European Qualifications Framework (EQF) has 8 levels (1 – the lowest, 8 – the highest).
Levels reflect the complexity level of acquired knowledge, skills and competences (learning outcomes).
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Information about the Latvian qualifications referenced to Latvian qualifications framework (LQF)
Professional knowledge
At the concept level:
1. Principles and provision of power supply.
At the comprehension level:
1. Electrical equipment (structure, operating principles, and operation).
2. Power supply elements and their operating principles.
3. Types and physical and chemical properties of materials for the assembly of electrical equipment.
4. Fundamental principles of developing work schedules.
5. Use of materials for the assembly and maintenance of electrical equipment.
6. Principles of determining the amount of work.
7. Methods for assembling electrical equipment and engagement of specialists.
8. Ways of instructing the employees.
9. Basic interaction of interpersonal interaction.
10. Computer science, software, and databases.
11. Requirements of laws and regulations governing the power supply sector.
12. Electrical materials.
13. Electrical installation.
14. Structure of electrical drives and lighting fixtures, switching diagrams.
15. Assembly techniques.
16. Material science.
17. Types of materials and their physical and chemical properties.
18. Principles of mechanics.
19. Types of instruments, equipment, and auxiliary devices.
20. Types and operating principles of measuring instruments.
21. Requirements of laws and regulations governing the power supply sector.
22. Fundamentals of the automation of power supply networks.
23. Fundamentals of electronics.
24. Principles of using programmable controllers.
25. Work monitoring techniques.
26. Types and causes of damage to electrical equipment.
27. Principles of the automatic management and control of electrical equipment and processes.
At the application level:
1. Operating principles of electrical equipment and systems.
2. Graphic symbols in electrical engineering.
3. Technical designations and terminology in a foreign language.
4. Criteria for the visual inspection of electrical equipment.
5. Technologies for the assembly of electrical equipment.
6. Methods for developing work schedules.
7. Use of the instruments and tools for the assembly of electrical equipment.
8. Determination of the costs of materials and assembly work.
9. Organisation and planning of work.
10. Training methods and documentation of briefings.
11. Positive communication techniques.
12. Technical graphics.
13. Requirements for drawing up technical documents.
14. Requirements for completing documentation for the operation of electrical equipment.
15. Basics of record-keeping.
16. Types and use of electrical drives, control equipment, and lighting equipment.
17. Types and use of electrical installation of power, lighting, and control systems.
18. Metalworking technology.
19. Fitting of electrical equipment.
20. Use of testing devices, equipment, and instruments for various operations (inspection and adjustment).
21. Electrical measurements of single-phase and three-phase networks.
22. Use of equipment and devices for measuring electrical and non-electrical quantities, measurement principles, and recording, analysis, and application of the results.
23. Requirements for completing documentation for the commissioning of electrical equipment.
24. Inspection and adjustment of electrical equipment.
25. Programming of logic controllers.
26. Technological process of equipment to be installed.
27. Techniques for performing control measurements.
28. Techniques for performing the diagnostics of electrical equipment.
29. Types of common damages to electrical equipment and measures for their reduction.
30. Ways of operating and maintaining electrical equipment.
General knowledge
At the concept level:
1. Laws and regulations in the field of information technologies.
2. Provisions laid down in the Constitution of the Republic of Latvia in the context of law-governed and civil society.
3. Rights, obligations, and responsibility of an individual.
At the comprehension level:
1. Impact of electricity on human body.
2. Electrical safety and fire safety regulations.
3. Types of employee briefings and briefing methods.
4. Technical requirements for the operation, repair, and maintenance of electrical equipment.
5. Laws and regulations on labour protection, environmental protection, and civil defence.
6. Grammar and language functions.
7. Diversity of language and communication in different contexts.
8. Fundamental principles of economics and economic processes.
9. Diversity of social relations.
10. Basics of interpersonal psychology.
11. Principles of promoting cooperation.
12. Principles of team formation.
13. Techniques of preventing conflicts.
14. Decision-making principles.
15. Operating principles of computer and office equipment.
16. Security of information systems.
17. Employment relationship.
18. Fundamental issues of labour law.
19. Importance of employee motivation and talent development in improving work quality.
At the application level:
1. Provision of first aid.
2. Electrical injuries and actions to take in case of electrical injuries.
3. Regulatory documents on labour protection and environmental protection.
4. Measures for preventing work environment risks.
5. Principles of the safe operation of equipment and auxiliary devices.
6. Specific factors of hazards regarding electrical equipment.
7. Organisation of the servicing of electrical equipment in accordance with the requirements of regulations on fire safety, civil defence, and environmental protection.
8. Professional terminology in the official language and in the foreign language.
9. Calculation.
10. Units of measurement and shapes.
11. Mathematical terminology.
12. Mathematical methods and tools.
13. Methods for solving physical and applied chemistry problems.
14. Principles of positive communication.
15. Effective communication and cooperation techniques.
16. Applied communication process.
17. Time planning techniques.
18. Software for drawing up documents.
19. Values that unite society.
20. Social and political structure of society.
21. Learning strategies.
22. Self-assessment principles.
23. Methods for analysing field-specific information to identify the current knowledge and skills.
Professional skills and attitudes
1. To evaluate the work task to be performed.
2. To determine the amount of work to be performed.
3. To read and be familiar with the technical documentation (technical drawings, specifications for materials, and electrical diagrams).
4. To obtain information required for work performance.
5. To familiarise oneself with the instructions developed by the manufacturer of electrical equipment.
6. To evaluate the working conditions while preparing the workplace for safe performance of work.
7. To assess the work environment.
8. To identify the resources required for the work task to be performed.
9. To develop and draw up technical and organisational solutions for the performance of work.
10. To plan and organise own work and the work of the subordinate employees in accordance with the task.
11. To perform the necessary electrical engineering calculations and estimates of the quantity and technical characteristics of the required electrical engineering materials.
12. To be familiar with the procedures for the procurement of materials, instruments, and tools.
13. To calculate the expected costs of the technological process and draw up a cost estimate.
14. To collaborate in the team, communicate, listen to others, and articulate own opinion when performing the work tasks.
15. To identify personal educational development needs and plan the professional development.
16. To be aware of own responsibility in completing a joint task.
17. To plan own time rationally.
18. To take decisions on solutions to issues in a specific situation.
19. To find, analyse, and use information on the latest technologies in the electrical engineering sector additionally to the assigned work tasks, improve the skills, and acquire the latest technologies by using them in the organisation and planning of work.
20. To explain the operation and installation of electrical facilities.
21. To work in a team or individually, show initiative, adhere to work culture and principles of professional and general ethics, and address problem situations during the work process.
22. To develop an electrical diagram for the work task.
23. To use information technologies and special software for the performance of work.
24. To apply information obtained from catalogues.
25. To draw up documentation in accordance with the requirements of record-keeping and field-specific laws and regulations.
26. To perform electrical installation work.
27. To perform the fitting of electrical equipment.
28. To install electrical equipment by using appropriate tools, mechanisms, equipment, and measuring instruments.
29. To perform electrical assembly work.
30. To perform, record, analyse, and use geometrical measurements.
31. To perform, record, analyse, and use non-electrical measurements within the scope of competence, including the measurements of temperature, air humidity, light intensity, and other measurements required for the performance of work.
32. To perform, record, analyse, and use the measurements of electrical quantities and values.
33. To assess the conformity of the completed work with the work task and assume responsibility for work results.
34. To prepare and use documentation and work plan within the scope of competence for the commissioning of electrical equipment in accordance with the equipment specificity.
35. To use skills required to connect electrical equipment to power supply, inspect the operation of electrical equipment, and adjust it under load.
36. To adjust electrical equipment and facilities within the scope of own competence.
37. To verify the compliance of the operation of electrical equipment with the operational rules.
38. To ensure the compliance with the requirements of laws and regulations when operating electrical equipment.
39. To explain, assess, and prevent the potential work environment risks.
40. To undertake technical and organisational measures to monitor the work and equipment.
41. To evaluate the completed work and put forward proposals.
42. To detect, assess, analyse, and rectify defects in electrical equipment.
43. To be familiar with and use the latest technology, equipment, and measuring instruments during the operation of electrical equipment.
44. To assess the technical condition of electrical equipment.
45. To evaluate and analyse the need for the maintenance of electrical equipment.
46. To make appropriate decisions.
General skills and attitudes
1. To comply with electrical safety requirements, including in the zone of electrical hazard, during live-line working.
2. To perform the briefing of employees on site (in electrical facilities).
3. To identify the potential work environment risks.
4. To organise the sorting of the waste generated during the work process.
5. To perform work in accordance with the requirements of laws and regulations on electrical safety, labour protection, and environmental protection, and use environmentally friendly materials.
6. To comply with the technical requirements for the operation of electrical facilities.
7. To comply with the fire safety and civil defence requirements when performing work in electrical facilities, as well as other labour protection requirements.
8. To use the professional terminology in the official language.
9. To use the professional terminology in at least one foreign language.
10. To apply mathematical skills when calculating the required quantity of materials for the assembly and repair of electrical equipment.
11. To solve practical physical and mathematical problems.
12. To establish correlations when performing the professional work tasks.
13. To collaborate as a team while being aware of own responsibility in the collective work.
14. To plan one’s own and employees’ time rationally by setting priorities.
15. To prepare the professional documentation by using office or special software.
16. To comply with the requirements for information technology security and personal data protection.
17. To comply with the obligations and rights of the employer and the employee.
18. To comply with the field-specific laws and regulations, including the internal rules of the organisation.
19. To evaluate own professional experience and the potential for career development.
20. To acquire essential field-specific and professional competences and the latest technologies.
Professional competences
1. Ability to read and understand technical drawings, electrical circuit diagrams, and specifications of materials to make preparations for the performance of the work task assigned to the electrical technician.
2. Ability to read and understand technical drawings, electrical circuit diagrams, and specifications of materials to make preparations for the performance of the work task assigned to the electrical technician.
3. Ability to analyse the workplace and work task independently.
4. Ability to evaluate the current condition of electrical equipment and systems.
5. Ability to economically and efficiently plan resources for electrical equipment, electrical engineering materials, and other required materials in accordance with the work task and the assessed information.
6. Ability to independently develop and coordinate the work schedule for the performance of work duties.
7. Ability to develop, maintain, and use the material and technical provision for electrical engineering and operational work.
8. Ability to develop an economically and technically feasible estimate of electrical engineering work.
9. Ability to cooperate with the direct supervisor and efficiently organise own work and the work of the subordinate personnel involved in the performance of electrical engineering and other types of work.
10. Ability to engage the specialists required for the performance of work by carrying out the necessary briefings.
11. Ability to prepare the electrical engineering personnel and personnel required for the performance of other types of work.
12. Ability to supervise the subordinate personnel.
13. To prepare the workplace for safe performance of work.
14. To ensure (clarify) simple electrical circuit diagrams by using analogues of electrical equipment diagrams.
15. Ability to accurately develop a diagram for the installation of electrical facilities according to the circuit diagram.
16. Ability to prepare, maintain, and use electrical engineering documentation within the scope of own competence.
17. Ability to perform electrical installations by using appropriate materials and instruments in accordance with the requirements of technical and safety regulations.
18. Ability to perform the fitting of electrical equipment.
19. Ability to perform electrical engineering work in accordance with the labour protection and environmental protection requirements, using personal and collective protective equipment.
20. Ability to make electrical and other work-related measurements by using appropriate measuring instruments within the scope of own competence.
21. Ability to prepare documentation for the commissioning of electrical equipment in accordance with the requirements of laws and regulations.
22. Ability to evaluate the completed work and put forward proposals for the work process of electrical equipment by using the necessary technologies.
23. Ability to adjust and inspect electrical equipment by using computer technology and communication equipment, where necessary.
24. Ability to find, evaluate, and use information provided in the documentation of electrical facilities, operating instructions, and electrical engineering project, as well as information obtained during the assembly and operation of equipment.
25. Ability to select the technological process of installing, assembling, and disassembling electrical equipment in accordance with the manufacturer’s requirements, while complying with the standards and regulations in the field of electrical engineering.
26. Ability to monitor the work performance.
27. Ability to detect and rectify the defects in electrical equipment by using appropriate materials and instruments.
28. Ability to carry out operations to maintain the capacity of electrical equipment and extend its service life.
General competences
1. Ability to perform work tasks in compliance with electrical safety and fire safety requirements.
2. Ability to act responsibly in emergency situations and to provide the necessary first aid.
3. Ability to assess and prevent work environment risks during the performance of electrical engineering work.
4. Ability to communicate with the specialists involved in the work process.
5. Ability to perform work independently and assume responsibility of own work result.
6. Ability to comply with the regulations on fire safety, labour protection, and environmental protection during the assembly and maintenance of electrical equipment.
7. Ability to communicate in the official language orally and in writing.
8. Ability to communicate and use the professional terminology in at least one foreign language.
9. Ability to use mathematical and logical thinking when performing the professional work tasks.
10. Ability to establish and critically analyse interaction with other individuals.
11. Ability to confidently and safely use information and communication technologies to perform a work task.
12. Ability to observe and establish the employment relationship.
13. Ability to plan and make decisions in shaping own professional career.
Engineering and engineering trades (071)
Detailed field: (ISCED 2013)Electricity and energy (0713)
EducationSecondary education
Qualification typeVocational (continuing education)
Full or partialFull qualification
Link to the descriptions of the Sector Qualifications Structure levels
Other information
Active qualification
Last changes: 04.03.2025
Posted: 07.05.2016