European Qualifications Framework (EQF) has 8 levels (1 – the lowest, 8 – the highest).
Levels reflect the complexity level of acquired knowledge, skills and competences (learning outcomes).
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Information about the Latvian qualifications referenced to Latvian qualifications framework (LQF)
1. The knowledge necessary for performance of the basic tasks of the professional activity at the level of notion:
1.1. general sociology;
1.2. basic principles of bookkeeping and accounting;
1.3. macroeconomic objectives and indicators;
1.4. basics of business.
2. The knowledge necessary for performance of the basic tasks of the professional activity at the level of understanding:
2.1. economics;
2.2. physics;
2.3. electronics;
2.4. programmable controllers;
2.5. power system automation;
2.6. professional terms in the official language and at least two foreign languages.
3. The knowledge necessary for performance of the basic tasks of the professional activity at the level of use:
3.1. mathematics;
3.2. electrical engineering;
3.3. electrical measurements;
3.4. electrical machinery;
3.5. electric drive and automatic control;
3.6. electrical equipment in industrial enterprises;
3.7. power supply;
3.8. transmission and distribution networks;
3.9. substation electrical equipment;
3.10. automatic system elements;
3.11. electrical equipment assembly and organization of works;
3.12. electrical equipment maintenance and organization of works;
3.13. lighting and design;
3.14. laws and regulations applicable in electrical engineering, general construction and electric power facilities construction;
3.15. computing (basic course);
3.16. computing (computer-aided electrical engineering design software);
3.17. project management;
3.18. vocational and general ethical principles;
3.19. basic principles of communication;
3.20. presentation skills;
3.21. occupational safety, fire safety and electrical safety regulations;
3.22. first aid;
3.23. environmental protection;
3.24. official language;
3.25. ability to communicate in at least two foreign languages;
3.26. legal employment relations.
1. Take measurements of electrical quantities using meters of various systems.
2. Take electrical and non-electrical quantities measurements and evaluate the electrical diagrams and operating principles of measuring instruments.
3. Use electrical network and cable fault locating equipment.
4. Know fundamentals of electronics and use the latest technological solutions.
5. Select appropriate electrical equipment operation automation.
6. Analyze and synthesize the grid automation diagrams.
7. Choose lighting fixtures and calculate lighting and lighting network costs.
8. Estimate plant electrical loads and choose appropriate transformers.
9. Estimate the appropriateness of the electrical equipment of the distribution and local electric networks to the load modes.
10. Estimate power in short-circuit mode.
11. Draw circuitry, and preliminary drawings of parts and assemblies.
12. Analyze circuitry failures.
13. Communicate fluently in the official language.
14. Communicate in at least two foreign languages.
15. Use professional terminology in the official language and at least two foreign languages.
16. Plan and prioritize work assignments.
17. Work with computers and specialized applications.
18. Use information search engines and selection tools, classify the results.
19. Draw up business documents, reports, records.
20. Prepare presentation materials and conduct presentations.
21. Possess argument skills.
22. Adhere to professional and general ethical principles.
23. Adhere to occupational hygiene, occupational health and safety and electrical safety requirements.
24. Check and use individual and collective protection equipment when handling electrical equipment (with voltage up to 20 kV).
25. Plan and organize work of the subordinate staff.
26. Work in a team and apply team work principles.
27. Apply up-to-date working practices.
28. Be able to explain the usage of electrical materials and equipment.
29. Be able to explain technical and economic indicators of electrical engineering.
30. Comply with fire safety regulations and, if necessary, use fire extinguishing agents.
31. Release an individual from the effects of electric current and provide first aid to the victim.
32. Comply with environmental regulations.
33. Comply with employment laws and regulations.
34. Take responsibility for the results and consequences of his/her professional performance.
1. Ability to inspect electrical circuits using principal circuit diagrams and layout diagrams
2. Ability to operate mechanisms, devices and measuring equipment.
3. Ability to comply with the equipment manufacturers’ instructions and ensure proper and high-quality installation, adjustment and maintenance of electrical equipment.
4. Ability to adjust and set new and operating electrical equipment.
5. Ability to comply with the electrical material strength, permissible load requirements, and characteristic units of measurement.
6. Ability to draw up technical documentation relevant to the inspection of electrical equipment.
7. Ability to carry out inspections, preventive examinations and measurements of electrical equipment, and immediately repair damages, if necessary.
8. Ability to use technological drawings for repair works and, if necessary, update them.
9. Ability to draw up all the documentation necessary for the execution of periodic maintenance, reconstruction and overhaul works.
10. Ability to organize electrical equipment inspections.
11. Ability to measure technical parameters of technical equipment and operation modes.
12. Ability to organize consumers’ electrical equipment inspection, testing and new power connection in accordance with the technical regulations and consumer requirements.
13. Ability to organize and manage subordinate staff for fast and high-quality execution of planned outages and emergency response, in accordance with professional and general ethical principles.
14. Ability to organize and manage renovation works and overhaul of electrical equipment.
15. Ability to organize and manage power and lighting installations assembly in industrial production and public utility facilities.
16. Ability to organize and manage power and lighting installations assembly in apartment buildings and individual houses.
17. Ability to draw up relevant technical documentation for electrical equipment installation works.
18. Ability to verify whether the works are performed in accordance with electrical equipment operating rules.
19. Ability to select appropriate electrical equipment documentation.
20. Ability to prepare power supply projects.
21. Ability to prepare material and equipment specifications.
22. Ability to draw up estimates for specific sections of the work and overall project estimates.
23. Ability to agree project documentation with relevant stakeholder organizations.
24. Ability to verify appropriateness of estimates to the project.
25. Ability to use computer-aided design software, possess electronic information processing and Internet skills.
26. Thorough understanding of electrical engineering laws, regulations and standards, including requirements pertaining to general construction and electric power facilities construction.
27. Ability to communicate in the official language and at least two foreign languages.
28. Ability to ensure compliance with occupational health and safety, fire safety, electrical safety and environmental protection laws.
29. Ability to comply with employment laws and regulations.
30. Ability to take responsibility for the results of his/her professional performance.
Professional knowledge
At the concept level:
1. Electricity sector, its main issues and its place in the national economy.
2. Basic requirements and understanding of the importance of the electrical equipment testing process.
3. Electrical apparatus construction, technical parameters, selection principles.
4. Basic principles of programmable controllers.
5. Open and closed engine control systems.
6. Electrical network construction and operating modes.
7. Basic principles of voltage regulation and the role of substations in the normal operation of electrical networks.
8. Structure of the electricity system, role and tasks of substations.
9. Differential and distance protection.
10. Basic requirements for the technological process of installation, assembly and dismantling of electrical equipment.
11. Basic principles of project preparation and execution, the relationship between infrastructure elements and their impact on project delivery.
12. Computer-aided design systems and their capabilities in the design and implementation of electrical and lighting projects.
13. Future technologies and their applications.
At the level of understanding:
1. Electricity transmission, distribution and consumers.
2. Electric and magnetic field characteristics.
3. Importance of electric field properties.
4. Basic principles of operation of electrical equipment/systems.
5. Principles of construction and operation of electrical equipment.
6. Classification, construction, operation, application, motor characteristics and control principles of electrical machines.
7. Operating modes of electrical machines.
8. Design and electrical characteristics of DC collectors, asynchronous and synchronous electrical machines.
9. Construction of luminaires, switching diagrams.
10. Industry standards, basic standards for electrical equipment.
11. Standards for the operation of electrical equipment and related requirements.
12. Types and causes of electrical equipment failures, types of electrical equipment malfunctions.
13. Basic requirements for technical operation of electrical equipment, requirements of regulatory documents in the field of electrical engineering in fire safety, labour and environmental protection.
14. Main electrical load parameters.
15. Principles of low-voltage electrical network construction.
16. Peak loads, time of use and the meaning of peak loss.
17. Applying calculation methodologies to different situations.
18. Principles of voltage regulation, its necessity in electrical networks.
19. Selection of substation equipment and its main characteristics.
20. Methodology for calculating key parameters in the selection of primary electrical equipment.
21. Electrical system relaying protection and automation performance.
22. Principles of operation of electrical network relaying equipment.
23. Compliance of electrical equipment with regulatory documentation.
24. Compliance with Building Regulations of Latvia in the electricity sector.
25. Computer programs in electrical calculations, their evaluation and application in project development.
26. Regulatory acts, standards in the field of electrical engineering.
27. Relevant information sources in the electricity sector (journals, conference articles and events, newsletters, opinion pieces by leading experts, presentations in online forums, etc.).
28. Device/component parameters, their diversity, device efficiency.
29. Technological sequence of the electrical equipment development process and inspection process.
At the level of use:
1. Series, parallel and mixed circuits.
2. DC and AC electrical circuits.
3. Stages of testing of electrical equipment/systems, ways of presenting results and their evaluation.
4. Testing equipment, devices and tools for electrical apparatus.
5. Main types and control parameters of inspection and adjustment work on electrical equipment and systems.
6. Electrical and non-electrical quantities, measuring equipment and apparatus.
7. Recording and analysing results, including using computer software
8. Basic parameters and calculations for the selection of electrical equipment.
9. Basic assembly and operating requirements for electrical machines.
10. Connecting the programmable controller to an electromagnetic contactor and frequency converter.
11. Lighting types and systems.
12. Electrical equipment maintenance types and applications.
13. Operation and maintenance of electrical equipment.
14. Frequency, timing and scheduling of maintenance work on electrical equipment.
15. Common types of damage to electrical equipment.
16. Completion of technical documentation for damaged electrical equipment, fault finding and/or drawing up a schedule for renewal repairs.
17. Instructions and regulatory documents.
18. Managing maintenance work on electrical equipment, observing fire, labour and environmental safety regulations.
19. Electrical network overvoltage protection, earthing, types of lightning protection.
20. Calculation methods for low-voltage electrical networks and their protection equipment.
21. Methodology for calculating the main parameters in setting selection.
22. Electrical system relaying and automation tasks, their installation needs according to the network configuration.
23. Analysis of the operating principles of electrical equipment and assessment of the associated risks.
24. Appropriate procedures for the installation, assembly and dismantling of electrical equipment, applying knowledge of the operating principles, main parameters of the equipment.
25. Stages of operation and construction of electrical installations.
26. Main characteristics of the machinery and equipment to be used.
27. Role of graphic editors in the design and implementation of projects.
28. Automated design of external and internal lighting, 3D visualisation of objects and lighting level calculations.
29. Computer and office equipment software (text processing, image processing, spreadsheets, presentations, databases, web and email browsers, graphical editors).
30. Modelling and needs analysis techniques in design work, solution development method.
31. Catalogues of electrical products and components.
32. Key parameters of electrical equipment, economic and technical characteristics of components and equipment for their efficient use.
33. Process steps and flow of manufacturing of equipment and components
34. Development of technical instructions and economic calculations.
General knowledge
At the concept level:
1. Employment relationship law.
At the level of understanding:
1. Fundamentals of law.
2. European Union law.
3. Strategic management.
4. Management and work coordination.
5. Conflicts, their causes and solutions.
6. Psychological types of people.
7. Rights, duties and responsibilities of employer and employee.
8. Levels of social dialogue and basic principles of formation thereof.
9. Working conditions and human health as a condition for quality of life.
10. Effect of electricity on the human body.
11. Factors influencing exposure to electric currents.
12. Types of fire-fighting equipment and appliances.
13. Burns, their types and degrees.
14. Action in case of burns.
15. Electrocution and action in the event of an electrocution.
16. Information technology legislation.
17. Principles of computer and office technology.
18. Professional career development and its importance.
19. Research milestones.
At the level of use:
1. Diversity of language and communication in different contexts.
2. Scientific etc. language styles.
3. Verbal, non-verbal communication and communication culture.
4. Written language culture.
5. Intercultural communication in a multicultural environment.
6. Literary form of a foreign language.
7. Professional terminology in the national language and a foreign language.
8. Work environment organisation process and management.
9. Working in a team.
10. Principles of professional and general ethics.
11. Basic principles of positive communication.
12. Time management techniques.
13. Self-organisation at work.
14. Document execution requirements.
15. Labour law, labour protection, environmental protection and civil protection legislation.
16. Personal data protection.
17. Culture of interaction.
18. Internal rules of procedure.
19. Electrical and fire safety regulations.
20. Fire-fighting procedures.
21. Providing first aid.
22. Mathematical methods and tools.
23. Units and shapes.
24. Mathematical terminology.
25. Software to match the job.
26. Use of office equipment.
27. Information systems security.
28. Data security programmes.
29. Learning strategies.
30. Principles of self-assessment.
31. Career choice.
32. Research methods.
Professional skills and attitudes
1. Classify the processes of generation, transmission, distribution and consumption of electricity.
2. Monitor and evaluate the operating conditions of electrical equipment, take measures to prevent emergency conditions.
3. Represent sinusoidal currents and voltages in a complex plane as vector diagrams.
4. Evaluate the mode of operation from available diagrams.
5. Calculate series, parallel and mixed circuits.
6. Identify the basic test parameters for electrical equipment.
7. Check the compatibility of the components of a technological solution.
8. Monitor the progress of electrical equipment/system checks and adjustments.
9. Prepare technical documentation to show the results.
10. Select the appropriate measuring instruments for electrical measurements according to technical requirements.
11. Choose appropriate measuring instruments for physical dimensions.
12. Adjust and check the parameters of certain electrical equipment.
13. Manage and carry out the adjustment and testing of electrical equipment and systems.
14. Make a detailed and accurate record of the measurement results.
15. Use specialised computer software for tests and measurements.
16. Compile and analyse measurement results.
17. Check the operation of electrical equipment under load and other possible modes.
18. Calculate the basic dimensions required for the selection of electrical equipment.
19. Carry out the normal starting and stopping processes of electrical machinery.
20. Check the operation of electrical machinery in emergency situations.
21. Create a programme using logic elements.
22. Program and test a simplified programmable logic controller.
23. Calculate the physical dimensions of lighting required.
24. Select and test lighting according to lighting regulations.
25. Apply technical standards in the operation and maintenance of electrical equipment.
26. Use technical documentation, understand the principles of their creation.
27. Evaluate and analyse the maintenance needs of electrical equipment.
28. Manage and control the operation of electrical equipment.
29. Observe and monitor maintenance intervals for electrical equipment.
30. Assess the technical condition of electrical equipment.
31. Prepare and execute technical documentation for the servicing and repair of electrical equipment.
32. Analyse the condition and damage of electrical equipment and determine scope of repair.
33. Comply with the technical operation requirements for electrical installations.
34. Comply with labour protection requirements in the performance of direct job duties and in the organisation of teamwork.
35. Determine, document electrical loads of consumers.
36. Analyse the need for, quality and reliability of power supply redundancy.
37. Calculate the electrical load of utility, industrial and agricultural company power supply.
38. Select equipment and elements for a low-voltage electrical network.
39. Calculate low-voltage electrical network of any complexity with variable cross-sections.
40. Evaluate the quality and safety performance of the calculated network.
41. Choose the parameters of the equipment protecting the electrical network.
42. Calculate the cross-section of a branched electrical network with variable sections.
43. Evaluate the quality and safety performance of the calculated network.
44. Recognise the breakdown of electrical networks.
45. Determine the parameters for substituting electrical networks, including the network neutral operating modes.
46. Evaluate the impact of electrical networks and their components on operating modes.
47. Choose the design of transformer substations and switchyards.
48. Analyse the main schemes of a substation, their technical and safety characteristics, use of electrical equipment.
49. Select the main characteristics for peak current, short-circuit current protection, distance protection.
50. Determine the most appropriate type of protection for the electrical network that meets the necessary selectivity requirements.
51. Draw up an equivalent diagram for a power system.
52. Know how to prepare the site for the installation of electrical equipment.
53. Read the technical documentation accurately.
54. Identify the individual components of a technological solution.
55. Assess the compatibility of the components of a technological solution.
56. Prepare an overview of the selected process.
57. Collect data for the economic evaluation of the selected process.
58. Comply with the requirements of the technical design and the corresponding technological process.
59. Systematically monitor the progress, identifying bottlenecks and threats to the work schedule.
60. Record and correct in a timely manner any discrepancies in the execution of the work schedule.
61. Process information in a targeted way using calculation software.
62. Process information using documentation software and graphical editors.
63. Carry out computer modelling of the lighting to be designed.
64. Carry out lighting estimation, 3D visualisation and analysis of the results.
65. Develop and produce generic functional specifications and price lists.
66. Collect and organise baseline data for further work in line with existing standards.
67. Present the original data in an easily understandable way (presentation, printouts).
68. Use knowledge of the latest and future technologies in the electricity sector.
69. Recommend the best deals on electrical products or equipment.
70. Use formulas and technical data, parameters to select appropriate electrical equipment.
71. Select electrical equipment according to the requirements of the technical documentation.
72. Choose the most effective technology for a given solution.
73. Identify and develop the individual steps of a technological process.
74. Lead and participate in the development of process instructions.
75. Produce data for the economic evaluation of selected technological solution options.
General skills and attitudes
1. Use the national language in communication and in the professional environment, observe the norms of the Latvian literary language in business and formal style.
2. Discuss practical issues and solutions in the field of professional activity with colleagues and management in a businesslike manner.
3. Articulate a reasoned opinion.
4. Use a foreign language in spoken and written form.
5. Use professional terminology in Latvian and at least two foreign languages.
6. Carry out work duties in accordance with the basic principles of general and professional ethics.
7. Know and apply the regulatory framework, standards and ethical norms required to solve problems and carry out work.
8. Take responsibility for the quantity and quality of own work and that of the team.
9. Asses own work and the work of subordinates.
10. Work individually and as part of a team.
11. Be loyal to one’s employer, colleagues, cooperation partners and clients.
12. Plan one’s time wisely.
13. Be accountable for the results of own work.
14. Comply with the rules of procedure and internal regulations.
15. Respect the employee’s responsibilities and rights in achieving the overall objectives of the company.
16. Identify potential risks in the working environment.
17. Organise the workplace according to labour protection requirements and health effects.
18. Protect the environment.
19. Comply with electrical safety requirements and use appropriate technology, including in the electrical hazard area when carrying out live work.
20. Use fire-fighting equipment as appropriate to the situation.
21. Handle fire-fighting equipment and appliances.
22. Behave responsibly in case of fire.
23. Provide first aid until the ambulance arrives
24. Make connections.
25. Apply basic mathematical principles and techniques.
26. Simulate the process of solving the planned task.
27. Process information in a targeted manner, choosing the most suitable solution.
28. Check security configuration and system devices and/or software.
29. Produce documents independently and organise their flow using software.
30. Find the information needed independently on the internet, on media.
31. Critically assess the reliability of information.
32. Asses one’s professional experience and level of professional competence.
33. Plan own professional development and career opportunities.
34. Participate in professional development activities.
35. Keep up to date with industry news.
36. Use research methods in professional activities.
Professional competences
1. Ability to critically evaluate and solve basic problems in the generation, transmission and use of electricity, and clearly and accurately summarise and interpret the information obtained.
2. Ability to connect DC and AC circuits.
3. Ability to detect and correct errors in electrical measurements.
4. Ability to measure, complete and analyse technical documentation for testing, measuring and adjustment work on electrical equipment, in compliance with the requirements of the normative documents in the field of electrical engineering.
5. Ability to select the correct test equipment, devices and tools for testing and adjusting the operation of electrical equipment, observing the basic principles of equipment operation.
6. Ability to assess measurement errors and their causes.
7. Ability to manage and carry out the adjustment and testing of electrical equipment and systems in accordance with specified requirements.
8. Ability to summarise the results of measurements of electrical and non-electrical characteristics and parameters.
9. Ability to analyse results in accordance with the requirements of the technical documentation.
10. Ability to classify physical phenomena in the technological process and in the operation of electrical installations.
11. Ability to select the best electric drive option for operating the machinery.
12. Ability to classify electrical machines, think critically and solve problems in the operation of electrical machines
13. Ability to carry out the starting and stopping processes of electrical machines.
14. Ability to program and/or set controllers for the process.
15. Ability to create a programme using logic elements.
16. Ability to calculate and draw up a plan for the arrangement of luminaires in a room.
17. Ability to select the most appropriate luminaire and/or apparatus.
18. Ability to read and understand technical documentation.
19. Ability to complete, maintain and analyse technical documentation for electrical equipment.
20. Ability to organise and control the operation of electrical equipment in accordance with instructions and labour protection requirements.
21. Ability to predict, with experienced colleagues, the failure of electrical equipment.
22. Ability to prepare and complete the necessary documentation for inspections and repairs.
23. Ability to comply with fire, labour and environmental safety regulations when carrying out maintenance work on electrical equipment.
24. Ability to comply with fire, labour and environmental safety regulations when organising, managing and supervising maintenance work on electrical equipment.
25. Ability to assess the need for and importance of electricity, including smart network elements, as well as the electricity consumption of users, energy balance, comparing electricity supply options.
26. Ability to calculate the technical parameters of a low-voltage electrical network in accordance with the regulatory enactments and technical documentation requirements.
27. Ability to calculate the main characteristics of transformers and lines, voltage and power losses, and to analyse topographical diagrams of new electrical networks.
28. Ability to analyse the main operating modes of medium-voltage and high-voltage networks in accordance with established procedures.
29. Ability to make power and cooling selections for transformers (including >1MVA), selection of circuit breakers, isolators, power and voltage converters.
30. Ability to select the most appropriate type of protection for electrical networks according to the network configuration.
31. Ability to select the technological processes for the installation, assembly and dismantling of electrical equipment in accordance with the manufacturer’s requirements, complying with the standards and regulations of the electrical industry.
32. Ability to install electrical equipment according to the client’s requirements, following the requirements of the technical documentation.
33. Ability to design, manage and supervise the installation, assembly and dismantling of electrical equipment.
34. Ability to evaluate the sequence of work process steps and their effectiveness.
35. Ability to analyse the data obtained by filtering and selecting data according to specific criteria.
36. Ability to perform calculations using formulas and function tables.
37. Ability to create flow and organisation charts.
38. Ability to perform automated exterior and interior lighting design, 3D visualisation of objects and lighting level calculations.
39. Ability to identify, evaluate, justify and recommend the best design solutions and service providers.
40. Ability to identify, evaluate, justify and recommend the best products or equipment to offer.
41. Ability to locate and structure information sources relevant to the electricity sector (journals, conference papers and events, newsletters, opinion pieces from leading experts, online forum presentations, etc.).
42. Ability to be familiar with information flows, use industry catalogues of products and components.
43. Ability to select electrical equipment and materials offered on the Latvian market in accordance with the requirements of the technical documentation.
44. Ability to design the construction and test sequence for a given electrical installation or electrical network according to economic, safety and security assessments.
General competences
1. Ability to argue logically, debate, present own position, express own opinion and obtain necessary information in communication with clients and colleagues, both orally and in writing, ensuring that information is correct, relevant to the target audience, comprehensible and in accordance with the literary norms of the national language.
2. Ability to use professional terminology in the national language and at least two foreign languages.
3. Ability to use a foreign language in a variety of situations, according to the communication partner and the purpose of the communication.
4. Ability to observe general and professional ethical standards in the performance of duties, planning and organisation of work.
5. Ability to work individually and as part of a team, respecting the principles of general and professional ethics.
6. Ability to carry out work tasks in compliance with statutory labour, environmental and civil protection requirements.
7. Ability to perform and manage work tasks in accordance with electrical and fire safety requirements, including live work.
8. Ability to handle emergencies responsibly and provide the necessary first aid.
9. Ability to calculate physical quantities using mathematical reasoning.
10. Ability to confidently and securely select and use information and communication technologies to carry out the job.
11. Ability to make sound decisions for one’s career development.
12. Ability to engage in and apply research methods in the field of professional activity.
Engineering and engineering trades (071)
Detailed field: (ISCED 2013)Electricity and energy (0713)
EducationHigher education
Qualification typeVocational
Full or partialFull qualification
Link to the descriptions of the Sector Qualifications Structure levels
Other information
Active qualification
Period for issuing qualification: 2013-2022, 2023-2029
Last changes: 08.11.2024
Posted: 07.05.2016