Qualifications Framework level

EQF level

European Qualifications Framework (EQF) has 8 levels (1 – the lowest, 8 – the highest).

Levels reflect the complexity level of acquired knowledge, skills and competences (learning outcomes).

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LQF level

Latvian Qualifications Framework (LQF) has 8 levels (1 – the lowest, 8 – the highest).

Levels reflect the complexity level of acquired knowledge, skills and competences (learning outcomes).

LQF covers stages of education starting from the basic education (level 1 – special basic education) to the highest education (level 8 – doctoral studies).

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Level of professional qualification
Till 1 august 2022 in Latvia had a system of five professional qualifications levels (PQL, 1 – the lowest, 5 – the highest).

PQL system covers only professional qualifications (basic education, secondary and higher education stages).

PQL reflects readiness of a person to perform work of certain stage of complexity and responsibility.


Learning outcomes

Learning outcomes are knowledge, skills and competences acquired during a certain period of learning.

In Latvia, learning outcomes are stipulated by state education standards and occupational standards (for the professional qualifications).

Learning outcomes of higher education are defined by higher education institutions.

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House Manager

  • Knowledge

    Professional knowledge
    At the concept level:
    1. Basics of mediation.
    At the level of understanding:
    1. Structural design and functions of building structures and components, normative service life.
    2. Types, structure and functions of building engineering systems.
    3. Basic principles of strength and stability of structures.
    4. Regulatory framework for technical inspection of buildings.
    5. Building materials and construction products, their classification and use.
    6. Construction technologies and methods.
    7. Regulatory framework for construction work.
    8. Basic principles of construction work organisation.
    9. Construction work planning.
    10. Technologies and methods for carrying out maintenance work.
    11. Technologies and methods for carrying out landscaping work.
    12. Selection of contractors, contracting, organisation of work, control of work, acceptance of work.
    13. Detailed planning.
    14. Spatial planning.
    15. Safety regulations for playgrounds and recreation grounds.
    16. Basic principles and actions for the sanitation of the building and adjacent area.
    17. Equipment needed for sanitation.
    18. Materials and machinery used to clean up an area.
    19. Basic requirements for epidemiological safety.
    20. Regulatory framework for the epidemiological safety process.
    21. Finishing materials, their types and maintenance instructions and recommendations.
    22. Rainwater collection and drainage systems, their basic principles of operation.
    23. Principles of balcony and loggia glazing works, regulatory framework.
    24. Regulatory framework for the maintenance and environmental requirements of buildings and other structures.
    25. Principles for selecting waste collection service providers.
    26. Waste, types, sorting and recycling.
    27. Factors contributing to the spread of bacteria, their impact and how to control them.
    28. Design and operation of a heat exchanger.
    29. Energy efficiency improvement measures in building structures, building elements and engineering systems.
    30. Renewable energy sources and their use in the energy supply of buildings.
    31. Methods and technologies for planning energy efficiency work.
    32. Low energy consumption principles.
    33. Thermophysics of construction.
    34. Properties of building materials and construction products.
    35. Heating and ventilation system design and operating principles
    36. Regulatory framework for energy certification of buildings.
    37. Cultural, historical and aesthetic value of buildings.
    38. Principles for organising procurement.
    39. Principles of formation of service tariffs and costs.
    40. Professional terminology in property management and maintenance.
    41. Binding regulations under the competence of state and municipal bodies.
    42. Structural design and functions of building structures and components, engineering systems.
    43. Environmental accessibility.
    44. Real estate insurance.
    45. Establishing legal relations for lease, tenancy.
    46. Technological solutions for the implementation of additional services (landscaping, environmental accessibility, placement of structures, billboards, greening, playgrounds, etc.).
    47. Types of contracts, conclusion thereof.
    48. Types of emergency.
    At the level of use:
    1. Classification of buildings.
    2. Regulatory framework for the visual inspection of buildings.
    3. Equipment and measuring devices used in the visual inspection, their operation and use.
    4. Actions to be taken during visual inspections and their frequency.
    5. National information systems and how they work.
    6. Actions to be taken during visual inspections and their frequency.
    7. Technological and procedural aspects as defined in the technical documentation of sites.
    8. Technological processes in construction.
    9. Content of the overall building management plan.
    10. Preparation, coordination and application of the documentation required for the construction work plan.
    11. Preparation of the construction work plan.
    12. Structure and function of the area adjacent to the building and the objects within it.
    13. Legal framework for management activities.
    14. Regulatory framework for the sanitary maintenance of the building and adjacent area.
    15. Structural design of buildings and other structures.
    16. Structural design of buildings and other building elements.
    17. Maintenance and repair technology for buildings and other structures.
    18. Municipal legislation on cleaning up an area.
    19. Cleaning techniques and technical support for an area.
    20. Principles for planning clean-up work.
    21. Records of work carried out to manage the buildings.
    22. Regulatory framework for maintenance of common areas.
    23. Maintenance techniques and technical support for common areas.
    24. Principles of cleaning common areas.
    25. Specifics of the work to be carried out by the disinsection and disinfection service.
    26. Preparation of a technical specification.
    27. Application of safety data sheets for chemicals and mixtures.
    28. Methods and principles of façade maintenance and restoration.
    29. Photo capture methods.
    30. Legislative framework for waste management.
    31. Regulatory framework for the sanitary maintenance of a building’s water supply system.
    32. Principles of defect logging.
    33. Contents of the technical documentation.
    34. Legal framework for management activities.
    35. Legal framework for the sanitary maintenance of buildings and adjacent areas.
    36. Recording, analysing, and planning work and material performance and indicators.
    37. Cleaning techniques for buildings and structures and their adjacent areas.
    38. Regulatory framework for energy efficiency in buildings.
    39. Energy consumption and accounting in a building.
    40. Energy metering devices, their design, principles of operation.
    41. Structure and function of building engineering systems.
    42. Energy consumption and rational use methods.
    43. Electricity and heat consumption patterns.
    44. Regulatory framework for energy efficiency.
    45. Properties of building materials and construction products.
    46. Energy efficiency improvement measures in building structures, building elements and civil engineering systems.
    47. Regulatory framework for the inspection of heating and ventilation systems.
    48. Techniques for informing building owners.
    49. Requirements for buildings as environmental objects.
    50. Management mandate agreement.
    51. Regulatory framework for mandatory management actions.
    52. Drafting and presentation of documents.
    53. Technologies and methods for repair and maintenance.
    54. Legislation governing the maintenance of buildings and other structures.
    55. Laws, regulations, contracts, other binding documents governing the management of buildings.
    56. Technologies and materials for building and site maintenance, inspection, upkeep and routine repairs.
    57. Finance and calculations.
    58. Principles for calculating management costs.
    59. Methods of research and analysis of the market for services.
    60. Methods for calculating the cost of services provided.
    61. Calculating the cost of work carried out and materials used.
    62. Operating principles of accounting systems.
    63. Basic principles of project management.
    64. Classification of documents.
    65. Maintaining and updating a building file.
    66. Control of debtors.
    67. Regulatory framework for mandatory management actions.
    68. Principles, methods of preparing additional service offers.
    69. Basic principles of project development.
    70. Methods and types of information surveys.
    71. Principles for collecting and analysing recommendations, complaints and proposals.
    72. Pricing methods.
    73. Principles, methods of preparing additional service offers.
    74. Restrictions on the use of common property.
    75. Greening work and its organisation.
    76. Video surveillance and security services.
    77. Basic requirements for the construction of a children’s playground.
    78. Area landscaping.
    79. Basic requirements for the construction of a car park.
    80. Set of laws and binding regulations of municipalities on requirements for buildings as environmental objects.
    81. Community decision-making.
    82. Organising greening work.
    83. Organising the introduction of video surveillance and security services.
    84. Organising the construction of a children’s playground.
    85. Area landscaping.
    86. Organising the construction of a car park.
    87. Regulatory framework for mandatory management activities, including compliance with fire safety and civil protection regulations.
    88. Actions to be taken to contain an emergency site.
    89. Safety signs and symbols.
    General knowledge
    At the concept level:
    1. Providing first aid.
    At the level of understanding:
    1. Verbal and non-verbal communication.
    2. Concept of cultural diversity.
    3. Specifics of verbal and non-verbal communication in a multicultural environment.
    4. Patterns of facts, theories and professional practice.
    5. Research methods.
    6. Basic principles of statistics.
    7. Opportunities for research into the use of industry technologies.
    8. Information and communication technology legislation.
    9. Digital environment, risks and threats in the digital environment.
    10. Digital identity.
    11. Data protection.
    12. Property protection.
    13. Nature of social dialogue and cooperation mechanisms.
    14. Strategic principles for sustainable development
    15. Relevant to the real estate segment:
    – basic principles of the business environment;
    – financial planning and forecasting techniques;
    – financial management and risks.
    16. Principles of teamwork.
    17. Labour law system and its basic principles.
    18. Labour protection system.
    19. Civil protection system.
    20. Environmental protection system.
    21. Business etiquette.
    22. Regulatory enactments governing the real estate segment.
    23. Legal framework for contracting and procurement.
    24. Relevant to the real estate segment:
    – methods for identifying competence development needs;
    – learning opportunities;
    – basics of career development.

    At the level of use:
    1. Wide vocabulary.
    2. Functional grammar.
    3. Language styles.
    4. Literary language norms.
    5. Business articles.
    6. Language culture.
    7. Industry/sector vocabulary and professional terminology.
    8. Art of delivering an effective presentation.
    9. Critical thinking and constructive dialogue formation.
    10. Extensive professional vocabulary.
    11. Functional grammar.
    12. Principles of intercultural communication in a multicultural environment.
    13. Standards, values and codes of conduct of one’s national culture and other cultures.
    14. Strategies for identifying and resolving intercultural conflicts.
    15. Principles of research methodology.
    16. Data analysis and collection methods.
    17. Mathematical terminology, tools and analysis methods.
    18. Principles of rational and sustainable use of natural resources.
    19. Software to match the job.
    20. Digital tools and technologies.
    21. Digital communication means.
    22. Instructions for computer systems.
    23. Information and communication systems security.
    24. Data security.
    25. Data security programmes.
    26. National unified computerised information systems.
    27. Levels of social dialogue and basic principles of formation thereof.
    28. Green thinking principles.
    29. Latvia’s Sustainable Development Strategy.
    30. Relevant to the real estate segment:
    – financial instruments;
    – decision-making methods;
    – planning methods.
    31. Self-assessment mechanisms.
    32. Work organisation.
    33. Principles of cooperation.
    34. Labour law regulatory framework.
    35. Labour protection regulations.
    36. Environmental protection regulations.
    37. Fire safety regulations.
    38. Electrical safety regulations.
    39. Civil protection regulations.
    40. Action in case of fire.
    41. Actions in the event of workplace hazards.
    42. Regulatory framework for states of emergency and exception.
    43. Providing first aid.
    44. Principles for collecting and analysing recommendations, complaints and proposals.
    45. Ethical standards.
    46. Communication methods.
    47. According to the real estate segment:
    – self-assessment methods
    – research methods;
    – basic principles of time management for the development of professional competences.

  • Skills

    Professional skills and attitudes
    1. Know the classification of buildings.
    2. Independently carry out visual inspections of the technical condition of building structures, building elements and engineering systems.
    3. Record the fact of a visual inspection in the inspection logbook.
    4. Observe the steps and intervals to be taken during a visual inspection.
    5. Use appropriate equipment and measuring devices for visual inspection of the building.
    6. Prepare a technical inspection assignment.
    7. Assess the need for a certified specialist.
    8. Monitor the implementation of technical inspections.
    9. Responsibly provide the information needed to do the job.
    10. Attach the technical inspection reports and certificates to the building file.
    11. Record technical inspection reports and certificates in national information systems.
    12. Analyse visual and technical inspection reports and certificates.
    13. Prepare documentation for the preparation of a construction work plan, taking into account the results of the visual inspection and the technical inspection.
    14. Coordinate the documentation with the building owner.
    15. Accurately integrate the data collected into the overall building management work plan.
    16. Participate in the preparation of a construction plan.
    17. Coordinate the construction plan with the building owner.
    18. Responsibly organise the execution of construction work.
    19. Provide information to the contractors of the specific construction works.
    20. Communicate with the building owner before and during construction work.
    21. Identify the area adjacent to the building and the objects within it.
    22. Independently draw up a maintenance and landscaping plan for the site.
    23. Coordinate the maintenance and landscaping plan with the owner.
    24. Responsibly organize the execution of maintenance and landscaping work of the territory.
    25. Responsibly provide information to those carrying out maintenance and landscaping work.
    26. Communicate with the building owner during maintenance and landscaping work.
    27. Comply with the European Union legal norms, laws, regulations, standards and other normative acts of the Republic of Latvia related to building management and construction work.
    28. Responsibly assess the compliance of the building and the adjacent area with the requirements of regulatory enactments.
    29. Inform the owners of the building and the adjacent area and, if necessary, the responsible authorities about the compliance/non-compliance of the building with the requirements of normative acts.
    30. Inspect the building, the common areas and the adjacent area.
    31. Independently draw up a maintenance plan for the building and adjacent area.
    32. Coordinate a sanitation plan with the owner.
    33. Establish a maintenance plan for the building and adjacent area.
    34. Coordinate a sanitation plan with the owner.
    35. Organise clean-up works in accordance with the municipality’s binding regulations.
    36. Purchase equipment and materials to suit the work to be carried out.
    37. Participate in the evaluation and selection of a cleaning service provider.
    38. Plan the scope and timing of the work.
    39. Monitor the regular and seasonal cleaning of the adjacent area.
    40. Ensure the care and maintenance of greenery, including perennial plantings.
    41. Supervise the maintenance of pavements and road surfaces in accordance with material specifications and the manufacturer’s recommendations.
    42. Coordinate regular dry/wet cleaning of common areas and windows.
    43. Responsibly supervise the maintenance of common area-specific finishes according to the manufacturer’s recommendations.
    44. Organize disinfection, disinsection or deratization of common areas independently.
    45. Responsible supervise the maintenance of the roofing, external envelope and facade as required and in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations.
    46. Independently organise cleaning of rainwater gutters, downspouts and gullies.
    47. Responsibly manage waste, including bulky waste in accordance with the laws and regulations governing waste management.
    48. Supervise the removal of various health-threatening environmental pollutants, waste and debris that pose a risk of poisoning, injury and the spread of infectious diseases or are associated with the spread of odours.
    49. Coordinate the sorting of separated waste in accordance with the laws and regulations governing waste management.
    50. Independently monitor the maintenance and disinfection of the water supply system.
    51. Monitor the sanitary maintenance of decentralised sewerage systems.
    52. Inform the building owner of the preventive measures to be taken individually in apartment properties.
    53. Control the hot water temperature at the heat exchanger outlet in accordance with the statutory regulations.
    54. Comply with the norms of the European Union legal norms, laws, regulations, standards and other normative acts of the Republic of Latvia related to the sanitary maintenance of the building and the adjacent area.
    55. Responsibly assess the compliance of the building and adjacent area with the requirements of the regulatory enactments regarding sanitary maintenance.
    56. Inform the owners of the building and the adjacent area and, if necessary, the responsible authorities about the compliance/non-compliance of the building with the requirements of normative acts regarding sanitary maintenance.
    57. Organise the necessary measures to ensure that the building and the adjacent area comply with the requirements of the normative acts on sanitary maintenance.
    58. Organise energy consumption accounting in a responsible way.
    59. Collect data on building energy consumption.
    60. Inform the building owner and the responsible authorities about the building’s energy consumption.
    61. Contribute to the development of an energy efficiency improvement plan.
    62. Coordinate the energy efficiency improvement plan with the building owner.
    63. Participate in organising the implementation of energy efficiency improvement measures.
    64. Provide information to those carrying out energy efficiency improvement measures.
    65. Communicate with the building owner during the energy efficiency improvement process.
    66. Ensure that the building is monitored after energy efficiency improvement measures have been carried out.
    67. Ensure that external doors are fitted with a closing mechanism.
    68. Arrange for windows and doors to be fitted in accordance with the requirements of the laws and regulations.
    69. Arrange for heating and hot water systems to be fitted with thermal insulation.
    70. Provide for other simple energy efficiency measures.
    71. Arrange for the building’s heating and ventilation systems to be inspected.
    72. Provide the necessary information to the building’s heating and ventilation system inspector.
    73. Inform the building owner of the results of the inspection of the building’s heating and ventilation systems.
    74. Organise energy certification of the building.
    75. Provide the necessary information to the energy certifier.
    76. Inform the building owner of the results of the energy certification.
    77. Display information on the energy certification of the building in accordance with the requirements of normative acts.
    78. Assess the compliance of the building as an environmental object with the requirements of regulatory enactments.
    79. Inform the building owner and, if necessary, the responsible authorities about the building’s compliance/non-compliance with the requirements of regulatory enactments.
    80. Organise work to preserve the aesthetic value of the building as an environmental object.
    81. Responsibly determine the scope of mandatory and other management activities to be carried out for a specific building.
    82. Independently agree with the building owner the scope of the management task and mandate.
    83. Manage the decision-making process of the building owners and the apartment owners’ association.
    84. Participate in the drafting of the management mandate agreement.
    85. Communicate constructively with service providers on the conclusion of service contracts.
    Provide informed answers to the building owner’s questions on the content and substance of the contracts to be concluded.
    86. Cooperate with stakeholders, institutions and bodies in the contracting process.
    87. Summarise the mandatory management activities and other services to be included in the building management work plan.
    88. Determine the regularity of each service.
    89. Find out how the service can be provided (outsourced or contracted staff).
    90. Summarise information in a clear and understandable format.
    91. Clarify the estimated cost of the service if the work is carried out by the service provider itself.
    92. Find out the market cost of the planned service, if outsourced.
    93. Constructively identify the costs of service providers and select the most economically advantageous offer.
    94. Analyse the information obtained from market research.
    95. Accurately calculate management costs.
    96. Know the tariffs and costs of services.
    97. Responsibly compile financial records of services rendered and work carried out.
    98. Independently record information in the relevant accounting system.
    99. Summarise the services provided and the work carried out during a given period.
    100. Show the cost of each service provided and work carried out.
    101. Accurately calculate payments received and payments made.
    102. Accurately calculate the balance of financial resources at the end of a given period.
    103. Compile all information in a format understandable and transparent to the building owner.
    104. Submit income-expenditure reports to the building owner.
    105. Compile the documents of the building file.
    106. Arrange documents accurately in accordance with the regulatory procedure.
    107. Update the building file in line with the work carried out.
    108. Make the appropriate entries in national information systems.
    109. Acquaint the building owner with the documents in the building file.
    110. Analyse payment flows.
    111. Professionally justify the costs of each management action.
    112. Monitor payment deadlines.
    113. Communicate in a businesslike manner with clients who have fallen into arrears.
    114. Know the laws and regulations governing the field.
    115. Explain to the building owner the nature of the regulatory act and the procedure for its application in the management process.
    116. Keep up to date with changes in legislation.
    117. Inform building owners about changes in legislation.
    118. Comply with the binding regulations of the municipality.
    119. Know the activities of the national and local authorities responsible for the area.
    120. Participate in the preparation of the information requested.
    121. Describe an additional service.
    122. Justify the need for an additional service.
    123. Identify the financial scope and source for the implementation of an additional service.
    124. Independently assess the merits of recommendations.
    125. Evaluate the need for, and usefulness of, the proposed additional services.
    126. Identify the financial scope and source for the implementation of an additional service.
    127. Explore the possibilities of providing an additional service.
    128. Assess the impact of an additional service on the building and the owners.
    129. Inform the building owner about the introduction of an additional service.
    130. Develop a financial methodology for the implementation of an additional service.
    131. Calculate the costs according to the financial methodology developed.
    132. Agree with the building owner the financial methodology and costing of an additional service.
    133. Clarify the legal aspects of implementing an additional service.
    134. Assess the technical feasibility of introducing and implementing an additional service.
    135. Make sure the formalities for introducing an additional service are taken care of.
    136. Participate in contracts with third parties for the implementation of additional services as required.
    137. Responsibly perform technical and organisational arrangements for the introduction of an additional service.
    138. Work with the building owner to ensure compliance with mandatory fire safety and civil protection requirements in the building.
    139. Ensure compliance with fire safety and civil protection regulations in the management of the building.
    140. Inform the owner of the building of the infringements found.
    141. Involve the responsible experts in the preparation of an infringements elimination plan.
    142. Cooperate with the responsible authorities and institutions to eliminate any infringements found in the building.
    143. Organise the development of fire safety instructions.
    144. Localize an emergency situation within one’s competence, while simultaneously calling the responsible emergency services.
    145. Cordon off the emergency site.
    General skills and attitudes
    1. Communicate orally and in writing in a variety of professional situations and environments.
    2. Communicate according to the target audience and the demands of the situation.
    3. Observe the norms of the Latvian literary language in business communication.
    4. Produce well-structured, detailed texts.
    5. Use professional vocabulary of the industry/sector in Latvian.
    6. Publish presentation materials and speak to different audiences.
    7. Discuss freely and constructively.
    8. Present a professional topic in a clear and reasoned manner in the national language.
    9. Use foreign languages in oral and written communication in a variety of professional situations and environments.
    10. Use professional vocabulary in professional communication.
    11. Follow the principles of intercultural communication in a multicultural environment.
    12. Analyse cultural similarities and differences.
    13. Resolve intercultural conflicts flexibly in the work environment.
    14. Independently develop one’s knowledge of foreign language(s) and professional vocabulary.
    15. Evaluate the significance of models and patterns observed (or proposed) in the data.
    16. Generalise the findings and identify new challenges in the field of housing management.
    17. Apply mathematical facts, laws, algorithms and structures to find a solution (in an industry, field, profession).
    18. Make mathematical diagrams, graphs and constructions in everyday work.
    19. Systematise information on energy efficiency.
    20. Introduce environmentally friendly management measures.
    21. Find creative solutions to develop technological processes.
    22. Use technological equipment, tools and scientific data.
    23. Use browsing, search and selection tools to retrieve data, information and content (digital content) from the digital environment.
    24. Proficiently handle information, data and content in a digital environment.
    25. Generate digital content by creating new or using different pieces of text and information, transforming, updating, improving and refining them.
    26. Disseminate digital content using appropriate digital communication tools and interaction technologies.
    27. Act in accordance with the laws applicable to the use of digital technologies, property rights and data.
    28. Manage multiple digital identities across digital platforms.
    29. Use a variety of techniques to protect digital devices and content, personal data and privacy in the digital environment.
    30. Prevent risks and threats to a person’s physical and psychological health when using digital technologies to help others.
    31. Solve different conceptual problems and situations in a digital environment through a cognitive process.
    32. Get involved in solving issues of common or public interest, including ensuring the sustainable development of society.
    33. Participate in the development of socially responsible initiatives.
    34. Act in accordance with the principles of green thinking and sustainable development.
    35. Recognise one’s responsibility for achieving the Sustainable Development Goals.
    36. Build a team to achieve common goals.
    37. Work as part of a team and independently.
    38. Set one’s own and the team’s objectives, implementing them according to a defined plan.
    39. Apply financial planning and forecasting techniques to achieve defined objectives in the real estate segment.
    40. Critically assess the risks associated with the planned actions to achieve the stated objectives.
    41. Take individual and team responsibility for achieving objectives.
    42. Evaluate the achievement of objectives by assessing own and the team’s contribution.
    43. Use feedback to set new goals for own work and the work of the team.
    44. Make proposals for business development and innovation in the real estate segment.
    45. Know the relevant laws and regulations.
    46. Apply labour law rules in standard and non-standard work situations.
    47. Organise the workplace in accordance with the requirements of labour protection.
    48. Act in compliance with fire, electrical and civil protection regulations.
    49. Implement the necessary occupational health and environmental protection measures.
    50. Act in the event of a company and national emergency in accordance with established civil protection plans.
    51. Act responsibly in emergencies and states of exception in accordance with national regulations.
    52. Assess what help is primarily needed, first aid or emergency.
    53. In case of an accident, contact the emergency medical services.
    54. Provide first aid to the injured in accordance with the instructions of the emergency medical services.
    55. Apply the requirements of the regulatory enactments governing the real estate segment.
    56. Resolve non-standard work situations and problems by assessing the responsibilities, rights and obligations of the parties involved.
    57. Adhere to professional ethical standards.
    58. Constructively provide information to the relevant services.
    59. Communicate with clients and relevant services using effective communication methods.
    60. Assess one’s professional experience and level of competence.
    61. Targeted planning of professional competences.
    62. Systematically acquire new knowledge and experience.
    63. Critically evaluate situations and solutions.
    64. Develop research skills.

  • Competences/ autonomy

    Professional competences
    1. Ability to independently ensure visual inspection of the building and adjacent area in accordance with the procedures laid down by the regulatory enactments.
    2. Ability to organise technical inspections of the building and adjacent area in a responsible manner in accordance with the procedures laid down by the regulatory enactments.
    3. Ability to provide information material for the development of a construction work plan.
    4. Ability to organise the construction of a building in a responsible manner in accordance with the procedures laid down by the regulatory enactments.
    5. Ability to independently and responsibly supervise the maintenance and landscaping of the adjacent area in accordance with the procedures laid down by the laws and regulations.
    6. Ability to responsibly ensure that the building and adjacent area meet regulatory requirements.
    7. Ability to independently draw up a plan for the sanitary maintenance of the building and adjacent area in accordance with the procedures laid down by the regulatory enactments.
    8. Ability to independently organise the cleaning of the adjacent area in accordance with the procedures laid down by laws and regulations.
    9. Ability to organise the maintenance of common areas of a building in a responsible and independent manner.
    10. Ability to organise, responsibly and independently, regular maintenance of the roofing, external envelope, rainwater drainage system and facade of a building.
    11. Ability to organise waste management responsibly in accordance with the procedures laid down by the laws and regulations.
    12. Ability to independently organise the sanitary maintenance of a building’s water supply system and decentralised sewerage systems in accordance with the procedures laid down by the regulatory enactments.
    13. Ability to responsibly ensure that the building and adjacent area comply with the requirements of the sanitary maintenance regulations.
    14. Ability to coordinate energy efficiency requirements in a responsible manner and organise the necessary energy efficiency improvement measures independently in accordance with the procedures laid down by the regulatory enactments.
    15. Ability to supervise the inspection of building heating and ventilation systems in accordance with the procedures laid down by the regulatory enactments.
    16. Ability to coordinate the building energy certification process in accordance with the regulatory enactments.
    17. Ability to ensure compliance with the requirements for a building as an environmental object in accordance with the procedures laid down by the regulatory enactments.
    18. Ability to organise, in a consistent and responsible manner, the conclusion of management mandate agreements and contracts with service providers in accordance with the procedures laid down by law.
    19. Ability to prepare a constructive and accurate management work plan, including a plan of measures to be taken to maintain the building and area, and calculate management costs.
    20. Ability to organise financial records independently and responsibly, and prepare annual management income-expenditure reports accurately.
    21. Ability to maintain a residential building file independently and accurately.
    22. Ability to independently, business-like and professionally monitor the payment obligations arising from the management assignment, informing building owners of binding legislation and the obligations arising therefrom.
    23. Ability to provide constructive information to national and local authorities.
    24. Ability to independently assess the feasibility of additional services according to the specifics of the additional service, make a technical, legal and financial assessment of the additional service and present it professionally to the building owner.
    25. Ability to constructively organise the selection of a service provider according to the building owner’s expectations and financial resources.
    26. Ability to organise the introduction and implementation of an additional service in a thorough, responsible and accurate manner.
    27. Ability to monitor compliance with fire safety and civil protection regulations and cooperate with the relevant authorities and bodies to eliminate any infringements found in the building being managed.
    28. Ability to act promptly in emergency situations and take independently the necessary actions to address public hazards.
    General competences
    1. Ability to communicate fluently in the national language, both orally and in writing, observing the norms of literary language and using professional terminology in the performance of professional duties.
    2. Ability to discuss constructively and present one’s position in an argumentative manner, ensuring the provision of information that is correct, comprehensible and in accordance with the norms of literary language.
    3. Ability to use foreign languages in oral and written communication and professional terminology in two foreign languages to carry out one’s job duties.
    4. Ability to communicate effectively in a multicultural environment, following the principles of intercultural communication.
    5. Ability to deal flexibly with intercultural conflicts in the work environment.
    6. Ability to apply mathematical methods and techniques to model work situations and plan the execution of a work task.
    7. Ability to use industry research to influence industry technology to ensure sustainable management.
    8. Ability to manage data, information and content in the digital environment, using a variety of digital tools and technologies, as appropriate to one’s professional activity.
    9. Ability to create and disseminate digital content in a variety of formats, using digital communication tools and technologies, respecting property rights and data protection norms, supporting others.
    10. Ability to be familiar with the country’s unified computerised information systems and use the systems’ search and data-entry facilities.
    11. Ability to perform professional tasks in a digital environment, using techniques to protect digital devices, personal data, privacy and personal security, while helping others.
    12. Ability to act as responsible citizens and participate fully in civic and social life.
    13. Ability to act on the principles of green thinking and sustainable development, providing support in understanding these issues.
    14. Ability to conduct professional activities in line with the business model of the real estate segment, planning and evaluating own and team objectives.
    15. Ability to develop a business plan for the real estate segment based on the developed model, adapting the plans to achieve the set objectives in the face of change.
    16. Ability to observe and apply labour law, occupational and environmental health and safety, fire safety and civil protection regulations appropriate to the situation.
    17. Ability to act responsibly in an emergency situation in accordance with established civil protection plans and during a state of exception, observing the regulations established by the state and being aware of one’s responsibility in maintaining national security.
    18. Ability to act promptly in the event of an accident, take the necessary actions independently to prevent a danger to the public and provide first aid to victims.
    19. Be able to take responsible decisions and apply norms in professional practice in accordance with the requirements of the regulatory framework.
    20. Ability to communicate with clients in a businesslike, ethical and effective manner and provide constructive information to the relevant services.
    21. Ability to assess and plan the development of professional competences and organise own learning and career.
    22. Ability to learn with an appropriate degree of independence to improve one’s competences.
    23. Ability to take an analytical approach to professional practice.

Qualification acquisition requirements

Previous education
Certificate of general secondary education or Diploma of vocational secondary education
Ways to acquire 
Qualifications can be acquired in the framework of education programs or in the evaluation and recognition of non-formal knowledge, skills and competences acquired (in vocational education LKI Levels 2-4).
Formal (through education programmes)
ECTS credit points 
Snice 11.10.2022 60 credit points correspond to the study results acquired in full-time studies in one academic year in accordance with the European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS).Since 11.10.2022

Till 11.10.2022 1 Latvian credit point corresponds to 1,5 ECTS credit point.
Duration of study 
Duration of qualification in full-time studies
2-3 years

Qualification document

Awarding body

Higher education institution:


- Jekabpils College of Agrobusiness

- College of Law

Vocational basic and secondary education institution

- Jēkabpils Tehnoloģiju tehnikums


Qualifications Framework level

EQF level

European Qualifications Framework (EQF) has 8 levels (1 – the lowest, 8 – the highest).

Levels reflect the complexity level of acquired knowledge, skills and competences (learning outcomes).

Go to the Glossary section


LQF level

Latvian Qualifications Framework (LQF) has 8 levels (1 – the lowest, 8 – the highest).

Levels reflect the complexity level of acquired knowledge, skills and competences (learning outcomes).

LQF covers stages of education starting from the basic education (level 1 – special basic education) to the highest education (level 8 – doctoral studies).

Go to the Glossary section


Level of professional qualification

Till 1 august 2022 in Latvia had a system of five professional qualifications levels (PQL, 1 – the lowest, 5 – the highest).

PQL system covers only professional qualifications (basic education, secondary and higher education stages).

PQL reflects readiness of a person to perform work of certain stage of complexity and responsibility.

Go to the Glossary section


LQF PQ level:

Kas ir LKI?2

Theoretical and practical training corresponding to the LQF levels, characterized by the learning outcomes that can be achieved at the relevant level, which gives the opportunity to perform work corresponding to a certain level of complexity and responsibility.


Qualification field, stage and type

Thematic field (ISCED 2013)
International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED) developed by UNESCO.

Business and administration (041)

Detailed field: (ISCED 2013)

Management and administration (0413)

Stages of Latvian education system included in the LQF:
- basic education
- secondary education
- higher education

Higher education

Qualification type
ITypes of Latvian education:
-General education
-Professional education
-Academic education


Full or partial

Full qualification

Other information

National Education Information System

National Database of Education Opportunities

Active qualification

Period for issuing qualification: 2013-2027

Last changes: 12.11.2024

Posted: 07.05.2016