European Qualifications Framework (EQF) has 8 levels (1 – the lowest, 8 – the highest).
Levels reflect the complexity level of acquired knowledge, skills and competences (learning outcomes).
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Information about the Latvian qualifications referenced to Latvian qualifications framework (LQF)
At the concept level:
3. Laws and regulations regarding labour protection.
4. At the comprehension level:
5. Designations used in the construction plan.
6. Legal framework and standards applicable to the sector.
7. Types, technology, and organisation of irrigation and melioration works.
8. Designations used in the design.
9. Cost estimation of irrigation and melioration works.
10. Cartographic and topographic symbols.
11. Machinery and tools used to carry out irrigation and melioration works.
12. Contents of accounting documentation.
13. Chemical and physical properties of construction products.
14. Legal framework and standards.
15. Basics of logistics of construction site.
16. Organisation of irrigation and melioration works.
17. Cost estimation of construction works.
18. Measuring methods and techniques.
19. Quality requirements.
20. Organisation of occupational safety in the company.
21. Occupational safety instructions.
22. Basic principles of environmental protection at the site subject to irrigation and melioration works.
23. Environmental protection requirements specified in laws and regulations applicable to the construction sector.
24. Environmental protection conditions at the site.
25. Careful use of natural resources.
26. Environmental hazard risk factors.
27. Types of impact mitigation measures.
28. Environmentally friendly work practices and methods.
29. Environmental hazard risks.
30. Impact mitigation measures.
31. Environmental protection requirements.
32. Laws and regulations regarding waste management.
33. Labour Law.
34. Technology used for irrigation and melioration works.
35. Quality requirements.
36. Organisation of irrigation and melioration works.
37. At the application level:
38. Technical terms.
39. Application software.
40. Cartographic and topographic symbols.
41. Designations used for the geodetic control network.
42. Use of geodetic tools.
43. Use of specialised application software.
44. Criteria for the assessment of the technical condition of irrigation and melioration structures.
45. Technologies and resources used for irrigation and melioration works.
46. Technical terms.
47. Application software.
48. Technologies and resources used for irrigation and melioration works.
49. Legal framework applicable to the sector.
50. Technical requirements for drawing up documents.
51. Laws and regulations regarding irrigation and melioration construction works.
52. Road traffic regulations.
53. Types and use of the means of communication.
54. Technologies of irrigation and melioration works.
55. Technologies, machinery, and tools required for irrigation and melioration works.
56. Technologies and resources used for irrigation and melioration works.
57. Scope of application of construction products.
58. Use of geodetic tools.
59. Use of application software.
60. Use of geodetic tools.
61. Geodetic calculations.
62. Use of application software.
63. Technical requirements for drawing up documents.
64. Technology of irrigation and melioration works.
65. Use of measuring instruments.
66. Use of application software.
67. Techniques and methods used for irrigation and melioration works.
68. Construction of an environmentally friendly irrigation and melioration system.
69. Technology of irrigation and melioration works.
70. Technologies and resources used for irrigation and melioration works.
71. Use of measuring instruments and application software.
72. Use of geodetic tools.
73. Measuring methods and techniques.
74. Quality requirements.
75. Calculation of work amount.
76. Conditions for the implementation of a construction plan/ construction work execution plan.
77. Implementation of irrigation and melioration works by reducing the environmental impact.
78. Environmental protection measures at the site.
79. Environmentally friendly technologies.
80. Scope of application of the means of environmental protection.
81. Environmental protection requirements and conditions.
82. Types of waste.
83. Document management requirements.
84. Use of measuring instruments.
85. Document management requirements.
86. Classification of construction products.
87. Internal work procedure regulations.
88. Documentation for internal circulation in the company.
89. Technologies and resources used for irrigation and melioration works.
GENERAL knowledge
At the concept level:
92. Labour Law.
93. Organisation of the labour protection system.
94. Versatility of social relations.
95. At the comprehension level:
96. Vocabulary, grammar, and language functions of the official language and foreign language, and types of verbal interaction.
97. Styles, characteristics of intonation, and the versatility of communication of the official language and foreign language in different contexts.
98. Laws and regulations regarding information technologies.
99. Operating principles of computer and office equipment.
100. Quality management system.
101. Laws and regulations regarding labour protection, electrical and fire safety, and nature and environmental protection.
102. Working conditions and human health as a precondition for life quality.
103. Safety requirements for high-risk occupations.
104. Work environment risks.
105. Action in the event of current leakage.
106. Electrical safety requirements.
107. Fire safety requirements.
108. Work environment risks.
109. Principles for promoting cooperation.
110. Economic resources and key challenges.
111. At the application level:
112. Official and foreign language.
113. Intercultural interaction.
114. Mathematical methods and tools.
115. Application software depending on the work task.
116. Work with office equipment.
117. Information systems security.
118. Computer security software.
119. Business interaction and communication.
120. Preventive measures for prevention of work environment risk factors.
121. Safety signs and signals.
122. Scope of application of protective equipment.
123. Protective equipment labels.
124. Principles of the ABC method and application thereof.
125. Methods and means for providing first aid.
126. Internal work procedure regulations of the company.
127. Action in the event of an accident.
128. Occupational safety instructions.
129. Time planning techniques.
130. Efficient communication and collaboration techniques.
131. Prevention of conflicts.
132. Business work organisation.
133. Planning of the work sequence.
1. To read the documentation accompanying the construction plan.
2. To have thorough knowledge of the requirements specified in the applicable legal framework and standards.
3. To analyse a work task with comprehension.
4. To find the object in natural surroundings, as specified in work task.
5. To read cartographic and topographic materials.
6. To recognise a temporary geodetic network of the construction object.
7. To handle technical geodetic accurately.
8. To evaluate the current technical condition, infrastructure, and limitations of the site to carry out irrigation and melioration works.
9. To select appropriate technology used for irrigation and melioration works.
10. To plan deadlines for performance of irrigation and melioration works.
11. To carefully read through the plan for performance of irrigation and melioration works.
12. To perform the assigned tasks in a reasonable manner.
13. To evaluate the technology and technical units to be used depending on the type of irrigation and melioration works.
14. To draw up documents in compliance with document management requirements.
15. To prepare temporary infrastructure.
16. To place means of communication.
17. To comprehend the organisation of irrigation and melioration works.
18. To apply traffic organisation requirements at the site.
19. To apply road traffic safety regulations.
20. To determine work technologies, labour input, and deadlines.
21. To determine the required qualification for employees to perform specific work.
22. To calculate labour-intensity, amounts, and deadlines depending on the specified technology for irrigation and melioration works.
23. To identify the required machinery and tools.
24. To identify the technology, amounts, deadlines, and scope of application of construction products regarding irrigation and melioration works.
25. To organise the placement of construction product resources depending on the specified work stage.
26. To identify the specified parameters and conditions.
27. To mark condition fulfilment locations in natural surroundings.
28. To use technical class geodetic tools accurately.
29. To find geodetic control points in natural surroundings.
30. To set up geodetic control points for construction.
31. To register geodetic control points for construction in the documentation.
32. To make the necessary calculations according to the set parameters.
33. To execute markings regarding irrigation and melioration works.
34. To use the appropriate techniques and methods for irrigation and melioration works.
35. To demonstrate techniques and methods to be used to the persons carrying out the work.
36. To use the machinery and tools in a reasonable manner.
37. To verify whether construction products comply with the work task.
38. To verify whether construction products are delivered in the planned work stages.
39. To place construction products at the construction site.
40. To select the necessary measuring instruments.
41. To use appropriate measuring instruments, including geodetic tools.
42. To recognise the conformity of measurements.
43. To monitor the compliance of the applied techniques with the technology used for irrigation and melioration works.
44. To apply quality control methods and techniques to verify the conformity of the performed work.
45. To evaluate the amount of the performed irrigation and melioration works.
46. To register the amount of the performed irrigation and melioration work according to the accounting documentation of the company.
47. To analyse the outcomes of measurements and inspections.
48. To assess the extent and validity of non-conformities.
49. To check the records on the given instructions.
50. To relate the conditions of environmental protection with the situation at the site.
51. To instruct workers on the conditions of environmental protection.
52. To identify the potential environmental hazard risks.
53. To undertake impact mitigation measures.
54. To instruct workers on requirements for environmental protection at the site.
55. To undertake environmental protection measures.
56. To verify availability and conformity of the necessary means of protecting the environment.
57. To use means of protecting the environment.
58. To identify environmental hazard risks.
59. To ensure the implementation of impact mitigation measures.
60. To ensure the compliance of requirements for environmental protection at the site.
61. To describe non-compliances with environmental protection requirements.
62. To identify the cause and effects of non-compliances with environmental protection requirements.
63. To eliminate the causes of non-compliances with environmental protection requirements.
64. To identify the types of waste.
65. To organise waste collection in compliance with the specified requirements.
66. To calculate the amount of the performed irrigation and melioration works.
67. To use appropriate measuring instruments.
68. To prepare documentation on the performed irrigation and melioration works and used construction products.
69. To fill in timesheets.
70. To fill in accounting documentation on the used resources.
71. To assess the quality of the performed irrigation and melioration works.
72. To analyse the process of irrigation and melioration works.
73. To prepare proposals on the improvement of the process of irrigation and melioration works.
GENERAL skills
75. To communicate in the official language.
76. To communicate in foreign language both orally and in writing.
77. To use the basic principles and techniques of mathematics.
78. To model the course of solving the planned task.
79. To process information in a determined manner by selecting the most appropriate solution.
80. To manage information technologies.
81. To independently draw up documents and organise the document flow by means of the appropriate software.
82. To communicate with the direct workers by providing a concise and clear definition of the work task.
83. To organise optimum use of the resources of the employees.
84. To identify work environment risk factors.
85. To ensure compliance with requirements for occupational safety at the site.
86. To assess the effects of environmental risk factors on health.
87. To organise the workplace in compliance with labour protection, electrical and fire safety, and environmental protection requirements.
88. To monitor the compliance of protective equipment.
89. To ensure the use of protective equipment.
90. To use methods and means for providing first aid.
91. To describe an accident.
92. To identify the causes and effects of an accident.
93. To eliminate the causes of accidents.
94. To collaborate in a team while being aware of his/her own responsibility when fulfilling a joint task.
95. To resolve conflict situations with suppliers.
96. To personally participate in generation of new ideas by taking initiative.
97. To define priorities by providing reasons.
98. To plan resources in an efficient manner.
99. To perform economic risk assessment.
100. To take decisions on problem solutions in specific situations.
PROFESSIONAL competences
1. Ability to comprehend the construction plan, technical schemes, construction standards, and other relevant standards.
2. Ability to use geodetic tools accurately.
3. Ability to evaluate the technical condition of the site and provide proposals on development of a project for the performance of irrigation and melioration works.
4. Ability to link the preliminary plan to the planning of resources.
5. Ability to responsibly and independently organise the necessary temporary infrastructure and traffic at the site subject to irrigation and melioration works.
6. Ability to plan the resources in an efficient manner in compliance with the relevant construction standards, the amount of the work to be carried out, and the actual situation.
7. Ability to accurately mark off axles for constructions or structures or structural parameters at the site.
8. Ability to demonstrate the techniques and methods to be used for the performance of irrigation and melioration works to the persons carrying out the work, and control their application.
9. Ability to organise technical and material resources in conformity with the technologies, norms, and standards regarding irrigation and melioration works to be performed.
10. Ability to responsibly verify whether the construction products are delivered in the planned work stages and place them at the site.
11. Ability to take the measurements necessary for the work by using the necessary geodetic tools and the appropriate measuring methods and techniques.
12. Ability to manage the process of irrigation and melioration works under the supervision of the site manager.
13. Ability to monitor the process of irrigation and melioration works in compliance with the cost estimate and construction deadlines.
14. Ability to assess the quality of performed irrigation and melioration works and eliminate non-conformities occurred during the work process.
15. Ability to comprehend the organisation of labour protection and implementation of the developed labour protection plan at the site of irrigation and melioration structures.
16. instruct workers on the conditions, techniques, and methods of environmental protection in an accurate manner.
17. Ability to identify environmental hazards at the sites of irrigation and melioration structures.
18. organise measures for elimination of environmental hazards in a timely manner.
19. Ability to identify non-compliances with environmental protection requirements and their causes.
20. Ability to organise waste collection in compliance with the relevant laws and regulations.
21. Ability to prepare documentation on irrigation and melioration works in compliance with document management requirements.
22. Ability to assess the quality of the performed irrigation and melioration works and give proposals on the improvement of the work process.
GENERAL competences
23. Ability to express and interpret concepts, ideas, facts, and opinions in the official language both orally and in writing.
24. Ability to communicate in one foreign language.
25. Ability to use mathematical thinking when modelling work situations and planning the performance of irrigation and melioration works.
26. Ability to select and use information and communication technologies in a confident and safe manner to process information and fill in work accounting documentation.
27. Ability to communicate with the persons involved in the performance of construction, maintenance, and operation works.
28. recognise work environment risk factors at the sites of irrigation and melioration structures.
29. Ability to comply with labour protection, and fire and electrical safety requirements.
30. Ability to use safe work practices by selecting appropriate protective equipment.
31. Ability to act in the event of accidents and provide first aid by using the ABC method.
32. Ability to engage in team work in an efficient manner by collaborating with workers and suppliers of the construction product, and resolve conflict situations.
33. Ability to within the scope of his/her professional activity, take reasoned decisions on planning of resources necessary for performance of melioration works.
Architecture and construction (073)
Detailed field: (ISCED 2013)Building and civil engineering (0732)
EducationSecondary education
Qualification typeVocational
Full or partialFull qualification
Link to the descriptions of the Sector Qualifications Structure levels
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Active qualification
Last changes: 05.02.2025
Posted: 14.03.2019