European Qualifications Framework (EQF) has 8 levels (1 – the lowest, 8 – the highest).
Levels reflect the complexity level of acquired knowledge, skills and competences (learning outcomes).
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Information about the Latvian qualifications referenced to Latvian qualifications framework (LQF)
1. The KNOWLEDGE at the level of notion:
1.1. basics of mechanics;
1.2. basics of construction;
1.3. basics of communication;
1.4. non-electrical measurements;
1.5. basics of material processing;
1.6. basic principles of professional and general ethics;
1.7. basic principles of electricity generation, transmission, and distribution.
2. The KNOWLEDGE at the level of understanding :
2.1. structure, operation, and exploitation of electrical devices;
2.2. computer science, special applications, informative databases;
2.3. environmentally friendly technologies and materials;
2.4. electric appliances, electric devices, methods of their inspection, and detection of defects;
2.5. professional terminology in the official language and in one foreign language.
3. The KNOWLEDGE at the level of use:
3.1. basics of electrical engineering at a primary education level in physics and mathematics;
3.2. electric tools and devices;
3.3. electric installation technologies – tools, devices, installation materials;
3.4. fire safety, fire fighting equipment and its use;
3.5. labour protection, labour protective equipment and its use;
3.6. electrical safety;
3.7. environmental protection;
3.8. official language;
3.9. one foreign language at the professional communication level;
3.10. first aid;
3.11. standards of legal employment relations;
3.12. electrotechnical materials;
3.13. designations of electrical schematics;
3.14. electrical and non-electrical measurements.
1. To understand the work of an electrician.
2. To contact and use technical means of communication.
3. To read, understand, and assemble electrical and technical schematics.
4. To read and understand technical schematics, sketches and technical designs.
5. To verify and assess conformity of electrical devices with assembly documentation and purpose of technical design.
6. To choose assembly materials in compliance with technical documentation.
7. To choose and use appropriate tools, devices, and auxiliary devices for performance of electrical installation works.
8. To read the documentation of an electrical installation.
9. To perform an electrical installation (to lay and finish cables, mark conductors and cables, assemble panels, terminal-block cabinets, switching substations and their wiring, install lightning protection systems, earthing circuits, electrical installation of residential, manufacturing and public buildings) in accordance with documentation.
10. To perform the duties of a machinist (assemble detachable and permanent joints, straighten, cut, bend, saw, drill, grind, fix, cut assembly materials, cut threads, and solder).
11. To perform the auxiliary work involved in an electrical installation (prepare and install sockets, holes, gutters, install dowels, fix clamps, close feedthrough places of wires and earthing busbars in walls and covering, dig, strengthen and backfill trenches, and paint structure elements)
12. To assess the work performed and verify conformity of work with the technical documentation.
13. To assess compliance of measuring equipment, testing devices, and tools with the work to be performed and maintain these tools in working order.
14. To work with appropriate measuring instruments, indicators and testing devices, perform and record measurements of electric and non-electric quantities and values.
15. Perform inspection of electrical appliances and electrical devices, detecting their damage.
16. To assess the damage and defects of electrical appliances and devices, and eliminate them in compliance with their own competence.
17. To perform exploitation and repair work of electrical appliances and devices in accordance with technological documentation.
18. To sketch and draw, both digitally and manually, and make corrections in the electrical and assembly schematics.
19. To create, fill in, and maintain technical documentation (electrical schematics, exploitation instructions, switch maps, extension piece/switch maps, inspection protocols).
20. To have good knowledge of electrician’s labour protection regulatory documentation, perform work in accordance with the statutory regulatory requirements on labour protection.
21. To assess possible risks.
22. To provide medical first aid.
23. To observe the statutory regulatory requirements on fire safety, and to use fire fighting equipment.
24. To choose and use appropriate personal and collective labour protective equipment.
25. To organize their own work without assistance, analyse the working process and assume responsibility for the result of their own work.
26. To prepare their own workplace for safe undertaking of work.
27. To observe the statutory regulatory requirements on environmental protection.
28. To observe rules for storage and use of chemical substances, and use absorbers of chemical substances.
29. To sort waste arising from electrician’s work processes.
30. To perform the duties of an electrician, using environmentally friendly technologies and materials.
31. To obtain information and constantly keep up to date with issues related to the work of an electrician, and to use this knowledge while at work.
32. To substantiate their own opinion and cooperate with other specialists.
33. To choose appropriate applications of information technologies and improve their knowledge.
34. To observe the requirements of legal employment relations.
35. To observe principles of professional and general ethics.
36. To use professional terminology in the official language and in one foreign language.
37. To know the official language.
38. To know one foreign language at the professional communication level.
1. Ability to understand and assess how electrical devices are assembled using the technical documentation of work to be performed.
2. Ability to read, understand, and assemble electrical and technical schematics, and technical projects.
3. Ability to assess conformity of the electrical device to be installed with technical documentation and purpose of technical design.
4. Ability to determine the materials and quantity required for installation and selection of electrical devices, using the appropriate tools, machines, and auxiliary devices in compliance with technical documentation of work to be performed.
5. Ability to perform the installation of electrical devices in compliance with technical documentation.
6. Ability to perform the duties of a machinist.
7. Ability to perform the auxiliary work involved in the installation of electrical devices.
8. Ability to choose measuring equipment, testing devices, and tools corresponding to the technical requirements, perform and record precisely the measurements of electric and non-electric quantities and values.
9. Ability to detect and assess unforeseen damage or non-conformities and eliminate them in compliance with their own competence using appropriate technologies.
10. Ability to perform precisely the exploitation and repair work (planned and unplanned) of electrical appliances and devices in accordance with technical documentation, using appropriate technologies.
11. Ability to develop and maintain technical documentation of electrical appliances and devices, to sketch and draw, both digitally and manually, using special computer applications.
12. Ability to observe the statutory regulatory requirements on labour protection and fire safety, if necessary, act appropriately, performing the job duties of an electrician.
13. Ability to provide medical first aid.
14. Ability to use appropriate personal and collective protective equipment and prepare their own workplace for safe performance of job duties in accordance with the statutory regulatory requirements on labour protection.
15. Ability to recognize and choose fire fighting equipment appropriate for each specific situation.
16. Ability to perform the job duties of an electrician, observing the statutory regulatory requirements on environmental protection, to use chemical substances and technologies without causing harm to oneself and the surrounding environment.
17. Ability to ensure sorting of waste arising from the work processes.
18. Ability to find, assess, and use creatively, newly acquired knowledge while performing the job duties of an electrician, and offer suggestions for improvement of work processes.
19. Ability to observe requirements of legal employment relations.
20. Ability to perform works without assistance and assume responsibility for the result of their own work.
21. Ability to observe the principles of professional and general ethics.
22. Ability to communicate in the official language and in one foreign language.
Engineering and engineering trades (071)
Detailed field: (ISCED 2013)Electricity and energy (0713)
EducationBasic education
Qualification typeVocational (continuing education)
Full or partialFull qualification
Link to the descriptions of the Sector Qualifications Structure levels
Other information
Active qualification
Last changes: 04.03.2025
Posted: 07.05.2016