European Qualifications Framework (EQF) has 8 levels (1 – the lowest, 8 – the highest).
Levels reflect the complexity level of acquired knowledge, skills and competences (learning outcomes).
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Information about the Latvian qualifications referenced to Latvian qualifications framework (LQF)
1. The KNOWLEDGE at the level of notion:
1.1. general sociology;
1.2. basics of communication.
2. The KNOWLEDGE at the level of understanding :
2.1. economics;
2.2. chemical engineering;
2.3. mechanics;
2.4. supplementary mathematics (electrical engineering);
2.5. probability theory and mathematical statistics;
2.6. programmable logic controllers;
2.7. physics;
2.8. introduction to the speciality;
2.9. electricity and magnetism;
2.10. electricity production;
2.11. professional terminology in the official language and at least two foreign languages.
3. The KNOWLEDGE at the level of use:
3.1. mathematics;
3.2. computer studies (basic course);
3.3. computer studies (special course in industrial electronics);
3.4. theoretical basics of electric engineering;
3.5. computer realization of electrical engineering mathematics;
3.6. control theory basics;
3.7. programming languages in industrial electronics;
3.8. programming technologies in industrial electronics;
3.10. power electronics;
3.11. electrical measurements;
3.12. electronic equipment;
3.13. electrical machinery;
3.14. electric drive basics;
3.15. digital electronics;
3.16. circuit theory;
3.17. labour protection;
3.18. environmental protection;
3.19. employment relationship;
3.20. power supply, transmission and distribution;
3.21. official language;
3.22. two foreign languages (Russian and English or German) at a communication level;
3.23. industrial electronics and electrical technology specialization (electric drive management and control, advanced production technology, production process automation basics, process automation, automated electrotechnological processes, electrical engineering);
3.24. surface electrical transport specialization (railway process control computer technology, electric traction drive, electric semiconductor converters, railway power supply, electric control system, traction electric apparatus);
3.25. railway automation and computer control specialization (transport management database, railway microprocessor systems, railway automation and telemechanics lines, automation and telemechanics station systems, railway transport interval adjustment system).
1. To carry out electric, magnetic and electronic component calculations in accordance with regulatory requirements, Latvian and international standards.
2. To perform calculations and process management, using computational techniques.
3. To understand computer modelling and calculation methodology, test microprocessor control system applications.
4. To use standard software, use a computer for modelling.
5. To design automated electrotechnical equipment.
6. To develop principal electrical and electronic circuits, circuit operating descriptions, assembly and connection schemes.
7. To apply design software.
8. To design power supply, transmission and distribution equipment.
9. To design power supply, transmission and distribution schemes, carry out necessary calculations, design wiring schemes and constructive documents.
10. To apply power supply, transmission and distribution components and design methodology.
11. To use diagnostic and measuring equipment.
12. To take metrological measurements with different types of measurement equipment.
13. To comply with labour safety requirements, use occupational health and safety measures at work with diagnostic and measuring equipment.
14. To apply a microprocessor controller and computer control systems.
15. To understand operating principles of automation elements.
16. To apply electrical safety means.
17. To provide first aid.
18. To carry out a feasibility study and work organization measures.
19. To evaluate technical and economic indicator systems (also in foreign languages), carry out computer-aided calculations and assessment.
20. To draw up business documents, records, reports, provide advice.
21. To know the official language.
22. To manage two foreign languages (Russian and English or German) at a communication level.
23. To use professional terminology in the official language and at least one foreign language.
1. Ability to create a full range of automated electrical equipment design documentation, including the programming of programmable logic controllers (PLC).
2. Ability to be able to program microprocessor controllers (assembler or C ++ language).
3. Ability to carry out algorithm testing and regulation of design equipment.
4. Ability to connect automated electrical equipment to technologies.
5. Ability to carry out calculations of the power supply, power transmission and distribution system modes.
6. Ability to edit and update documentation of electric engineering projects.
7. Ability to perform a technical and economical assessment of designed electrical equipment.
8. Ability to provide advice on automated electrical systems and performance issues thereof.
9. Ability to supervise follow-up installation work of electrical equipment (electric technologies, electric motors, electric appliances).
10. Ability to work with special design and electrical equipment control software.
11. Ability to ensure compliance with the requirements of environmental and labour protection regulations.
12. Ability to organize inspection and metrological assessments of electrical and electronic automation equipment, setting the control parameters and process characteristics.
13. Ability to organize testing and inspection, adjustment of functioning electrical and electronic equipment and controller programs in accordance with the manufacturers’ technical documentation, identifying and eliminating damage.
14. Ability to detect electrical and electronic assemblies damage of technological electrical equipment and supervise repairs thereof.
15. Ability to organize the connection, testing, adjusting of new electrical and electronic equipment in compliance with technical regulations and standards as well as customer requirements.
16. Ability to organize and manage subordinate staff for fast electrical damage elimination, while ensuring high quality.
17. Ability to organize and manage the operation of a company’s power supply, transmission and distribution equipment.
18. Ability to evaluate and determine the causes and frequency of electrical equipment failure in order to prevent them prior to failure.
19. Ability to study technological aspects of electrical engineering materials, products and processes and provide advice, prepare reports and accounts.
20. Ability to get acquainted with the latest developments in electrical equipment and characteristics thereof.
21. Ability to evaluate a variety of electrical equipment and technology application possibilities in Latvia.
22. Ability to carry out technical assessment of the effectiveness of a technical solution.
23. Ability to design compatibility of electrical equipment manufactured by foreign companies.
24. Ability to carry out electrical installation management.
25. Ability to use professional terminology in the official language and at least two foreign languages (Russian and English or German).
Engineering and engineering trades (071)
Detailed field: (ISCED 2013)Electricity and energy (0713)
EducationHigher education
Qualification typeVocational
Full or partialFull qualification
Link to the descriptions of the Sector Qualifications Structure levels
Other information
Active qualification
Period for issuing qualification: 2013-2022
Last changes: 06.09.2021
Posted: 15.10.2016