Qualifications Framework level

EQF level

European Qualifications Framework (EQF) has 8 levels (1 – the lowest, 8 – the highest).

Levels reflect the complexity level of acquired knowledge, skills and competences (learning outcomes).

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LQF level

Latvian Qualifications Framework (LQF) has 8 levels (1 – the lowest, 8 – the highest).

Levels reflect the complexity level of acquired knowledge, skills and competences (learning outcomes).

LQF covers stages of education starting from the basic education (level 1 – special basic education) to the highest education (level 8 – doctoral studies).

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Level of professional qualification
Till 1 august 2022 in Latvia had a system of five professional qualifications levels (PQL, 1 – the lowest, 5 – the highest).

PQL system covers only professional qualifications (basic education, secondary and higher education stages).

PQL reflects readiness of a person to perform work of certain stage of complexity and responsibility.


Learning outcomes

Learning outcomes are knowledge, skills and competences acquired during a certain period of learning.

In Latvia, learning outcomes are stipulated by state education standards and occupational standards (for the professional qualifications).

Learning outcomes of higher education are defined by higher education institutions.

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Finishing worker

  • Knowledge

    PROFESSIONAL knowledge:
    At the concept level:
    1. Parts, structures, and structural elements of buildings.
    2. Material compatibility. Effect of external and internal factors on the surface to be plastered.
    3. Physical, mechanical, and chemical properties of materials.
    4. Efficiency of heat insulation of buildings. Cold bridges.
    5. Types of thermal insulation.
    6. Energy performance of buildings, density of buildings.
    7. Application of quality requirements in plastering works.
    8. Effect of tile manufacturing technologies on the quality of tiles.
    9. Spreading of moisture in building structures.
    10. Thermal expansion of materials.
    11. Application of quality requirements in tiling works.
    12. Construction chemistry.
    13. Need for priming in surface preparation.
    14. Chemical composition of paints (paint bases).
    15. Colour theory.
    16. Matching of colour tones.
    17. Wallpaper markings.
    18. Techniques for cutting ornaments and drawings.
    19. Application of carpets and wear classes.
    20. Effect of temperature on the properties of materials.
    21. Types of floating floors.
    At the comprehension level:
    1. Relation between finishing works and other construction works. Material applicability/ suitability, restrictions. Effect of weather conditions on plastering works.
    2. Plaster strength classes.
    3. Types and (system) properties of plaster reinforcement materials.
    4. Usefulness of the installation of control joints. Plaster application thickness, plaster processing.
    5. Technological time standards, plaster hardening time.
    6. Fire resistance classes.
    7. Sound insulation techniques.
    8. Surface quality standards.
    9. Types of insulation materials.
    10. Techniques for embedding vapour barrier insulation.
    11. Types and application of sheet materials.
    12. Types of facade heat insulation systems, types of finishing.
    13. Contents of the technical design.
    14. Quality standards and tolerances for plaster.
    15. Tile evaluation parameters and criteria.
    16. Waterproofing systems and materials.
    17. Material applicability/ suitability, restrictions.
    18. Priming materials.
    19. Classification of tiles and tile adhesives.
    20. Joint filling materials and their properties.
    21. Quality standards and tolerances for tile coverings.
    22. Physical and chemical properties of materials (moisture, adhesion). Types of abrasive materials.
    23. Types of paint thinners.
    24. Types of historic paints.
    25. Effect of climatic conditions on painting works.
    26. Optical effects of colours.
    27. Surface preparation technologies.
    28. Types and properties of wallpaper.
    29. Types and properties of wallpaper adhesives. Specification of work tasks.
    30. Application of quality requirements in wallpaper adhesion works.
    31. Quality standards and tolerances for the surfaces of adhered wallpaper.
    32. Types and causes of defects.
    33. Surface preparation techniques for laying floors.
    34. Differences between types of coverings.
    35. Techniques for cold and hot welding of seams.
    36. Covering protection methods.
    37. Need for protective coating.
    38. Types of soft floor coverings.
    39. Types of adhesives of soft coverings.
    40. Types and technologies of thermo-hardening materials.
    41. Chemical properties and hazard of materials.
    42. Surface moisture and temperature measuring devices.
    43. Embedding technologies.
    44. Types of underlayments.
    45. Types of floor structures.
    46. Client’s quality requirements.
    47. Quality standards and tolerances for floor coverings.
    At the application level:
    1. Daily technical maintenance of equipment and instruments.
    2. Material consumption norms and calculations.
    3. Application of manual and electrical measuring instruments.
    4. Techniques for embedding control joints and corners.
    5. Properties of cement-based plaster.
    6. Properties of lime plaster.
    7. Properties of gypsum plaster.
    8. Application of special plasters.
    9. Instruments for decorative plastering.
    10. Composition and specificity of use of decorative plaster compound.
    11. Technologies for creating cornices and friezes.
    12. Type and construction of frameworks of partition walls. Technologies for assembling profiles. Auxiliary equipment, instruments, and measuring instruments required for the construction of frameworks.
    13. Embedding of sound insulation and damping materials.
    14. Structures of suspended ceiling frameworks.
    15. Arrangement of hangers.
    16. Assembly fasteners.
    17. Layout of gypsum board plates.
    18. Facade finishing materials and their embedding.
    19. Instruments, mechanisms, and machinery used for heat insulation and finishing of the facade.
    20. Materials of wall and covering heat insulation systems, their embedding.
    21. Instruments, mechanisms, and machinery used for heat insulation of walls and coverings.
    22. Quality (compliance) criteria.
    23. Electrical and manual tile cutting instruments.
    24. Tile cutting technologies and methods.
    25. Waterproofing selection and installation techniques.
    26. Creation of a surface slope.
    27. Creation of finishing profiles, internal and external corners. Techniques for adhering tiles. Suitability of materials for operational requirements: primers, waterproofing, adhesives, tiles.
    28. Layout and patterns of tiles.
    29. Adhesive application techniques and work tools.
    30. Joint creation technology.
    31. Tile adhesion technology.
    32. Specific character of joint grout drying.
    33. Joint filling technologies.
    34. Tiling quality (compliance) criteria and testing techniques.
    35. Application of measuring devices.
    36. Priming methods.
    37. Grinding methods.
    38. Visual assessment methods. Types of levelling materials and their embedding.
    39. Manual and mechanically operated instruments for preparation of surfaces.
    40. Use of paint thinners.
    41. Paint mixing techniques.
    42. Paint composition compatibility.
    43. Techniques for applying paint and decorative painting.
    44. Painting instruments.
    45. Use of stencils.
    46. Application of quality requirements in painting works.
    47. Surface levelling methods.
    48. Surface levelling materials.
    49. Instruments and techniques for wallpaper adhesion works.
    50. Use of instruments for wallpaper adhesion works.
    51. Wallpaper adhesion technologies.
    52. Defect repair methods.
    53. Methods for applying self-levelling and filler compounds.
    54. Modelling of floor layout.
    55. Measuring and cutting instruments.
    56. Cutting and adhesion of covering.
    57. Techniques for applying protective coating.
    58. Methods for adhering soft coverings. Use of measuring, cutting, and adhesion instruments.
    59. Techniques for creating connection joints.
    60. Types of preparation of floors to be renovated.
    61. Techniques, work tools, and instruments for laying a thermo-hardening coating.
    62. Floating floor materials and their embedding, instruments and auxiliary materials required for laying.
    63. Preparation of floor materials.
    64. Levelling instruments and devices.
    65. Sheet assembly technologies.
    66. Quality (compliance) criteria and testing techniques for laying floors and floor coverings.
    GENERAL knowledge:
    At the concept level:
    1. Planning of professional development.
    2. Decision-making principles.
    3. Rights, obligations, and liabilities of an individual.
    4. Categories of environmental pollution activities.
    5. Laws and regulations regarding environmental protection.
    6. Work environment risk factors and assessment methods.
    7. Laws and regulations regarding labour protection, electrical and fire safety, and nature and environmental protection.
    8. Working conditions and human health as a precondition for life quality.
    9. Laws and regulations regarding information technologies.
    At the comprehension level:
    1. Professional career development and its importance.
    2. Learning strategies.
    3. Positive interaction techniques.
    4. Settlement of conflicts.
    5. Principles of promoting cooperation.
    6. Organisational structure.
    7. Employment legal relationship.
    8. Fundamental issues of labour law.
    9. Effects of dust on health.
    10. Effects of chemical substances on health.
    11. Sorting of waste.
    12. Protective measures for reducing the detrimental effect of work environment on health. Electrical and fire safety. Principles of ergonomics.
    13. Work at high altitude.
    14. Operating principles of computer and office equipment.
    15. Information systems security.
    16. Grammar and language functions.
    17. Types of verbal interaction.
    18. Language styles and characteristics of intonation.
    At the application level:
    1. Self-assessment principles.
    2. Business communication process.
    3. Instructions for use of equipment and instruments.
    4. Time planning techniques.
    5. Composition of employment contract.
    6. Effect of finishing materials on the environment.
    7. Safe application of chemical agents.
    8. Utilisation of hazardous waste.
    9. Designations of hazardous substances.
    10. Safety data sheets of materials.
    11. Occupational safety and labour protection requirements in construction sector and the company.
    12. Operating rules for technological facilities and equipment.
    13. Facilities susceptible to explosion and rules for their use.
    14. Safety signals and signs.
    15. Basics of electrical safety.
    16. Provision of first aid.
    17. Action in emergency situations.
    18. Safe work practices while working on scaffolds, ladder, and hoists and moving heavy loads.
    19. Application software in preparation of documents.
    20. Work with computer, smart devices, and office equipment.
    21. Calculation.
    22. Units of measurement and shapes.
    23. Mathematical terminology.
    24. Foreign language.
    25. Professional terminology in foreign language.
    26. Vocabulary.
    27. Official language.
    28. Professional terminology in the official language.

  • Skills

    PROFESSIONAL skills:
    1. To evaluate factors impeding finishing works, preconditions, and readiness of premises for finishing works.
    2. To construct simple auxiliary equipment.
    3. To prepare materials for plastering.
    4. To prepare inventory for finishing works.
    5. To check surfaces vertically and horizontally.
    6. To level the surface.
    7. To install markings, control joints, and corners.
    8. To embed reinforcement meshes.
    9. To prime the surface to be plastered.
    10. To create internal and external corners on the plaster.
    11. To plaster window and door openings, columns.
    12. To plaster walls and the ceiling.
    13. To create cornices and friezes.
    14. To select instruments in conformity with the plastering works to be performed.
    15. To apply plaster manually and mechanically.
    16. To apply simple plaster.
    17. To apply advanced plaster.
    18. To apply high-quality plaster.
    19. To prepare decorative plaster compound.
    20. To apply decorative plaster, creating a pattern.
    21. To construct structures of wall and partition wall frameworks.
    22. To construct structures of ceiling frameworks.
    23. To clad walls and the ceiling with different sheet materials, embedding insulation materials.
    24. To prepare the building facade for heat insulation and finishing.
    25. To use facade heat insulation methods, systems.
    26. To embed facade reinforcement mesh and auxiliary materials.
    27. To take technical measurements in accordance with quality standards.
    28. To check the quality of the plaster, using sensory evaluation methods.
    29. To evaluate the surface to be tiled.
    30. To prime the surface to be tiled.
    31. To level the surface to be tiled.
    32. To create a surface slope.
    33. To create waterproofing under the surfaces to be tiled, around pipes and traps.
    34. To plan the tile covering.
    35. To check the quality of tiles (in terms of the angle, plane, and sizes).
    36. To cut tiles in the necessary size and angle.
    37. To use instruments for preparation of tiles.
    38. To create deformation joints.
    39. To adhere tiles, using appropriate instruments and auxiliary equipment.
    40. To embed finishing profiles.
    41. To tile internal and external corners.
    42. To select instruments according to the joint grout.
    43. To embed joint grout.
    44. To fill deformation joints.
    45. To measure the evenness of the tiled surface.
    46. To evaluate the tiled surfaces in accordance with quality standards.
    47. To evaluate the readiness of the premises and the surface for painting works.
    48. To clean the surface of the base to be painted.
    49. To repair the defects of the base to be painted by priming, levelling, and grinding the surface.
    50. To ensure uniform consistency of the paint.
    51. To mix the ingredients of paints.
    52. To paint surfaces of different materials, using paints of different paint bases.
    53. To apply paint, using manual and mechanical techniques.
    54. To paint horizontal and vertical planes.
    55. To select the appropriate additives for the paint.
    56. To develop stencils.
    57. To apply decorative painting, using different techniques, instruments, and auxiliary materials.
    58. To evaluate the painted surfaces in accordance with quality standards.
    59. To repair the defects of the painted surface.
    60. To evaluate the readiness of the surface for wallpaper adhesion.
    61. To repair a surface.
    62. To plan the arrangement of wallpaper in accordance with the wallpaper pattern matching.
    63. To prepare the wallpaper and adhesive for adhesion, using instruments appropriate for the type of material.
    64. To select adhesion technology in accordance with the type of wallpaper.
    65. To adhere wallpaper onto walls and the ceiling.
    66. To assess the compliance of the quality of the adhered wallpaper with the requirements.
    67. To check wallpaper seams.
    68. To identify the defects occurred during the wallpaper adhesion process.
    69. To repair the defects of the surface of the adhered wallpaper.
    70. To use instruments and materials in accordance with the floor type and laying technology.
    71. To level floors, using self-levelling compounds.
    72. To putty and grind a surface of the floor.
    73. To prime the surface of the floor base.
    74. To assess the surface moisture.
    75. To develop a covering cutting map.
    76. To cut floor covering.
    77. To adhere floor covering, using the appropriate adhesive.
    78. To create joints.
    79. To create a skirting board, using the floor covering.
    80. To prepare the floor base for installation of soft covering.
    81. To create connections with other types of floor coverings.
    82. To adhere soft floor covering.
    83. To prepare the floor for laying the thermo-hardening coating.
    84. To prepare materials for work.
    85. To lay thermo-hardening material.
    86. To prepare the base for laying the floating floor.
    87. To lay the underlayment.
    88. To prepare materials.
    89. To lay the floor covering.
    90. To determine the floor level.
    91. To lay insulation materials.
    92. To embed the dry levelling fill.
    93. To lay floor plates according to assembly technologies.
    94. To identify the defects occurred during the floor laying process.
    95. To repair the detected floor laying defects.
    GENERAL skills:
    1. To communicate in the official language both orally and in writing.
    2. To use professional terminology in the official language.
    3. To communicate in foreign language both orally and in writing.
    4. To use professional terminology in foreign language.
    5. To calculate the area.
    6. To calculate the amount of material necessary for finishing works.
    7. To apply the basic mathematical principles and techniques to compete professional work tasks.
    8. To use computer and smart devices.
    9. To process information purposefully, choosing the most appropriate solutions.
    10. To use safety programmes.
    11. To communicate by using information technologies.
    12. To organise own workplace in compliance with labour protection and electrical and fire safety requirements.
    13. To use personal and collective protective work equipment.
    14. To use safe work practices while working at the object.
    15. To recognise safety signals and signs.
    16. To provide first aid.
    17. To act in emergency situations, following the established procedures.
    18. To work, applying environmentally friendly work practices.
    19. To use resources economically.
    20. To use chemical substances in compliance with the instructions for their use.
    21. To act in accordance with the laws and regulations regarding environmental protection.
    22. To sort waste in accordance with the requirements of laws and regulations.
    23. To act in accordance with the legal framework of employment legal relationship.
    24. To act in accordance with the internal procedure regulations of the company.
    25. To comply with the instructions and time-limits specified by the management.
    26. To use the equipment and inventory provided for work.
    27. To exchange with information responsibly.
    28. To be aware of own responsibility while completing a joint task.
    29. To assume responsibility for own work outcome.
    30. To define priorities, providing arguments to support own opinion, while planning own activity.
    31. To engage in generation of new ideas, showing initiative.
    32. To identify and remedy the causes of stress.
    33. To solve conflict situations, providing arguments to support own opinion.
    34. To cooperate in a team while carrying out professional work duties.
    35. To define priorities while planning own professional activity.
    36. To evaluate own abilities and options for the development of professional activity.
    37. To apply the positive work experience of colleagues.
    38. To have thorough knowledge of information sources regarding the sectoral developments.
    39. To evaluate new information critically.
    40. To gain new experience according to labour market needs.

  • Competences/ autonomy

    PROFESSIONAL competences:
    1. Ability to prepare the workplace for plastering works, selecting the necessary material and inventory and constructing simple auxiliary equipment.
    2. Ability to prepare surfaces for plastering in good quality, embedding markings, control joints, corners, and reinforcement meshes.
    3. Ability to create plaster for the elements of a building.
    4. Ability to lay different types of plaster, applying manual and mechanical techniques.
    5. Ability to create dry plaster while constructing structures of the frameworks of walls, partition walls, and the ceiling.
    6. Ability to perform heat insulation of building facades, using facade heat insulation systems and applying the appropriate materials and instruments.
    7. Ability to check the quality of the plastering works performed.
    8. Ability to prepare the surfaces to be tiled and the tiles for tiling works, using the appropriate instruments and techniques.
    9. Ability to tile floors and walls according to the tile adhesion technology.
    10. Ability to check the quality of the tiling works performed.
    11. Ability to prepare surfaces and paints for painting works, applying the appropriate instruments and techniques.
    12. Ability to paint different types of surfaces according to the painting technology.
    13. Ability to check the quality of the painting works and repair painting defects.
    14. Ability to prepare different types of surfaces and materials for adhering wallpaper.
    15. Ability to adhere wallpaper of different materials according to the technological requirements.
    16. Ability to check the quality of wallpaper adhesion works performed and repair defects.
    17. Ability to prepare the surface for laying floors, using instruments and materials according to the technology.
    18. Ability to lay/ adhere linoleum, synthetic floor material, and soft floor covering in conformity with the technological requirements.
    19. Ability to lay thermo-hardening coating, using the appropriate instruments and measuring devices.
    20. Ability to lay the floating floor, using the appropriate instruments, materials, and auxiliary materials.
    21. Ability to create dry building floor systems, using the appropriate technologies.
    22. Ability to check the quality of the works performed, identifying and repairing the defects occurred during the floor laying process.
    GENERAL competences:
    1. Ability to communicate in the official language both orally and in writing.
    2. Ability to communicate in one foreign language.
    3. Ability to apply mathematical thinking to complete professional work tasks.
    4. Ability to use information and communication technologies to complete the work task.
    5. Ability to complete work tasks, maintaining good health condition and complying with the labour protection and electrical and fire safety requirements.
    6. Ability to provide first aid and act in emergency situations.
    7. Ability to comply with environmental protection requirements while completing professional work tasks.
    8. Ability to comply with the norms of employment legal relationship.
    9. Ability to assume responsibility for own work outcomes while working in changing conditions.
    10. Ability to cooperate in a team effectively, while carrying out professional work duties.
    11. Ability to plan and take reasoned decisions on planning own career in the chosen professional area.

Qualification acquisition requirements

Previous education
Certificate of general basic education
Ways to acquire 
Qualifications can be acquired in the framework of education programs or in the evaluation and recognition of non-formal knowledge, skills and competences acquired (in vocational education LKI Levels 2-4).
Formal (through education programmes) or
Formal (through non-formal education acquired competence recognition process, completing the qualifications professional examination)
ECTS credit points 
Snice 11.10.2022 60 credit points correspond to the study results acquired in full-time studies in one academic year in accordance with the European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS).Since 11.10.2022

Till 11.10.2022 1 Latvian credit point corresponds to 1,5 ECTS credit point.
Duration of study 
Duration of qualification in full-time studies
1 year

Qualification document

Awarding body

Vocational basic and secondary education institution

- Rezekne Technical School

- Latgales industriālais tehnikums

- Rēzeknes tehnikums

Type of awarding bodies:

- Latgales Industriālais tehnikums


Qualifications Framework level

EQF level

European Qualifications Framework (EQF) has 8 levels (1 – the lowest, 8 – the highest).

Levels reflect the complexity level of acquired knowledge, skills and competences (learning outcomes).

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LQF level

Latvian Qualifications Framework (LQF) has 8 levels (1 – the lowest, 8 – the highest).

Levels reflect the complexity level of acquired knowledge, skills and competences (learning outcomes).

LQF covers stages of education starting from the basic education (level 1 – special basic education) to the highest education (level 8 – doctoral studies).

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Level of professional qualification

Till 1 august 2022 in Latvia had a system of five professional qualifications levels (PQL, 1 – the lowest, 5 – the highest).

PQL system covers only professional qualifications (basic education, secondary and higher education stages).

PQL reflects readiness of a person to perform work of certain stage of complexity and responsibility.

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LQF PQ level:

Kas ir LKI?2

Theoretical and practical training corresponding to the LQF levels, characterized by the learning outcomes that can be achieved at the relevant level, which gives the opportunity to perform work corresponding to a certain level of complexity and responsibility.


Qualification field, stage and type

Thematic field (ISCED 2013)
International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED) developed by UNESCO.

Architecture and construction (073)

Detailed field: (ISCED 2013)

Building and civil engineering (0732)

Stages of Latvian education system included in the LQF:
- basic education
- secondary education
- higher education

Secondary education

Qualification type
ITypes of Latvian education:
-General education
-Professional education
-Academic education


Full or partial

Full qualification

Other information

National Education Information System

National Database of Education Opportunities

Active qualification

Last changes: 05.02.2025

Posted: 07.05.2016