Qualifications Framework level

EQF level

European Qualifications Framework (EQF) has 8 levels (1 – the lowest, 8 – the highest).

Levels reflect the complexity level of acquired knowledge, skills and competences (learning outcomes).

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LQF level

Latvian Qualifications Framework (LQF) has 8 levels (1 – the lowest, 8 – the highest).

Levels reflect the complexity level of acquired knowledge, skills and competences (learning outcomes).

LQF covers stages of education starting from the basic education (level 1 – special basic education) to the highest education (level 8 – doctoral studies).

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Level of professional qualification
Till 1 august 2022 in Latvia had a system of five professional qualifications levels (PQL, 1 – the lowest, 5 – the highest).

PQL system covers only professional qualifications (basic education, secondary and higher education stages).

PQL reflects readiness of a person to perform work of certain stage of complexity and responsibility.


Learning outcomes

Learning outcomes are knowledge, skills and competences acquired during a certain period of learning.

In Latvia, learning outcomes are stipulated by state education standards and occupational standards (for the professional qualifications).

Learning outcomes of higher education are defined by higher education institutions.

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Graduates of the study program are able to create architectural designs that meet both aesthetic and technical requirements;   
– they have adequate knowledge of the history and theory of architecture and the related arts, technologies and humanities;   
– have knowledge of fine arts as an influence on the quality of architectural design;   
– have adequate knowledge of urban design, planning and the skills involved in the planning process;   
– have understanding of the relationship between people and buildings, and between buildings and environment, and of the need to relate buildings and the spaces between them to human needs and the choice of adequate scale;   
– have understanding of the profession of architect and the role of the architect in society, in particular the social factors;   
– have understanding of the methods of investigation and preparation of the brief for a design project;   • have understanding of the structural design, constructional and engineering problems associated with building design;   
– have adequate knowledge of physical problems and technologies and of the function of buildings so as to provide them with comfortable internal conditions and protection against the climate;   
– have the necessary design skills to meet requirements of building contracting authority within the constraints imposed by cost factors and building regulations;   
– have adequate knowledge of the industries, organizations, regulations and procedures involved in implementation of design concepts into buildings and integrating plans into overall planning.    



  • Knowledge

    1. The KNOWLEDGE at the level of notion:
    1.1. basics of general chemistry and physics;
    1.2. general world history in the context of history of art and architecture.
    2. The KNOWLEDGE at the level of understanding:
    2.1. mathematics;
    2.2. sociology;
    2.3. basics of law;
    2.4. civil protection;
    2.5. labour protection;
    2.6. legal employment relationship;
    2.7. history of art;
    2.8. painting and fine arts;
    2.9. engineering equipment of buildings;
    2.10. heating, ventilation and air climatization;
    2.11. electrical equipment and appliances of buildings;
    2.12. construction technology;
    2.13. construction planning and organization.
    3. The KNOWLEDGE at the level of use:
    3.1. descriptive geometry and graphical representation of the subject environment;
    3.2. structural analysis;
    3.3. construction economics, management and professional ethics;
    3.4. architectural design and spatial planning;
    3.5. regional planning and urban development, regional landscape architecture;
    3.6. interior development and design;
    3.7. computer science in architectural design;
    3.8. cultural monument protection and restoration;
    3.9. history of architecture, modern architecture and Latvian architecture;
    3.10. drawing;
    3.11. parts of buildings;
    3.12. building typology;
    3.13. building materials, building structures and building acoustics;
    3.14. building standards;
    3.15. geodesy;
    3.16. environmental protection;
    3.17. human and environmental ecology;
    3.18. official language;
    3.19. two foreign languages at the communication level.
    3.20. professional terminology in the official language and two foreign languages.

  • Skills

    1. To be aware of the current events pf the industry and know the industry-related laws and regulations of the Republic of Latvia and European Union.
    2. To understand interconnections of physical, social, economical, technical, political, cultural and ecological characteristics of the environment and general regularities of sustainable development of the environment.
    3. To perceive and understand the aesthetic quality and value of the environment.
    4. To develop designs, models, drawings and specifications and prepare the design documentation in accordance with the requirements of record-keeping, as well as architectural, planning and construction laws and regulations.
    5. To ensure project management and contract execution.
    6. To carry out construction supervision.
    7. To prepare design presentation materials.
    8. To have good knowledge of the basic principles of theoretical and scientific research methodology.
    9. To observe labour protection, fire safety and environmental protection requirements.
    10. To creatively collaborate with other companies, customers, experts and other parties.
    11. To carry out one’s work responsibly and independently.
    12. To substantiate one’s opinion orally and in writing.
    13. To be able to self-educate.
    14. To use professional terminology of architecture and urban planning in the official language and two foreign languages.
    15. To have a good command of the official language.
    16. To have a good command of two foreign languages at the communication level.

  • Competences/ autonomy

    1. Ability to responsibly and independently perform the duties of an architect and draw up documents in accordance with the requirements of record-keeping and construction, as well as urban planning and spatial planning laws and regulations and the EU law.
    2. Ability to provide professional services related to the area development in the context of urban planning, designing of populated areas and landscapes, designing of buildings and groups of buildings, construction and building extension, conservation, restoration and reconstruction.
    3. Ability to carry out initial surveying necessary for designing activities, develop designs, models, drawings and specifications and prepare technical documentation, as well as harmonise technical documentation with the relevant institutions.
    4. Ability to plan, organize and manage architectural design and planning work execution processes and work of the involved experts.
    5. Ability to use specialized software for architectural design and planning.
    6. Ability to apply the laws and regulations governing the field of activity.
    7. Ability to prepare the design documentation in the official language and two foreign languages.
    8. Ability to communicate in the official language and two foreign languages.
    9. Ability to carry out research in the field of architecture and urban planning.

Qualification acquisition requirements

Previous education
Higher education qualification of LQF level 6 (bachelor, professional bachelor or professional higher education qualification) in the same or compatible branch of science or professional field of higher education, as well as a certain professional experience laid down by higher education institution
Ways to acquire 
Qualifications can be acquired in the framework of education programs or in the evaluation and recognition of non-formal knowledge, skills and competences acquired (in vocational education LKI Levels 2-4).
Formal (through education programmes)
ECTS credit points 
Snice 11.10.2022 60 credit points correspond to the study results acquired in full-time studies in one academic year in accordance with the European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS).Since 11.10.2022

Till 11.10.2022 1 Latvian credit point corresponds to 1,5 ECTS credit point.
Duration of study 
Duration of qualification in full-time studies
1-2 years

Qualification document

Qualifications Framework level

EQF level

European Qualifications Framework (EQF) has 8 levels (1 – the lowest, 8 – the highest).

Levels reflect the complexity level of acquired knowledge, skills and competences (learning outcomes).

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LQF level

Latvian Qualifications Framework (LQF) has 8 levels (1 – the lowest, 8 – the highest).

Levels reflect the complexity level of acquired knowledge, skills and competences (learning outcomes).

LQF covers stages of education starting from the basic education (level 1 – special basic education) to the highest education (level 8 – doctoral studies).

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Level of professional qualification

Till 1 august 2022 in Latvia had a system of five professional qualifications levels (PQL, 1 – the lowest, 5 – the highest).

PQL system covers only professional qualifications (basic education, secondary and higher education stages).

PQL reflects readiness of a person to perform work of certain stage of complexity and responsibility.

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Qualification field, stage and type

Thematic field (ISCED 2013)
International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED) developed by UNESCO.

Architecture and construction (073)

Detailed field: (ISCED 2013)

Architecture and town planning (0731)

Stages of Latvian education system included in the LQF:
- basic education
- secondary education
- higher education

Higher education

Qualification type
ITypes of Latvian education:
-General education
-Professional education
-Academic education


Full or partial

Full qualification

Sector Qualifications Structure: Construction sector

Kvalifikācijas tips:

Link to the descriptions of the Sector Qualifications Structure levels

Other information

National Education Information System

National Database of Education Opportunities

Historical qualification

Period for issuing qualification: 2013-2022

Last changes: 08.02.2023

Posted: 07.05.2016