the sizes of the base of a stationary heating device, as specified in the construction drawing, to the room;
69. To mark out the sizes of the base of a stationary heating device, as specified in the construction drawing, in the room;
70. To develop a design of the structure of a masonry brick furnace according to the heat engineering calculations;
71. To select the appropriate construction materials, thermo-materials, binders, and fittings;
72. To perform visual assessment of the load carrying capacity of the base of the furnace;
73. To build a brick furnace;
74. To develop a design of the structure of a tile furnace according to the heat engineering calculations;
75. To select the appropriate construction materials, thermo-materials, binders, and fittings;
76. To prepare the tiles and mounts of the furnace for the construction of the furnace;
77. To perform visual assessment of the load carrying capacity of the base of the furnace;
78. To check the load carrying capacity of the base of the furnace;
79. To build a tile furnace;
80. To select a furnace in conformity with heat engineering parameters of the furnace provided by the manufacturer;
81. To get acquainted with the technical description of a furnace (certificate, specification, and drawings of the furnace);
82. To position the materials according to the work sequence;
83. To perform visual assessment of the load carrying capacity of the base of the furnace;
84. To assemble modular furnaces made of natural and artificial stone;
85. To develop a design of the structure of a frame furnace according to the heat engineering calculations;
86. To select the type of frame (tin-plate and metal profiles) and materials (brick, tile, and plate material) of the furnace;
87. To perform visual assessment of the load carrying capacity of the base of the furnace;
88. To build frame furnaces;
89. To prepare combustible material;
90. To dry the furnace;
91. To instruct and train the customer on correct operation of the furnace;
92. To clean chimney ducts;
93. To inspect a furnace;
94. To detect defects of a furnace;
95. To repair a furnace (replacement and securing of tiles, fittings, etc.);
96. To replace the connection of the furnace to the flue;
97. To follow the topicalities regarding the building standards applicable to the relevant field;
98. To calculate the heat engineering parameters of special furnaces;
99. To determine the shape and position of a special furnace in a room rationally;
100. To check the draught of the chimney;
101. To check the air supply to the room;
102. To develop a sketch and technical drawings of special furnaces (bread and pizza ovens, hearths, etc.);
103. To build the base of a bread or pizza oven;
104. To position a bread or pizza oven in conformity with fire safety regulations and operating requirements;
105. To construct a bread or pizza oven according to the developed design or the requirements of the customer;
106. To build the base of a grilling, smoking, and drying oven;
107. To position a grilling, smoking, and drying oven in conformity with fire safety regulations and operating requirements;
108. To construct a grilling, smoking, and drying oven according to the developed design or the requirements of the customer;
109. To create the base of the bath-house stove;
110. To visually select the bath-house stones;
111. To position a bath-house stove stove in conformity with fire safety regulations and operating requirements;
112. To construct a bath-house stove according to the developed design or the requirements of the customer;
113. To build the base of masonry kitchen stoves and masonry heaters;
114. To select (choose) construction materials (tiles, bricks, plates, etc.);
115. To position masonry kitchen stoves and masonry heaters stove in conformity with fire safety regulations and operating requirements;
116. To construct masonry kitchen stoves and masonry heaters according to the developed design or the requirements of the customer;
117. To get acquainted with the design of a specialised industrial furnace;
118. To build the base of a specialised industrial furnace;
119. To select the assembly materials of a specialised industrial furnace according to the design;
120. To position a specialised industrial furnace in conformity with fire safety regulations and operating requirements;
121. To construct a specialised industrial furnace according to the developed design or the requirements of the customer;
122. To select the type and capacity of the heating device depending on the room;
123. To select certified construction materials of the heating device;
124. To prepare the location for the installation of the heating device according to fire safety regulations and operating requirements;
125. To install manufactured movable heating devices;
126. To connect a heating device to the chimney;
127. To inspect special and manufactured furnaces;
128. To detect the defects of special and manufactured furnaces;
129. To repair special and manufactured furnaces (including the replacement of parts);
130. To select the type of fireplace according to the heat engineering and design requirements;
131. To select the construction and finishing materials of a fireplace;
132. To determine the shape, design, and position of a fireplace in a room rationally;
133. To check the draught of the chimney;
134. To check the air supply to the room and fireplace;
135. To develop a sketch and technical drawings of a fireplace in conformity with the design requirements and fire safety regulations;
136. To evaluate the compliance of an open-type fireplace with the room and chimney;
137. To perform visual assessment of the load carrying capacity of the base structures of the fireplace;
138. To select appropriate and certified construction materials, thermo-materials, binders, and fittings;
139. To build an open-type fireplace;
140. To evaluate the compliance of a furnace-fireplace with the room and chimney;
141. To make heat engineering calculations for a furnace-fireplace;
142. To perform visual assessment of the load carrying capacity of the base structures of the furnace-fireplace;
143. To select appropriate and certified construction materials, thermo-materials, binders, and fittings;
144. To construct a closed furnace-fireplace with or without smoke ducts;
145. To evaluate the compliance of a hearth with the room and chimney;
146. To make heat engineering calculations for a hearth according to the room and design solution;
147. To perform visual assessment of the load carrying capacity of the base structures of a fireplace;
148. To select appropriate certified construction materials, thermo-materials, binders, finishing materials, and fittings;
149. To select the type of fireplace finishing (with and without heat accumulation);
150. To construct a fireplace according to the design;
151. To select the type of a warm air heating system (with or without ventilator);
152. To calculate the parameters of a warm air heating system;
153. To assemble a warm air heating system;
154. To inspect a fireplace;
155. To detect the defects of a fireplace and its finishing;
156. To repair the hearth of a fireplace and its finishing;
157. To detect the defects of a warm air heating system;
158. To perform servicing of a warm air heating system;
159. To repair the defects of a warm air heating system;
160. To act in conformity with requirements of fire safety of the construction and installation of different types of furnaces and fireplaces;
161. To follow the standards for fire safety during the construction of chimneys.
GENERAL skills
1. To comply with the obligations of an employee specified in the employment contract and other legal provisions;
2. To execute the rights of an employee specified in the employment contract and other legal provisions;
3. To be aware of own responsibility in the context of civil society;
4. To organise the workplace in compliance with labour protection requirements;
5. To ensure the use of protective equipment;
6. To control the compliance of protective equipment;
7. To carry out the works according to electrical safety requirements;
8. To carry out the works according to fire safety requirements;
9. To supervise safe use of electrical equipment;
10. To control the compliance of fire safety regulations;
11. To act according to the requirements for environmental protection during the construction works;
12. To act according to the requirements for environmental protection when working with construction chemistry;
13. To undertake the measures for the reduction of the consumption of energy and other resources and the amount of waste;
14. To select the most appropriate work tools for him/her;
15. To control work practices;
16. To evaluate an emergency situation;
17. To act in an emergency situation (electrical injury, fire, etc.);
18. To organise the elimination of the causes of accidents;
19. To provide first aid;
20. To select equipment for work at high altitudes;
21. To use equipment and elevator for work at high altitudes;
22. To control the technical condition of the equipment;
23. To communicate in the official language;
24. To communicate in at least one foreign language both orally and in writing;
25. To substantiate the solution of a task by mathematical means;
26. To use basic principles and techniques of mathematics;
27. To model the procedure regarding the solution of the planned work;
28. To make correlations;
29. To use a computer and office equipment;
30. To process information purposefully by selecting the most appropriate solution;
31. To find specific information in the internet resources and data carriers;
32. To independently draw up documents and organise the document flow by means of the appropriate application software;
33. To use security software;
34. To perform critical evaluation of information reliability;
35. To collaborate in a team while being aware of own responsibility when completing a joint task;
36. To be aware of own responsibility when completing a joint task;
37. To collaborate efficiently in different environments;
38. To plan own work and the work of the team rationally;
39. To identify the causes of stress;
40. To assess own professional experience and career development options;
41. To personally participate in the generation of new ideas by taking initiative;
42. To define priorities rationally;
43. To plan resources efficiently;
44. To perform economic risk assessment;
45. To take decisions on problem solutions in particular situations.
PROFESSIONAL competences
1. Ability to prepare a safe workplace rationally;
2. Ability to prepare technical drawings, specifications, cost estimates, and other project-related documents according to the needs of the customer;
3. Ability to inspect work tools and mechanisms;
4. Ability to responsibly select construction materials of heating devices that correspond to the work task and construction plan;
5. Ability to prepare construction materials of heating devices in conformity with technology;
6. Ability to clean up the workplace by using appropriate clean-up technologies and complying with environmental protection requirements;
7. Ability to select the type of chimney depending on the heating devices to be designed;
8. Ability to prepare the foundations and mounts of chimneys depending on the heating devices to be designed and the structures of the building;
9. Ability to contruct a module and brick chimney according to the construction plan;
10. Ability to assemble an insulated metal chimney;
11. Ability to construct structures that isolate and separate the chimney mezzanine flows or walls;
12. Ability to install chimney duct lining depending on the type of combustible substances;
13. Ability to perform high-quality servicing and repair of chimneys by using the appropriate materials and construction chemistry;
14. Ability to make heat engineering calculations of stationary heating devices;
15. Ability to mark the position of stationary heating devices in a room according to the design;
16. Ability to construct masonry brick furnaces according to heat engineering calculations and design;
17. Ability to construct tile furnaces according to heat engineering calculations and design;
18. Ability to construct modular furnaces made of natural and artificial stone in conformity with the technical requirements provided by the manufacturer;
19. Ability to construct frame furnaces according to the design;
20. Ability to put heating devices into service and perform their servicing;
21. Ability to perform furnace repair works depending on the structure of the furnace;
22. Ability to draw up a sketch and technical drawings according to the requirements of the customer and the building standards;
23. Ability to construct a bread or pizza oven according to the developed design and the requirements of the customer;
24. Ability to construct grills, smoking chambers, and drying furnaces according to the developed design and the requirements of the customer;
25. Ability to construct masonry bath-house stoves according to the developed design and the requirements of the customer;
26. Ability to construct masonry kitchen stoves and masonry heaters according to the type of combustible substances and the requirements of the customer;
27. Ability to construct specialised industrial furnaces according to the developed design and the requirements of the customer;
28. Ability to construct grills, smoking chambers, and drying furnaces according to the developed design and the requirements of the customer;.
29. Ability to install and connect manufactured movable heating devices in compliance with the installation instruction and building standards;
30. Ability to perform the works for the repair of special and manufactured furnaces by using authentic materials;
31. Ability to draw up a sketch and technical drawings of a fireplace according to the wishes of the customer;
32. Ability to construct open-type fireplaces in conformity with the operational principles and construction technologies of fireplaces;
33. Ability to construct closed furnace-fireplaces according to the wishes of the customer;
34. Ability to construct closed-type manufactured metal hearth fireplaces.
35. Ability to install a warm air heating system according to fire safety requirements;
36. Ability to perform servicing and repair of fireplaces and warm air heating systems by using the appropriate materials and technologies;
37. Ability to comply with fire safety requirements during the construction and installation of heating devices and chimneys.
GENERAL competences
1. Ability to comply with the requirements specified in the legal provisions regarding labour law;
2. Ability to supervise the compliance with labour protection measures at the site;
3. Ability to supervise the compliance with electrical and fire safety requirements at the workplace;
4. Ability to comply with environmental protection requirements at the workplace;
5. Ability to apply ergonomic work practices and tools rationally;
6. Ability to act in emergency situations responsibly and provide first aid, if necessary;
7. Ability to work at high altitudes by anticipating the potential occupational risks, selecting climbing devices and equipment of good technical condition, and complying with labour protection requirements when working at high altitudes;
8. Ability to communicate in the official language both orally and in writing;
9. Ability to communicate in one foreign language;
10. Ability to use mathematical thinking when modelling work situations and planning the performance of the work task;
11. Ability to select and use information and communication technologies confidently and safely to perform the work task;
12. Ability to engage in team work efficiently;
13. Ability to plan own time when carrying out a task individually or in a team;
14. Ability to be aware of own personality and the personality of others, and the factors encouraging and discouraging personal development;
15. Ability to establish interaction with other persons and analyse it critically;
16. Ability to plan and take decisions on the planning of own professional career;
17. Ability to generate new ideas of efficient work performance;
18. Ability to take rational decisions in particular situations within the scope of own professional activity.
Architecture and construction (073)
Detailed field: (ISCED 2013)Building and civil engineering (0732)
EducationSecondary education
Qualification typeVocational
Full or partialFull qualification
Link to the descriptions of the Sector Qualifications Structure levels
Other information
Active qualification
Last changes: 24.10.2024
Posted: 22.11.2019