Qualifications Framework level

EQF level

European Qualifications Framework (EQF) has 8 levels (1 – the lowest, 8 – the highest).

Levels reflect the complexity level of acquired knowledge, skills and competences (learning outcomes).

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LQF level

Latvian Qualifications Framework (LQF) has 8 levels (1 – the lowest, 8 – the highest).

Levels reflect the complexity level of acquired knowledge, skills and competences (learning outcomes).

LQF covers stages of education starting from the basic education (level 1 – special basic education) to the highest education (level 8 – doctoral studies).

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Level of professional qualification
Till 1 august 2022 in Latvia had a system of five professional qualifications levels (PQL, 1 – the lowest, 5 – the highest).

PQL system covers only professional qualifications (basic education, secondary and higher education stages).

PQL reflects readiness of a person to perform work of certain stage of complexity and responsibility.


Learning outcomes

Learning outcomes are knowledge, skills and competences acquired during a certain period of learning.

In Latvia, learning outcomes are stipulated by state education standards and occupational standards (for the professional qualifications).

Learning outcomes of higher education are defined by higher education institutions.

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– Able to perform intellectual operations at the level of knowledge, understanding, use and simple analysis.
– Uses knowledge and theoretical understanding in wide-ranging complex activities.
– Able to obtain and evaluate information independently.
– Uses wide-ranging knowledge and skills for the solution of well-formulated, but unknown and unforeseeable problems.
– Has detailed, theoretical knowledge and understanding corresponding to the professional qualification.
– Has wide-ranging skills and proficiency essential for the profession corresponding to the professional qualification.
– Able to perform the work of executor independently, including the planning and supervision of the work to be performed.
– Knows and is able to apply appropriate technologies.
– Able to apply information acquisition and processing technologies in professional activity.
– Latvian language proficiency developed and foreign language(-s) proficiency improved.
– Knows and understands links between historical developments of their county, Latvia, Europe and world.
– Able to apply mathematical knowledge and skills in professional work.
– Able to apply knowledge about the facts and laws of natural sciences in professional activity.
– Able to evaluate the processes occurring in nature and society and comprehend them in their system and development.
– Understands the principle of coherence of ecological space and observes the environmental protection requirements in professional activity.
– Understands the basic principles of market economy.
– Able to find their place in the economic structures of society and able to operate therein.
– Understands the economic relationship between employer and employee and knows the relevant legislation.
– Has a conception of the political structure of the European Union, as well as of the principles of single economic area and the mobility of the labour force.
– Evaluates their abilities adequately.
– Plans activity in compliance with circumstances, possibilities and their abilities.
– Plans time in accordance with task.
– Able to make justified choice and make a decision independently in familiar and less familiar circumstances.
– Able to answer for the quantitative and qualitative result of their professional activities, assumes partial responsibility for the work performed by others.
– Is determined, systematic and rational when working.
– Is careful and accurate.
– Able to assume initiative.

Architectural technician

  • Knowledge

    PROFESSIONAL knowledge:
    At the concept level:
    1. Standards for drawing up a construction plan.
    2. Assessment of the archival value of the construction plan materials.
    3. Basics of modelling construction information.
    At the comprehension level:
    1. Raw materials necessary for construction design.
    2. Elements and materials of structures.
    3. Parts and architectural elements of buildings. Detailed representation and specifications of architectural solutions.
    4. Composition of a construction plan.
    5. Construction Law and other laws and regulations regarding construction, including construction norms.
    6. Process of the development and coordination of a construction plan.
    7. Laws and regulations regarding information technologies.
    8. Structure of the construction legislation of the Republic of Latvia.
    9. Structure of professional and national standards.
    At the application level:
    1. Components of the work performance process.
    2. Photo-fixation methods.
    3. Types of measuring instruments and their use.
    4. Photo-fixation and video-fixation devices and their use.
    5. Surveying work technology, instruments, and their use.
    6. Methods of acquisition, structuring, and storage of photo-fixation and surveying data.
    7. Basics of designing.
    8. Layout design materials and technologies.
    9. Layout design materials, instruments, and machinery and their use. Components of the work performance process.
    10. Economy of resources.
    11. Utilisation techniques.
    12. Stages of the layout preparation process.
    13. Composition.
    14. Conditions for the storage of layouts.
    15. Basics of technical drawing, designations in technical drawing.
    16. Raw materials necessary for construction design.
    17. Construction graphics, designations of graphics of buildings and graphical designations.
    18. Scales of the construction drawing.
    19. Work with digital graphics editors.
    20. Parametric design and spatial modelling programs.
    21. Different parametric design/ modelling programs.
    22. Data exchange formats of different types of application software.
    23. Standards for the design of construction drawings.
    24. Parametric design and spatial modelling programs.
    25. Cartographic designations and designations of drawings.
    26. Parts of buildings and architectural elements. Detailed representation and specifications of architectural solutions.
    27. Types of construction materials and their use.
    28. Technical drawing standards.
    29. Design of drawings.
    30. Graphical designations of the representation of buildings.
    31. Binding elements of parts of buildings.
    32. Standards for the design of a construction drawing.
    33. Standards for the lines and designations of construction drawings.
    34. Technology for folding construction drawing sheets.
    35. Technology for binding different volumes.
    36. Techniques for archiving printed and digital materials.
    37. Spatial thinking.
    38. Freehand drawing.
    39. Painting skills. Basics of composition. Application, plastic modelling. Descriptive geometry (orthogonal and perspective view).
    40. Information systems security.
    41. Work with digital project management systems.
    42. Terminology used in the construction legislation of the Republic of Latvia.
    43. Conditions of professional and national standards.
    GENERAL knowledge:
    At the concept level:
    1. Diversity of social relations. Social and political structure of society.
    2. Legal provisions stipulated in the Constitution of the Republic of Latvia in the context of law-governed and civil society.
    3. Organisation of the labour protection system.
    At the comprehension level:
    1. Vocabulary.
    2. Grammar and language functions.
    3. Types of verbal interaction.
    4. Language styles and characteristics of intonation. Diversity of language and communication in different contexts.
    5. Operating principles of computer and office equipment.
    6. Principles of promoting cooperation.
    7. Unifying values of society. Social and political structure of society. Essence, significance, and norms of Labour rights.
    8. Types and explanation of safety signs.
    At the application level:
    1. Official language.
    2. Foreign language(s).
    3. Intercultural interaction.
    4. Mathematical methods and instruments. Mathematical calculations and work with tables.
    5. Organisation of design work. Presentation skills.
    6. Application software corresponding to the work task (text processing, spreadsheets, presentations, databases, web and e-mail browsers). Work with office equipment.
    7. Computer security programs.
    8. Communication skills.
    9. Conflicts and their solutions.
    10. Settling of conflicts.
    11. Basic principles of positive interaction.
    12. Professional ethics.
    13. Critical thinking.
    14. Time planning techniques.
    15. Effective interaction and cooperation techniques.
    16. Business communication process.
    17. Monitoring of work performance.
    18. Self-assessment principles.
    19. Labour protection requirements to be complied with at the workplace.
    20. Application and types of personal and collective protective work equipment.
    21. Control of the technical condition of protective work equipment and safety devices.
    22. Ergonomic work practices and equipment.
    23. Groups of risk factors affecting health, their effect, preventive measures to prevent or reduce risks.
    24. Environmental protection requirements applicable to the relevant sector.
    25. Environmental protection measures, means of their implementation.
    26. Fire and electrical safety requirements to be complied with at the workplace.
    27. Action in the event of different hazards. Provision of first aid to an injured person.
    28. Preventive measures to remedy work environment risk factors.
    29. Requirements for the setup of an ergonomic workplace. Health condition requirements for the performance of specific work duties.
    30. Health promotion measures at the workplace.

  • Skills

    PROFESSIONAL skills:
    1. To gather information about the available materials regarding the object.
    2. To get acquainted with the materials of the object independently.
    3. To develop a list and work plan of the works to be performed.
    4. To develop a scheme of the photo-fixation plan independently.
    5. To prepare work materials.
    6. To print out work materials.
    7. To choose appropriate auxiliaries in good working order to perform work.
    8. To assess working conditions and risks during the completion of a work task.
    9. To choose technical equipment and a photo-fixation method.
    10. To perform photo-fixation independently, in accordance with the drafted plan.
    11. To measure the main elements of the construction object.
    12. To thoroughly record the measurements in work materials.
    13. To distinguish between the materials of building structures.
    14. To document the materials of building structures.
    15. To review the data recorded at the object.
    16. To structure the data for further work.
    17. To archive the data of the object.
    18. To use the available materials.
    19. To use the available technologies.
    20. To prepare the overlays of the object for layout design in the chosen scale.
    21. To convert the prepared overlays of the object (prepared digitally or on paper) depending on the chosen type of layout design.
    22. To choose the most appropriate material.
    23. To determine the amount of the necessary materials.
    24. To check the working order of the instruments and machinery intended for layout design.
    25. To ensure the storage and utilisation of the materials intended for layout design.
    26. To be aware of the risks during the completion of work tasks.
    27. To cut the prepared materials.
    28. To adhere the elements of the layout.
    29. To create the base of the layout and the object.
    30. To choose the place and way of storage to exclude mechanic damages.
    31. To place the layout in the designated storage place.
    32. To read the drawing and the project documentation.
    33. To analyse the available project documentation.
    34. To scan materials in paper format.
    35. To process the scanned information.
    36. To interpret the construction plan materials in drawing programs.
    37. To collect the available data and measurements.
    38. To use parametric design programs.
    39. To use spatial modelling programs.
    40. To create a detailed representation of the parts and architectural elements of buildings.
    41. To develop a detailed representation of architectural solutions.
    42. To use data exchange formats of different types of application software.
    43. To perform the input/ output (import and export) of data exchange formats in different types of application software.
    44. To use architectural assembly drawings.
    45. To develop templates of architectural assembly drawings based on a 3D parametric model.
    46. To design architectural assembly drawings.
    47. To use drawing standards.
    48. To design the sheets of the drawing compositionally.
    49. To represent the necessary set of graphic and descriptive information on the construction object in the drawing.
    50. To distinguish between different groups of construction elements.
    51. To develop specifications of architectural solutions.
    52. To calculate the quantitative characteristics of elements.
    53. To develop drawings of parts.
    54. To control the compliance of the developed specifications with the necessary amount and level of detail.
    55. To represent the committed changes in the model and drawings.
    56. To recognise the committed changes in the model and drawings.
    57. To graphically represent the views, cross-sections/ sections, overlays, and structural elements corresponding to the construction drawing.
    58. To use gradations of lines.
    59. To use scales adopted at the stage of construction design.
    60. To graphically represent the gradation of lines corresponding to the scale.
    61. To design inscriptions graphically, in a correct and clear manner, as well as include in them all specified information on the specific construction drawing.
    62. To have thorough knowledge of standards for the design of construction drawings.
    63. To display dimensions, height marks, and designations in the construction drawing.
    64. To display binding elements of parts of buildings in the construction drawing.
    65. To identify the revisions of drawings.
    66. To design the revisions of drawings.
    67. To prepare materials for printing.
    68. To archive the construction plan materials digitally.
    69. To cut the edges of the construction drawing.
    70. To fold construction drawings.
    71. To bind a volume.
    72. To submit the construction plan materials for signing.
    73. To archive the printed construction plan materials.
    74. To archive the construction plan materials digitally.
    75. To explain an idea using a freehand sketch.
    76. To adhere to the scale and proportions.
    77. To develop an idea through several iterations.
    78. To design a sketch compositionally.
    79. To work using different graphic communication techniques.
    80. To be able to keep up with the work performance schedule in the system.
    81. To enter changes and update tasks in the digital system.
    82. To comply with the requirements of construction legislation while completing work tasks.
    83. To apply terminology used in construction legislation while completing work tasks.
    84. To identify the current project stage and the appropriate design approach.
    85. To anticipate the expected work amount at each stage and own role in its implementation.
    GENERAL skills:
    1. To communicate in the official language.
    2. To communicate in two foreign languages both orally and in writing.
    3. To make correlations.
    4. To model the progress of resolving the planned task.
    5. To draft a presentation plan and structure.
    6. To process information purposefully, choosing the most appropriate solution.
    7. To independently find the necessary information in internet resources and data carriers.
    8. To detect a problem in the course of work performance.
    9. To clearly define a question, suggesting the possible options for the solution.
    10. To formulate and ask questions about the examined documentation.
    11. To prepare documents and organise their flow independently, using application programs.
    12. To be aware of own responsibility while completing a joint task.
    13. To cooperate effectively in different environments.
    14. To solve conflict situations.
    15. To think critically and creatively.
    16. To keep up with the work performance schedule.
    17. To inform the work manager about the compliance with the schedule.
    18. To report possible deviations from the schedule.
    19. To choose a method for the accounting of the working hours.
    20. To record the time of commencing and finishing work.
    21. To prepare a summary of the performed work and the execution time during the reporting period.
    22. To perform the obligations of the employee specified in the employment contract and other legislation.
    23. To execute the rights of the employee specified in the employment contract and other legislation.
    24. To use personal and collective protective work equipment and safety devices.
    25. To control the technical condition of personal protective work equipment.
    26. To use ergonomic work practices and the appropriate equipment.
    27. To take into account the information indicated on the safety signs.
    28. To use environmentally friendly technologies.
    29. To keep track of the suitability of the work environment conditions for the task to be completed.
    30. To undertake measures to reduce the consumption of energy and other resources and the amount of waste.
    31. To comply with the general fire safety requirements at different types of objects.
    32. To use machinery and equipment which is intended for work and conforms to electrical safety requirements.
    33. To evaluate the emergency.
    34. To take actions in accordance with fire and electrical safety and civil protection regulations.
    35. To provide first aid.
    36. To evaluate the relation between mental overload and physical and psychological health.
    37. To control own health condition and the impact of work environment risk factors on health.
    38. To be aware of the risks during the completion of work tasks.
    39. To assess the impact of work environment risk factors on health.

  • Competences/ autonomy

    PROFESSIONAL competences:
    1. Ability to independently evaluate the raw materials necessary to perform specific work.
    2. Ability to independently prepare a work plan to ascertain the current situation at the object, using the available materials on the object.
    3. Ability to independently evaluate the auxiliaries necessary to perform work and independently assess occupational risks.
    4. Ability to independently perform photo-fixation works at the object in accordance with the photo-fixation plan.
    5. Ability to thoroughly and independently record measurements at the object in accordance with the work plan.
    6. Ability to thoroughly and independently structure and archive the photo-fixation, surveying, and output data of the object.
    7. Ability to develop a layout design concept.
    8. Ability to collect and prepare output data of the object.
    9. Ability to rationally prepare the set of the necessary materials.
    10. Ability to organise the workplace and work environment, being aware of the working conditions and occupational risks.
    11. Ability to develop a layout in accordance with the project intent.
    12. Ability to assess and ensure layout storage conditions.
    13. Ability to find out, identify and, if necessary, clarify the design task.
    14. Ability to digitalise construction plan materials, documents, and drawings.
    15. Ability to develop a 3D parametric model of the construction object in high level of detail, under the supervision of an architect, using parametric design and spatial modelling programs.
    16. Ability to modify previously developed 3D models in high level of detail, under the supervision of an architect.
    17. Ability to independently work with data exchange formats of different types of application software.
    18. Ability to independently acquire templates of architectural assembly drawings from a 3D parametric model.
    19. Ability to prepare architectural assembly drawings.
    20. Ability to independently develop detailed drawings of construction elements and their connections.
    21. Ability to independently comprehend and make changes to construction drawings and comprehend the effect of changes on other elements of the structure.
    22. Ability to independently choose the representation of the construction drawing in compliance with drawing standards.
    23. Ability to independently design construction drawings of the respective scale in a visually clear manner, in compliance with drawing standards.
    24. Ability to design construction drawings with inscriptions and dimensions accurately, in compliance with drawing standards.
    25. Ability to independently and accurately execute the revisions of drawings.
    26. Ability to independently print out construction plan materials in the appropriate scale and format.
    27. Ability to thoroughly and accurately complete a volume of construction plan materials.
    28. Ability to archive construction plan materials independently.
    29. Ability to represent an idea graphically, creatively using freehand and other graphic communication techniques.
    30. Ability to apply digital management systems in practice.
    31. Ability to comply with the requirements of construction legislation while completing work tasks.
    32. Ability to identify and separate different construction design stages.
    GENERAL competences:
    1. Ability to communicate in the official language both orally and in writing.
    2. Ability to communicate in two foreign languages.
    3. Ability to apply mathematical thinking while modelling work situations and planning the performance of a work task.
    4. Ability to prepare a presentation and clearly provide information about the course of work and achievement of the aims and objectives.
    5. Ability to detect problems in the course of work performance, identify the possible solutions, and define questions for colleagues or the work manager.
    6. Ability to cooperate in a team effectively, following the basic principles of professional ethics and positive interaction.
    7. Ability to plan own working hours and the pace of work, providing information about the deviations from the work performance schedule.
    8. Ability to accurately record and account for the work performed during the reporting period.
    9. Ability to establish and respect employment legal relationship.
    10. Ability to regularly and responsibly comply with labour protection requirements while carrying out work duties.
    11. Ability to complete work tasks in compliance with environmental protection, fire and electrical safety requirements.
    12. Ability to act in extreme situations responsibly and provide first aid.
    13. Ability to assume responsibility for own working abilities by assessing health risk factors.
    14. Ability to determine the detrimental effect of work environment conditions on health.

Qualification acquisition requirements

Previous education
Certificate of general basic education
Ways to acquire 
Qualifications can be acquired in the framework of education programs or in the evaluation and recognition of non-formal knowledge, skills and competences acquired (in vocational education LKI Levels 2-4).
Formal (through education programmes)
ECTS credit points 
Snice 11.10.2022 60 credit points correspond to the study results acquired in full-time studies in one academic year in accordance with the European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS).Since 11.10.2022

Till 11.10.2022 1 Latvian credit point corresponds to 1,5 ECTS credit point.
Duration of study 
Duration of qualification in full-time studies
4 years

Qualification document

Awarding body


- Riga Building College

Vocational basic and secondary education institution

- Vocational Education Competence Centre “Liepaja Secondary School of Music, Art and Design”

- Vidzeme Technology and Design Technical School

Liquidated/Reorganised/Changed title and\or type:

- Liepaja Secondary School of Design and Art

- Liepaja Secondary School of Music, Art and Design

Type of awarding bodies:

- Latgales Industriālais tehnikums

- Mākslu izglītības kompetences centrs "Liepājas Mūzikas, mākslas un dizaina vidusskola"


Qualifications Framework level

EQF level

European Qualifications Framework (EQF) has 8 levels (1 – the lowest, 8 – the highest).

Levels reflect the complexity level of acquired knowledge, skills and competences (learning outcomes).

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LQF level

Latvian Qualifications Framework (LQF) has 8 levels (1 – the lowest, 8 – the highest).

Levels reflect the complexity level of acquired knowledge, skills and competences (learning outcomes).

LQF covers stages of education starting from the basic education (level 1 – special basic education) to the highest education (level 8 – doctoral studies).

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Level of professional qualification

Till 1 august 2022 in Latvia had a system of five professional qualifications levels (PQL, 1 – the lowest, 5 – the highest).

PQL system covers only professional qualifications (basic education, secondary and higher education stages).

PQL reflects readiness of a person to perform work of certain stage of complexity and responsibility.

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LQF PQ level:

Kas ir LKI?2

Theoretical and practical training corresponding to the LQF levels, characterized by the learning outcomes that can be achieved at the relevant level, which gives the opportunity to perform work corresponding to a certain level of complexity and responsibility.


Qualification field, stage and type

Thematic field (ISCED 2013)
International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED) developed by UNESCO.

Architecture and construction (073)

Detailed field: (ISCED 2013)

Architecture and town planning (0731)

Stages of Latvian education system included in the LQF:
- basic education
- secondary education
- higher education

Secondary education

Qualification type
ITypes of Latvian education:
-General education
-Professional education
-Academic education


Full or partial

Full qualification

Sector Qualifications Structure: Construction sector

Kvalifikācijas tips:
Base qualification:
Connected to: Architect (RTU)

Link to the descriptions of the Sector Qualifications Structure levels

Other information

National Education Information System

National Database of Education Opportunities

Active qualification

Last changes: 05.02.2025

Posted: 07.05.2016