European Qualifications Framework (EQF) has 8 levels (1 – the lowest, 8 – the highest).
Levels reflect the complexity level of acquired knowledge, skills and competences (learning outcomes).
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Information about the Latvian qualifications referenced to Latvian qualifications framework (LQF)
At the concept level:
1. System and basic requirements of Latvian Construction Standards (LBN).
2. Basics of geodesy.
3. Structural analysis.
4. Structural analysis.
At the comprehension level:
1. Laws and regulations regarding construction.
2. Technology of construction works.
3. Organisation of construction works.
4. Quality requirements for construction materials.
5. Types of construction materials.
6. Principles of promoting cooperation.
7. Rules on relocation of building structures.
8. Differences in the use and maintenance of the mechanisms of internal combustion engine motors.
9. Operating principles of internal combustion engines (4 and 2-stroke).
10. Selection of repair materials.
11. Concreting.
12. Joining of building structures of different materials.
13. Markings of construction products.
14. Compatibility of construction materials.
15. Construction site logistics.
16. Concreting technologies.
17. Types of lifting and assembly auxiliary structures.
18. Quality requirements for assembling building structures.
19. Methods for identifying inconsistencies.
20. Effect of climatic conditions on construction products.
At the application level:
1. Obligations, rights, and liability of the participants of a construction process.
2. Informative databases.
3. Construction technology and graphical designations.
4. Composition of the construction plan.
5. Schedule chart of construction works.
6. Time planning techniques.
7. Calculation of labour consumption in time unit.
8. Technical specification of construction materials.
9. Methods for calculating the amount of construction products and construction materials.
10. Work organisation and performance projects.
11. Internal procedure requirements of the company and the construction object.
12. Accounting of the amounts of work.
13. Work execution schedule.
14. Construction machinery, equipment, and instruments.
15. Techniques for identifying work environment risks.
16. Ergonomic use of work equipment.
17. Checking of work equipment – specificity and intervals.
18. Types of scaffolds and techniques for their safe installation.
19. Technology of strapping work.
20. Operating principles of a mobile and a stationary hoist.
21. Operating principles of a ground-controlled hoist.
22. Working at high altitude.
23. Techniques for securing building structures.
24. Principles of use of manual, motor-operated and electrical instruments and battery-operated equipment.
25. Use of grinding and cutting wheels.
26. Types and use of lubricants.
27. Selection and application of repair tools.
28. Techniques for safe filling of internal combustion engine fuels and oils.
29. Application of abrasive cutting disks.
30. Techniques for sharpening cutting surfaces.
31. Safe use of work tools, mechanisms, and inventory.
32. Conditions for the storage of manual, motor-operated and electrical instruments and battery-operated equipment.
33. Maintenance of manual, motor-operated and electrical instruments and battery-operated equipment before/after work.
34. Charging and storage of batteries.
35. Requirements for temporary storage of work tools.
36. Measuring methods and techniques.
37. Use of equipment and measuring instruments.
38. Building structure connections and their types.
39. Technologies for assembling building structures.
40. Technical designations of construction products.
41. Technology of strapping work.
42. Operating principles of a mobile and a stationary hoist.
43. Operating principles of a ground-controlled hoist.
44. Working at high altitude.
45. Techniques for securing building structures.
46. Types and methods of joining building structures.
47. Building structure assembly works.
48. Measuring devices and instruments.
49. Sequence of assembling/ disassembling lifting and assembly auxiliary structures.
50. Types of auxiliary materials and their application.
51. Connections of auxiliary structures and building structures in their contact points.
52. Methods for assessing the quality of the assembly of building structures.
53. Techniques for remedying inconsistencies.
54. Sequence of assessing the quality of the works performed.
55. Techniques for surveying building structures.
56. Techniques for accounting of working hours.
57. Principles of documenting measurements.
58. Types of damages to building structures and construction products and their repair.
59. Warning signs and their use.
60. Types of the applicable protective materials, their use.
GENERAL knowledge:
At the concept level:
1. Laws and regulations regarding information technologies.
2. Work environment risk factors and assessment methods.
3. Laws and regulations regarding labour protection, electrical and fire safety, and nature and environmental protection.
4. Working conditions and human health as a precondition for life quality.
5. Categories of environmental pollution activities.
6. Laws and regulations regarding environmental protection.
7. Rights, obligations, and liability of an individual.
8. Organisation of the operation of the company.
9. Diversity of social relations.
10. Intercultural communication.
At the comprehension level:
1. Grammar and language functions.
2. Types of verbal interaction.
3. Language styles and characteristics of intonation.
4. Grammar and language functions.
5. Operating principles of computer and office equipment.
6. Information systems security.
7. Protective measures for reducing the detrimental effect of work environment on health.
8. Electrical and fire safety.
9. Principles of ergonomics.
10. Work at high altitude.
11. Effect of dust on health.
12. Effect of chemical substances on health.
13. Sorting of waste.
14. Employment legal relationship.
15. Fundamental issues of labour law.
16. Risks when performing work at high altitude.
17. Organisational structure.
18. Work organisation.
19. Work in a team.
20. Professional and general ethics.
21. Basic principles of conflict resolution.
22. Work in a team.
23. Planning of professional development.
24. Decision-making principles.
25. Professional career development and its importance.
26. Learning strategies.
At the application level:
1. Official language.
2. Professional terminology in the official language.
3. Vocabulary.
4. Foreign language.
5. Professional terminology in foreign language.
6. Vocabulary.
7. Calculation.
8. Units of measurement and shapes.
9. Mathematical terminology.
10. Application software in preparation of documents.
11. Work with computer, smart devices, and office equipment.
12. Occupational safety and labour protection requirements in the construction sector and the company.
13. Operating rules for technological facilities and equipment.
14. Facilities susceptible to explosion and rules for their use.
15. Safety signals and signs.
16. Basics of electrical safety.
17. Provision of first aid.
18. Action in emergency situations.
19. Principles of ergonomics.
20. Effect of construction materials on the environment.
21. Safe application of chemical agents.
22. Utilisation of hazardous waste.
23. Designations of hazardous substances.
24. Data safety sheets of materials.
25. Composition of employment contract.
26. Job description requirements.
27. Labour protection requirements for working at high altitude.
28. Safe work practices while working on scaffolds, ladder, and hoists and moving heavy loads.
29. Work planning methods.
30. Rational use of resources.
31. Business communication process.
32. Principles of promoting cooperation.
33. Positive interaction.
34. Self-assessment principles.
1. To act in accordance with the requirements of laws and regulations regarding construction.
2. To read the construction plan.
3. To determine the works to be performed according to the schedule chart of construction works.
4. To determine the labour consumption necessary for assembly works in time unit.
5. To determine the amount of the necessary construction products and construction materials.
6. To select the appropriate equipment and work instruments.
7. To verify the conformity of the assembly materials of building structures with the instructions of the manufacturer.
8. To supervise the placement and storage of the delivered materials.
9. To follow the sequencing of construction products and construction materials.
10. To account the amounts of the works performed.
11. To fulfil the internal procedure requirements of the company and the construction object.
12. To follow the time schedule when performing building structure assembly works.
13. To check the conformity of the performed assembly works with the time schedule.
14. To verify the technical condition of work equipment.
15. To set up an ergonomically convenient and safe workplace.
16. To mark off own work area.
17. To install/ take down scaffolds safely.
18. To comply with the requirements for the application of the appropriate equipment at the construction object.
19. To compare the conformity of construction products with the accompanying documents.
20. To verify the quality of the delivered construction products.
21. To load/ unload construction products.
22. To place construction products safely.
23. To store construction products according to the requirements specified by the manufacturer.
24. To use manual and electrical instruments and battery-operated equipment safely, according to the instructions of the manufacturer.
25. To use the mechanisms of the internal combustion engine safely, according to the instructions of the manufacturer.
26. To select work tools and mechanisms for specific work.
27. To perform thorough check of the technical condition of work tools and mechanisms.
28. To oil work tools, instruments, and mechanisms.
29. To maintain work tools.
30. To maintain optimum oil level in the engine block or oil tank.
31. To sharpen cutting surfaces.
32. To replace cutting disks.
33. To oil mechanical linkages.
34. To evaluate the technical condition of instruments and mechanisms.
35. To prepare the instruments, mechanisms, and inventory for use.
36. To apply instruments and mechanisms according to the instructions of the manufacturer.
37. To prepare work tools, mechanisms, and inventory for storage.
38. To place work tools, mechanisms, and inventory for storage.
39. To use the technical solutions specified in the construction plan.
40. To inform the work manager about inconsistencies.
41. To apply the appropriate measuring instruments to identify inconsistencies.
42. To remedy the identified inconsistencies within the scope of own competence.
43. To evaluate the interaction between building structures.
44. To use the specified solutions for joining building structures.
45. To assess the quality of construction products and construction materials.
46. To assess the compliance of construction products with the requirements specified in the construction plan.
47. To perform strapping works.
48. To relocate construction products, using lifting mechanisms and loading machinery.
49. To secure construction products safely.
50. To assemble structures of different materials.
51. To use measuring devices and instruments.
52. To produce construction products according to the project.
53. To join different building structures according to the construction plan.
54. To verify the safety of building structures.
55. To assemble/ disassemble auxiliary structures successively.
56. To ensure high-quality and safe connection of auxiliary structures and building structures in their contact points.
57. To get acquainted with the substantiation of quality requirements for the works to be performed.
58. To comply with the quality requirements specified for the assembly of building structures.
59. To assess the quality of the assembly of the assembled building structures and their connections and their compliance with the technical requirements.
60. To evaluate the building structures visually.
61. To check building structures and construction products, applying measuring instruments.
62. To identify the inconsistencies of the works performed.
63. To assess the consequences of the committed inconsistencies.
64. To remedy inconsistencies.
65. To apply the appropriate measuring instruments.
66. To document the surveyings performed.
67. To assess the risks of potential damages.
68. To apply protective material on building structures and their connections in accordance with the requirements.
69. To comply with the requirements for the use of chemical substances and absorbents.
70. To place the appropriate warning signs.
GENERAL skills:
1. To communicate in the official language both orally and in writing.
2. To use professional terminology in the official language.
3. To communicate in foreign language both orally and in writing.
4. To use professional terminology in foreign language.
5. To calculate the area.
6. To calculate the necessary amount of material to perform construction works.
7. To apply the basic mathematical principles and techniques to complete professional work tasks.
8. To use computer and smart devices.
9. To process information purposefully, choosing the most appropriate solutions.
10. To use safety programmes.
11. To communicate by using information technologies.
12. To organise own workplace for safe performance of work.
13. To use personal and collective protective work equipment.
14. To monitor the compliance of the protective work equipment and safety devices with the technical condition.
15. To follow safe and ergonomic work practices while working at the object.
16. To recognise safety signals and signs.
17. To provide first aid.
18. To act in emergency situations, following the established procedures.
19. To perform works in compliance with electrical safety requirements.
20. To perform works in compliance with fire safety regulations.
21. To work, applying environmentally friendly work practices.
22. To use chemical substances in compliance with the instructions for their use.
23. To act in conformity with the laws and regulations regarding environmental protection.
24. To sort waste in conformity with the requirements of laws and regulations.
25. To act in conformity with the legal framework of employment legal relationship.
26. To act in conformity with the internal procedure regulations of the company.
27. To use a hoist, accurately complying with the requirements of the instructions for use.
28. To control the technical condition of the inventory and the hoist.
29. To install temporary enclosing structures.
30. To comply with instructions and time-limits specified by the management.
31. To use the equipment and instruments, provided for work, with care.
32. To be aware of own responsibility while completing a joint task.
33. To organise own working hours.
34. To use resources rationally.
35. To communicate effectively in different environments.
36. To use intercultural communication opportunities.
37. To cooperate when completing joint tasks, creating positive interaction.
38. To solve conflict situations.
39. To evaluate own abilities and options for the development of professional activity.
40. To apply the positive work experience of colleagues.
41. To have thorough knowledge of information sources regarding the sectoral developments.
42. To evaluate new information critically.
43. To gain new experience according to labour market needs.
PROFESSIONAL competences:
1. Ability to read and comprehend construction plans and have thorough knowledge of laws and regulations in general and their application.
2. Ability to plan the sequence of the works to be performed according to the schedule chart of the construction works.
3. Ability to plan the conformity of the materials for assembling building structures and the technical resources with the work to be performed and the instructions of the manufacturer.
4. Ability to control the conformity of the assembly of building structures with the work schedule.
5. Ability to apply the appropriate work equipment to assemble building structures.
6. Ability to accept the construction products at the construction object, sorting and safely placing the construction products and construction materials according to their specificity and recommendations of the manufacturer.
7. Ability to learn and apply the principles of operation and use of work instruments and safe work practices in accordance with the instructions of the manufacturer.
8. Ability to select the most effective/ appropriate work tool and mechanism to complete the work task assigned.
9. Ability to maintain the instruments and mechanisms in working order and perform their maintenance works.
10. Ability to apply work tools, mechanisms, and inventory for the completion of the work task safely and efficiently.
11. Ability to prepare and place for storage the work tools, mechanisms, and inventory.
12. Ability to identify the potential non-conformities in the construction plan and implementation of the construction object and remedy the non-conformities occurred.
13. Ability to join building structures of different materials, applying the appropriate building structure solutions and assessing their interaction.
14. Ability to assess the conformity of the construction products with the parameters established at the construction object.
15. Ability to relocate building structures safely and, if necessary, install temporary supports, using the strapping technology.
16. Ability to assemble building structures, performing simple corrective works, if necessary.
17. Ability to assemble/ disassemble lifting and assembly auxiliary structures.
18. Ability to perform the assembly of a building structure in accordance with quality requirements.
19. Ability to visually and mechanically verify the quality of the assembly of the assembled building structures.
20. Ability to successively assess the quality of the works performed and remedy the committed inconsistencies.
21. Ability to survey and document the assembly works performed.
22. Ability to ensure the protection and sustainability of building structures and construction products, applying the appropriate protective materials.
GENERAL competences:
1. Ability to communicate in the official language both orally and in writing.
2. Ability to communicate and use professional terminology in at least one foreign language.
3. Ability to apply mathematical thinking to complete professional work tasks.
4. Ability to use information and communication technologies to complete the work task.
5. Ability to complete work tasks, maintaining good health condition and complying with the labour protection and electrical and fire safety requirements.
6. Ability to provide first aid and act in emergency situations.
7. Ability to comply with environmental protection requirements while completing professional work tasks.
8. Ability to comply with the norms of employment legal relationship.
9. Ability to perform work at high altitude by anticipating the possible occupational risks, selecting inventory and equipment in good technical condition, and complying with labour protection requirements accurately.
10. Ability to carry out work duties in accordance with the work organisation principles of the company.
11. Ability to create effective communication with the persons present at the object.
12. Ability to cooperate in a team, following the principles of positive interaction.
13. Ability to take reasoned decisions on planning own career in the chosen professional area.
Architecture and construction (073)
Detailed field: (ISCED 2013)Building and civil engineering (0732)
EducationBasic education
Qualification typeVocational (continuing education)
Full or partialFull qualification
Link to the descriptions of the Sector Qualifications Structure levels
Other information
Historical qualification
Last changes: 24.10.2024
Posted: 07.05.2016