New occupational standard was developed for this qualification in 2018.
– Able to perform intellectual operations at the level of knowledge, understanding and use.
– Uses in-depth knowledge with corresponding theoretical justification in narrow areas of activity.
– Independently interprets available information.
– Performs complex (complicated) activities – mainly in predictable situations.
– Has general knowledge corresponding to professional qualification.
– Has wide-ranging skills and skills essential for the profession coressponding to the professional qualification.
– Able to perform the work of executor independently and achieve results in a limited period of time.
– Knows and is able to apply appropriate technologies.
– Able to apply information acquisition and processing technologies.
– Latvian and foreign language(-s) proficiency improved.
– Is conscious of links between historical developments of their county, Latvia, Europe and world.
– Able to apply mathematical knowledge and skills.
– Able to evaluate the processes occurring in nature and society.
– Observes the environmental protection requirements in professional activity.
– Able to find their place in the economic structures of society and is able to operate therein.
– Understands the relationship between employer and employee and knows the relevant legislation.
– Has a conception of the principles of the mobility of the labour force of the Member states of the European Union.
– Evaluate their abilities adequately.
– Plans activity in compliance with circumstances, possibilities and their abilities.
– Performs a specific task in a limited time.
– Able to make a decision – mainly in familiar circumstances.
– Able to assume responsibility for the quality and quantity of the result of professional activity.
– Is systematic and rational when working.
– Is careful and accurate.