Qualifications Framework level

EQF level

European Qualifications Framework (EQF) has 8 levels (1 – the lowest, 8 – the highest).

Levels reflect the complexity level of acquired knowledge, skills and competences (learning outcomes).

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LQF level

Latvian Qualifications Framework (LQF) has 8 levels (1 – the lowest, 8 – the highest).

Levels reflect the complexity level of acquired knowledge, skills and competences (learning outcomes).

LQF covers stages of education starting from the basic education (level 1 – special basic education) to the highest education (level 8 – doctoral studies).

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Level of professional qualification
Till 1 august 2022 in Latvia had a system of five professional qualifications levels (PQL, 1 – the lowest, 5 – the highest).

PQL system covers only professional qualifications (basic education, secondary and higher education stages).

PQL reflects readiness of a person to perform work of certain stage of complexity and responsibility.


Learning outcomes

Learning outcomes are knowledge, skills and competences acquired during a certain period of learning.

In Latvia, learning outcomes are stipulated by state education standards and occupational standards (for the professional qualifications).

Learning outcomes of higher education are defined by higher education institutions.

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– Able to perform intellectual operations at the level of knowledge, understanding, use and simple analysis.
– Uses knowledge and theoretical understanding in wide-ranging complex activities.
– Able to obtain and evaluate information independently.
– Uses wide-ranging knowledge and skills for the solution of well-formulated, but unknown and unforeseeable problems.
– Has detailed, theoretical knowledge and understanding corresponding to the professional qualification.
– Has wide-ranging skills and proficiency essential for the profession corresponding to the professional qualification.
– Able to perform the work of executor independently, including the planning and supervision of the work to be performed.
– Knows and is able to apply appropriate technologies.
– Able to apply information acquisition and processing technologies in professional activity.
– Latvian language proficiency developed and foreign language(-s) proficiency improved.
– Knows and understands links between historical developments of their county, Latvia, Europe and world.
– Able to apply mathematical knowledge and skills in professional work.
– Able to apply knowledge about the facts and laws of natural sciences in professional activity.
– Able to evaluate the processes occurring in nature and society and comprehend them in their system and development.
– Understands the principle of coherence of ecological space and observes the environmental protection requirements in professional activity.
– Understands the basic principles of market economy.
– Able to find their place in the economic structures of society and able to operate therein.
– Understands the economic relationship between employer and employee and knows the relevant legislation.
– Has a conception of the political structure of the European Union, as well as of the principles of single economic area and the mobility of the labour force.
– Evaluates their abilities adequately.
– Plans activity in compliance with circumstances, possibilities and their abilities.
– Plans time in accordance with task.
– Able to make justified choice and make a decision independently in familiar and less familiar circumstances.
– Able to answer for the quantitative and qualitative result of their professional activities, assumes partial responsibility for the work performed by others.
– Is determined, systematic and rational when working.
– Is careful and accurate.
– Able to assume initiative.

Engineering communications technician

  • Knowledge

    1. The KNOWLEDGE at the level of notion:
    1.1. basics of business;
    1.2. intercultural relations.
    2. The KNOWLEDGE at the level of understanding:
    2.1. electrical safety and dangerous equipment;
    2.2. technical graphic symbols;
    2.3. construction design basics: architecture;
    2.4. water and sanitation;
    2.5. ventilation and air conditioning, gas supply, heating supply;
    2.6. available material markets;
    2.7. technical process knowledge at the construction site;
    2.8. conciliation procedure with the responsible authorities;
    2.9. quality management procedures;
    2.10. energy efficiency;
    2.11. electrical power supply;
    2.12. estimated cost direct expenses, over expenses and taxes
    2.13. drawing up estimated costs in accordance with Latvian building codes;
    2.14. facility costs.
    3. The KNOWLEDGE at the level of use:
    3.1. the regulation of construction;
    3.2. labour protection;
    3.3. provision of the first aid;
    3.4. fire safety;
    3.5. environment protection;
    3.6. constructive solutions of engineering communications;
    3.7. engineering communication assembling work technologies;
    3.8. engineering communication exploitation;
    3.9. engineering communication assembling work planning;
    3.10. construction machinery, equipment and tools;
    3.11. material supply facilities and storage conditions;
    3.12. material and equipment applicability;
    3.13. engineering communication assembling equipment flow;
    3.14. construction site engineering communication assembling organisation structure;
    3.15. individual and collective responsibility competences;
    3.16. professional and general ethics;
    3.17. basic principles of communication psychology;
    3.18. engineering communication assembling pace and characteristics
    3.19. alternative solutions for engineering communication assembling;
    3.20. engineering communication assembler’s skills and competences;
    3.21. operational work management of engineering communications;
    3.22. engineering communication assembling process quality control methods;
    3.23. record-keeping management;
    3.24. performance documentation content and creation;
    3.25. project and document designing software necessary for the work;
    3.26. construction work order;
    3.27. rules for engineering communication assembling   work labour intensity and working hours;
    3.28. methods and used software for setting up the work schedule;
    3.29. performance and testing methods of engineering communications system operation;
    3.30. engineering communication commissioning procedure and required documentation;
    3.31. engineering communication systems regulating and balancing methods, types and accessible technologies;
    3.32. engineering communications and its types;
    3.33. manufactures’ s set requirements for the engineering communication assembling process;
    3.34. construction materials;
    3.35. engineering communication interaction;
    3.36. measuring instruments, its exploitation and testing;
    3.37. site quality control procedures;
    3.38. engineering network assembly materials;
    3.39. work performance methods, instruments and mechanisms;
    3.40. official language;
    3.41. one foreign language at the level of communication;
    3.42. construction field professional terms in the field of construction field the official and in one foreign language;
    3.43. employment regulations.

  • Skills

    1. Orient in the construction laws and regulations.
    2. Use internet to find necessary information.
    3. Understand and use construction terminology.
    4. Assess the current situation at the construction site, effectively operate by taking into consideration factors influencing assembling processes.
    5. Provide latest information exchange among interested parties involved in the construction process.
    6. Draw up detailed work performance schedules, by using work schedule principles and specialised software.
    7. Understand the technological process dynamics of engineering communication construction.
    8. Comply with work schedule and control the performed engineering communication construction works, as well as to react to the current situation at the site.
    9. Understand the specifics of the engineering communication construction work and choose appropriate tools and mechanisms.
    10. Orient in the market situation and plan material supply by assessing engineering communication product range, guarantees, delivery deadlines and other factors.
    11. Prepare the list of materials necessary for the engineering communication assembling and organise its supply.
    12. Accept appropriate materials according to quality and quantity that are needed for the engineering communication construction, repair and exploitation work.
    13. Provide the storage of the materials used in corresponding engineering communication construction, repair and maintenance by complying with the manufacture’s requirements set in laws and regulations.
    14. Plan, organise and control engineering communication assembling work by complying with the laws and regulations requirements.
    15. Perform engineering communication assembling work by using necessary hand and electrical tools.
    16. Prepare quality control testing plan for the certain engineering communications assembling process.
    17. Assess the performed work compliance to the work task and quality in accordance with the quality management procedure, be responsible for own work result.
    18. Cooperate within the construction project with the participants involved in the construction process.
    19. Work with the performance documents, computers and necessary software.
    20. Organise built engineering communication system testing and commissioning.
    21. Understand basic principles of how to determine construction estimated cost expenses.
    22. Calculate finance and work force resources for the engineering communication assemblies to be carried out.
    23. According to the certain situation at the construction site determine the necessary number of employees, follow up the material and work force consumption.
    24. Establish business relationship with the participants involved in the construction process and with the responsible authorities.
    25. Solve the conflicts and find compromise in the conflict situations.
    26. Treat carefully property values, comply with individual and collective principles of liability.
    27. Comply with work and fire safety and environmental protection laws and regulations requirements.
    28. Provide appropriate working conditions for the work task to be carried out by fulfilling work safety specialist’ s directions.
    29. Give first aid.
    30. Know state language.
    31. Know one foreign language at the level of the communication.
    32. Use professional terminology in state and in one foreign language.
    33. Comply with employment regulations.

  • Competences/ autonomy

    1. Ability to analyse the construction site information on the work to be performed, in a constructive way make common view about planned work performance conditions and implementation in accordance with the requirements set by laws and regulations.
    2. Ability to understand construction site documentation, know engineering communications systems assembling work process and interaction from the start of the work till submitting system for exploitation.
    3. Ability responsibly plan and organise engineering communications construction works by cooperating with other participants of the construction process and providing engineering communications construction and order in accordance with the construction project and schedule.
    4. Ability to organise material logistics in the engineering communications construction work as well as appropriate storage of the materials at the construction site.
    5. Ability treat carefully property values by complying with material manufactures’ requirements and compatibility between the materials.
    6. Ability organise the exploitation and repair works timely and in a good quality.
    7. Ability to comply with work safety, fire safety, environmental protection laws and regulations requirements and organise compliance with the requirements at the workplace.   
    8. Ability to manage engineering communications assembler’s work, by setting necessary skills at the certain engineering communications assembling work performance, by performing distribution, inventory and test of work
    9. Ability to instruct employees.
    10. Ability act immediately in the situations of accident and provide first aid.
    11. Ability to assess engineering communications system exploitation conditions and operations principles, provide proposals for alternative solutions in engineering communications system assembly.
    12. Ability to provide information exchange with the participants involved in construction process, by planning work order and coordinating work areas in accordance with the technological process dynamics, as well as to participate in t the construction site production meetings.
    13. Ability to provide   the profitability of engineering systems construction and timely indicate potential risks and losses.
    14. Ability to understand the clients, project maker’s requirements and justify different technologic and mechanism use and its impact on the direct cost optimization.
    15. Ability to organise testing, adjustment and balance of the constructed systems, its start-up and transfer for exploitation.
    16. Ability to prepare constructed engineering communication performance documentation and perform the necessary concretions with the responsible authorities.
    17. Ability to control the quality of the performed work, commodity of material and work resources, by providing qualitative and economic work performance.
    18. Ability to comply with and use quality management system procedure.
    19. Ability to follow to the calibration of the used measuring instruments and metrological testing.
    20. Ability to assess expenditures and provide information for finance and work resources planning according to the set principles of estimated costs.
    21. Ability to perform work individually and be responsible for own work result.
    22. Ability to comply with principles of professional and general ethics.
    23. Ability to create positive impressions about the company, by defending own and company’s interests.
    24. Ability to communicate in state and in one foreign language.
    25. Ability to comply with employment regulations.

Qualification acquisition requirements

Previous education
Certificate of general basic education
Ways to acquire 
Qualifications can be acquired in the framework of education programs or in the evaluation and recognition of non-formal knowledge, skills and competences acquired (in vocational education LKI Levels 2-4).
Formal (through education programmes)
ECTS credit points 
Snice 11.10.2022 60 credit points correspond to the study results acquired in full-time studies in one academic year in accordance with the European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS).Since 11.10.2022

Till 11.10.2022 1 Latvian credit point corresponds to 1,5 ECTS credit point.
Duration of study 
Duration of qualification in full-time studies
4 years

Qualification document

Awarding body


- Riga Building College

Liquidated/Reorganised/Changed title and\or type:

- Malpils Vocational Secondary School

Type of awarding bodies:

- Jelgavas tehnikums


Qualifications Framework level

EQF level

European Qualifications Framework (EQF) has 8 levels (1 – the lowest, 8 – the highest).

Levels reflect the complexity level of acquired knowledge, skills and competences (learning outcomes).

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LQF level

Latvian Qualifications Framework (LQF) has 8 levels (1 – the lowest, 8 – the highest).

Levels reflect the complexity level of acquired knowledge, skills and competences (learning outcomes).

LQF covers stages of education starting from the basic education (level 1 – special basic education) to the highest education (level 8 – doctoral studies).

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Level of professional qualification

Till 1 august 2022 in Latvia had a system of five professional qualifications levels (PQL, 1 – the lowest, 5 – the highest).

PQL system covers only professional qualifications (basic education, secondary and higher education stages).

PQL reflects readiness of a person to perform work of certain stage of complexity and responsibility.

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LQF PQ level:

Kas ir LKI?2

Theoretical and practical training corresponding to the LQF levels, characterized by the learning outcomes that can be achieved at the relevant level, which gives the opportunity to perform work corresponding to a certain level of complexity and responsibility.


Qualification field, stage and type

Thematic field (ISCED 2013)
International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED) developed by UNESCO.

Architecture and construction (073)

Detailed field: (ISCED 2013)

Building and civil engineering (0732)

Stages of Latvian education system included in the LQF:
- basic education
- secondary education
- higher education

Secondary education

Qualification type
ITypes of Latvian education:
-General education
-Professional education
-Academic education


Full or partial

Full qualification

Other information

National Education Information System

National Database of Education Opportunities

Active qualification

Last changes: 25.10.2024

Posted: 07.05.2016