Qualifications Framework level

EQF level

European Qualifications Framework (EQF) has 8 levels (1 – the lowest, 8 – the highest).

Levels reflect the complexity level of acquired knowledge, skills and competences (learning outcomes).

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LQF level

Latvian Qualifications Framework (LQF) has 8 levels (1 – the lowest, 8 – the highest).

Levels reflect the complexity level of acquired knowledge, skills and competences (learning outcomes).

LQF covers stages of education starting from the basic education (level 1 – special basic education) to the highest education (level 8 – doctoral studies).

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Level of professional qualification
Till 1 august 2022 in Latvia had a system of five professional qualifications levels (PQL, 1 – the lowest, 5 – the highest).

PQL system covers only professional qualifications (basic education, secondary and higher education stages).

PQL reflects readiness of a person to perform work of certain stage of complexity and responsibility.


Learning outcomes

Learning outcomes are knowledge, skills and competences acquired during a certain period of learning.

In Latvia, learning outcomes are stipulated by state education standards and occupational standards (for the professional qualifications).

Learning outcomes of higher education are defined by higher education institutions.

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– Able to perform intellectual operations at the level of knowledge, understanding, use and simple analysis.
– Uses knowledge and theoretical understanding in wide-ranging complex activities.
– Able to obtain and evaluate information independently.
– Uses wide-ranging knowledge and skills for the solution of well-formulated, but unknown and unforeseeable problems.
– Has detailed, theoretical knowledge and understanding corresponding to the professional qualification.
– Has wide-ranging skills and proficiency essential for the profession corresponding to the professional qualification.
– Able to perform the work of executor independently, including the planning and supervision of the work to be performed.
– Knows and is able to apply appropriate technologies.
– Able to apply information acquisition and processing technologies in professional activity.
– Latvian language proficiency developed and foreign language(-s) proficiency improved.
– Knows and understands links between historical developments of their county, Latvia, Europe and world.
– Able to apply mathematical knowledge and skills in professional work.
– Able to apply knowledge about the facts and laws of natural sciences in professional activity.
– Able to evaluate the processes occurring in nature and society and comprehend them in their system and development.
– Understands the principle of coherence of ecological space and observes the environmental protection requirements in professional activity.
– Understands the basic principles of market economy.
– Able to find their place in the economic structures of society and able to operate therein.
– Understands the economic relationship between employer and employee and knows the relevant legislation.
– Has a conception of the political structure of the European Union, as well as of the principles of single economic area and the mobility of the labour force.
– Evaluates their abilities adequately.
– Plans activity in compliance with circumstances, possibilities and their abilities.
– Plans time in accordance with task.
– Able to make justified choice and make a decision independently in familiar and less familiar circumstances.
– Able to answer for the quantitative and qualitative result of their professional activities, assumes partial responsibility for the work performed by others.
– Is determined, systematic and rational when working.
– Is careful and accurate.
– Able to assume initiative.

Logistics officer

  • Knowledge

    1. The knowledge necessary for performance of the basic tasks of the professional activity at the level of notion:
    1.1. packages types, materials and technologies;
    1.2. basic principles of the record-keeping and document development and design;
    1.3. tax system of the Republic of Latvia;
    1.4. custom systems;
    1.5. export and import;
    1.6. basics of occupational health.
    2. The knowledge necessary for performance of the basic tasks of the professional activity at the level of  understanding:
    2.1. types of transport;
    2.2. types of carges;
    2.3. loading and unloading technique and principles.
    2.4. basics of accounting.
    3. The knowledge necessary for performance of the basic tasks of the professional activity at the level of use:
    3.1. transportation process in the production company, logistics company, trade company;
    3.2. international laws and regulations and those of the Republic of Latvia binding upon the field of logistics;
    3.3. professional terms in the official language and two foreign languages (Russian and English);
    3.4. project management and planning principles of work tasks;
    3.5. basics of logic and analysis;
    3.6. office equipment and means of communication, its types and specific functions;
    3.7. information technologies, calculation software and logistics data processing software;
    3.8. crisis management and its practical use;
    3.9. business communication (including written) and basic principles of general and professional ethics;
    3.10. international transporting conventions and their practical appliance;
    3.11. international rules for cargo transporting;
    3.12. AETR or European countries agreement on vehicles’ crews work in international traffic.  
    3.13. insurance types and principles when transporting cargo;
    3.14. geographical maps (including terrain map, postcode map) and the national geographic characteristics;
    3.15. combined nomenclature;
    3.16. capacity, dimensions, size and weight calculation;
    3.17. measuring instruments and their use;
    3.18. official language;
    3.19. two foreign languages (English and Russian) at the level of professional communication;
    3.20. labour protection (including ergonomics and first aid), fire safety and electrical safety;
    3.21. basic principles and requirements of the environmental protection;
    3.22. standards of the legal employment relations;
    3.23. communication psychology.

  • Skills

    1. To adjust the laws and regulations governing transportation, including the ones on different cargo types (dangerous freights, food cargoes, liquid cargoes, bulk cargoes and animal cargoes) and temperature control standards.
    2. To plan the cargo (goods) flow.
    3. To act in a business-like way in problem situations.
    4. To comply with the document processing and formatting rules.
    5. To cooperate, listen to the instructions as well as formulate the thought and give instructions.
    6. To use the knowledge on the certain loading and unloading techniques.
    7. To apply the knowledge about tax policy in own professional services.
    8. To use geographical maps.
    9. To use for the the software functions provided for calculations, use unit selection and other features for calculation, schedule designing, filter use to prepare the reports.
    10. To read documentation and understand the technical documentation necessary for for the work process.
    11. To calculate the size of the cargo and choose appropriate transport.
    12. To work with the nomenclature – the harmonised goods system.
    13. To work with the specific logistic software.
    14. To use office equipment and means of communication.
    15. To know the official language.
    16. To know two foreign languages (English and Russian) at the level of written and oral professional communication.
    17. To use professional terminology in the official and two foreign languages.
    18. To carry out written and oral business communication.
    19. To work independently, assess priorities and be responsible for the own work result.
    20. To analyse the transporting process data.
    21. To adjust transporting packages.
    22. To use general accounting methods.
    23. To prepare the necessary information in the case of insurance.
    24. To plan work tasks, their sequences and deadlines within the frame of the work tasks to be performed.
    25. To assess risks in the transporting process.
    26. To make physical measurements of the cargo.
    27. To omply with the labour protection requirements set in the laws and regulations.
    28. To use correct, ergonomic work means safe for health.
    29. To bserve electrical and fire safety rules.
    30. To provide the first aid.
    31. To improve own professional skills, obtain and assess new professional information.
    32. To perform work at certain time and till the set deadline.
    33. To meet the requirements of the environmental protection set in the laws and regulations.
    34. To observe the basic principles of professional and general ethics.
    35. To observe the standards of the legal employment relations.

  • Competences/ autonomy

    1. Ability to understand transporting processes, their planning conditions and data.
    2. Ability to be aware of and assess transporting processes data and choose the optimal transporting type, time and vehicle.
    3. Ability to prepare transporting plan and schedule, hand over prepared information to the carrier.
    4. Ability to understand and apply the regulatory documents and rules of practical to the logistics field (including international agreements)
    5. Ability to identify the cargo, assess and set the necessary cargo accompanying documents and draw them up.
    6. Ability to listen up, receive work task, in a business-like manner and logically formulate the thought and give the directions to the cargo sender, carrier and receiver.
    7. Ability to implement business communication with the authorisation, licensing and certification institutions to provide the necessary information.
    8. Ability to work with various cargo transporting document types, perform its accumulation and systematisation.
    9. Ability to use office equipment, specific logistics software and special software for the calculation to perform the work task and for bills, other document, reports and reviews preparation.
    10. Ability to prepare and give the necessary information and solve cargo insurance issues.
    11. Ability to perform cargo transporting plan and schedule implementation process control measures (loading, transporting process, delivery etc.)
    12. Ability to assess transporting process data, draw conclusions.
    13. Ability to work independently, set the necessary actions according to priority to perform the work task, act accordingly, set and comply with the time rules and deadlines.
    14. Ability to understand and apply correctly The Republic of Latvia tax system.
    15. The ability to accumulate, systematise and summarise the information and documents to prepare and submit the necessary information and documents for the entry in the accounts.
    16. Ability to draw up documents in accordance with the work tasks and document development and design requirements.
    17. Ability to solve nonstandard situations and perform work tasks in the high stress situations.
    18. Ability to communicate in written and oral form in the official and two foreign languages by using modern information technologies and using professional terminology.
    19. Ability to assess work place and equipment correspondence to work, electrical and fire safety requirements set in the laws and regulations, and if necessary, act accordingly.
    20. Ability to choose and use correct, ergonomic and safe work methods for health in the work process and provide the first aid.
    21. Ability to understand and comply with the environment protection laws and regulations and perform work duties without doing harm to the environment.
    22. Ability to comply with the basic principles of professional and general communication ethics.
    23. Ability to comply with the legal employment regulations.
    24. Ability to self-educate and improve professional competences.
    25. Ability to work individually and in a team, be responsible for the own work result.

Qualification acquisition requirements

Previous education
Certificate of general basic education
Ways to acquire 
Qualifications can be acquired in the framework of education programs or in the evaluation and recognition of non-formal knowledge, skills and competences acquired (in vocational education LKI Levels 2-4).
Formal (through education programmes)
ECTS credit points 
The unit of the volume of Latvian higher education studies - 1 credit point corresponds to one week of study work in full-time studies (40 credit points per study year).

1 The credit point of Latvia corresponds to 1,5 ECTS (European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System) credit point.
Duration of study 
Duration of qualification in full-time studies
4 years

Qualification document

Awarding body


Vocational basic and secondary education institution

- Vocational Education Competence Centre "Riga State Technical School"

- Vocational Education Competence Centre "Liepaja State Technical School"

- Daugavpils Technical School

- Kuldīgas Tehnoloģiju un tūrisma tehnikums

- Valmiera Technical School

- Vocational Secondary School “Victoria”

- Jēkabpils Tehnoloģiju tehnikums

Type of awarding bodies:

- Daugavpils Tehnoloģiju un tūrisma tehnikums

- Liepājas Valsts tehnikums

- Rīgas Valsts tehnikums

- Rīgas Tirdzniecības profesionālā vidusskola


Qualifications Framework level

EQF level

European Qualifications Framework (EQF) has 8 levels (1 – the lowest, 8 – the highest).

Levels reflect the complexity level of acquired knowledge, skills and competences (learning outcomes).

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LQF level

Latvian Qualifications Framework (LQF) has 8 levels (1 – the lowest, 8 – the highest).

Levels reflect the complexity level of acquired knowledge, skills and competences (learning outcomes).

LQF covers stages of education starting from the basic education (level 1 – special basic education) to the highest education (level 8 – doctoral studies).

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Level of professional qualification

Till 1 august 2022 in Latvia had a system of five professional qualifications levels (PQL, 1 – the lowest, 5 – the highest).

PQL system covers only professional qualifications (basic education, secondary and higher education stages).

PQL reflects readiness of a person to perform work of certain stage of complexity and responsibility.

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Qualification field, stage and type

Thematic field (ISCED 2013)
International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED) developed by UNESCO.

Business and administration (041)

Detailed field: (ISCED 2013)

Management and administration (0413)

Stages of Latvian education system included in the LQF:
- basic education
- secondary education
- higher education

Secondary education

Qualification type
ITypes of Latvian education:
-General education
-Professional education
-Academic education


Full or partial

Full qualification

Other information

National Education Information System

National Database of Education Opportunities

Active qualification

Last changes: 16.07.2024

Posted: 07.05.2016